tfconvert converts a single element, all elements in one file or all elements of a group from one file format into an other file format of the AstroROOT container - software system. Input parameters: file: The input filename (should have extension .fits, .root or .asro) name: The element name which should be converted. All elements in the input file are converted if this field is empty cycle: several elements with the same name may exist in the input file. cycle defines the index of the converted element. The first element has index 1. if cycle = 0 the first element in the file will be converted group: if checked all children of a group are converted. If not checked only the group without children is converted. The converted children are placed in the file with the same filename as their original elements but with the new extension. Output parameters: sameDir: the output files are placed into the same directory if this button is checked. outDir: this field is enabled if the samDir - checkBox is not set. This is the output directory of the first converted file. If a group is converted the program created the same directory structure for the output files as the directory structure of the input files. outFileType: This defines the file format of the output files. It can be fits, asro or root compLevel: The compression level for the output files. This is not used if outFileType == fits. logLevel: 0: no log messages 1: every converted group is logged 2: every converted element is logged 3: every converted group and every element is logged the log message are written to standard output. Error Messages: error during reading parameters (-3003) This message shows that the program cannot read its parameter file tfconvert.par. Properly the environment variable PFILES is not set. PFILES should define the path where this parameter file is stored. During installation of the AstroROOT package this parameter file is copied to ${ISDC_ENV}/pfiles. See also in the installation guide at point 3 for an example to set this environment variable.