tree2tf converts ROOT TTrees into TFTables, which can be saved as FITS tables or as TFTables in a ROOT file or an ASRO file. Either all TTrees in a ROOT file or a single ROOT TTree can be read and converted. The output format depends on the extension of the output filename: *.fits : FITS table *.root : TFTable in a ROOT file *.asro : TFTable in a ASRO file Program parameters: inFile input file name. It has to be a ROOT file all_data if set to "yes" all TTrees in the input File are read and converted. if set to "no" only one TTree depending on the next parameter is read and converted. tree_name This parameter must be defined if all_data is set to no, but has no meaning if all_data is set to yes. It defines the name of the TTree that should be converted. outFile output file name. The extension of the filename defines the format of the saved data (see above). The file may already exist. The new data will be added to the file. Already existing data in the file are not deleted. The file will be created if it does not exist already. Error Messages: error during reading parameters (-3003) This message shows that the program cannot read its parameter file tf2tree.par. Properly the environment variable PFILES is not set. PFILES should define the path where this parameter file is stored. During installation of the AstroROOT package this parameter file is copied to ${ISDC_ENV}/pfiles. See also in the installation guide at point 3 for an example to set this environment variable.