// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  File:      TFAsroFile.cpp
//  Version:   1.0
//  Author:    Reiner Rohlfs (GADC)
//  History:   1.0   14.07.03  first released version
//             1.2   31.01.08  change TBuffer toTBufferFile
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "TClass.h"

#include <TBufferFile.h>
#define MyBuffer TBufferFile
#include <TBuffer.h>
#define MyBuffer TBuffer

#ifdef R__BYTESWAP
#include "Bswapcpy.h"

#include "TFAsroFile.h"

#define MAX_UNIQUE_NAMES    0xffffffffu

extern "C" void R__zip (Int_t cxlevel, Int_t *nin, char *bufin, Int_t *lout, char *bufout, Int_t *nout);
extern "C" void R__unzip(Int_t *nin, UChar_t *bufin, Int_t *lout, char *bufout, Int_t *nout);
const Int_t MAX_CUT_LENGTH = 0xffffff;

static Bool_t Compress(int compLevel, char * in, int inLength, char * out,  
                       UInt_t * outLength);
static Bool_t Uncompress(UChar_t * in, char * out, UInt_t outLength);


// TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue and TFAsroFile are internal classes. 
// Theys should not be used directly by an applications or in an 
// interactive session!

// There is one TFAsroFile object created per open ASRO file, even if more
// than one container of the file is opened. 
// There is one map-pair <TFAsroKez, TFAsroValue> per element in the file.
// An element can be for example one image, one table (without columns) or 
// one column.
// The component names and the class names are stored in the fNames and
// fClassNames, repectively. The index in these vectores are stored int
// TFAsroKey and TFAsroValue, respectively.
// Therefore it is important: Never delete a name in fClassNames and fNames!
// even if the component is deleted in the file. 

TFAsroKey::TFAsroKey(const TFAsroKey & key)
   fElName  =  key.fElName;
   fSubName =  key.fSubName;
   fCycle   =  key.fCycle;
TFAsroKey & TFAsroKey::operator = (const TFAsroKey & key)
   if (this != &key)
      fElName  = key.fElName;
      fSubName = key.fSubName;
      fCycle   = key.fCycle;
   return *this;
bool TFAsroKey::operator < (const TFAsroKey & key) const
// This is used to sort the TFAsroKeys in the fEntries - map.
// The first key is the element name, than the cycle number,
// and than the subName (== column name). This priority of keys 
// must not be changed!

   if (fElName != key.fElName)
      return fElName < key.fElName;

   if (fCycle != key.fCycle)
      return fCycle < key.fCycle;

   return fSubName < key.fSubName;
   fPos        = 0;
   fFileLength = 0;
   fDataLength = 0;
   fClassName  = 0;
TFAsroValue::TFAsroValue(const TFAsroValue & value)
   fPos        = value.fPos;
   fFileLength = value.fFileLength;
   fDataLength = value.fDataLength;
   fClassName  = value.fClassName;
TFAsroValue & TFAsroValue::operator = (const TFAsroValue & value)
   if (this != &value)
      fPos        = value.fPos;
      fFileLength = value.fFileLength;
      fDataLength = value.fDataLength;
      fClassName  = value.fClassName;
   return *this;
Bool_t TFAsroColIter::Next()
   if (mi_entry == mi_end)
      return kFALSE;

   m_colName = mi_entry->first.GetSubName();
   m_classNameIndex = mi_entry->second.GetClassName();
   return kTRUE;
Bool_t TFAsroElementIter::Next()
   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry;
   i_entry = fEntries->lower_bound(fKey);
   if (i_entry == fEntries->end())
      return kFALSE;
   fKey = i_entry->first;
   return kTRUE;
   fDes[0] = fDes[1] = fDes[2] = 0;
   fFreeReserve = 0;
   fFree        = NULL;
   fFile        = -1;
TFAsroFile::TFAsroFile(const char * fileName, Bool_t * readOnly)
//  Opens or creates an ASRO file.
//  First it tries to open read and write. If this is not possible 
//  and readOnly is set to kTRUE it tries to open also as readOnly.
//  In any case readOnly is set to kFALSE if it was possible to
//  open as readOnly, independent of the input value of readOnly.
//  readOnly is unchanged (stay as kTRUE) if the file is opened as
//  read only. If the file could not opened at all (either system 
//  error or it is read only, but it should be opened as read write)
//  readOnly is not modified.
//  If anything went wrong the file descriptor fFile is set to a value
//  less than 0. If fFile >= 0 the calling function can assume that
//  the file is succesfully open and can be used.

   bool ok = true; // will be set to false if anything goes wrong

   fFree = NULL;

   fFile = open(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 
                S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);

   if (fFile < 0)
      if (*readOnly) 
         // try to open as read only
         fFile = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);
         if (fFile < 0)
      *readOnly = kFALSE;      

   struct stat buf;
   fstat(fFile, &buf);
   if (buf.st_size > 0)
      // the file exist already
      char id[8] = "";
      ok &= read(fFile, id, 8) == 8;
      if (!ok || strncmp(id, "ASRO0001", 8) != 0)
         // it is not an ASRO - file
         fFile = -2;

#ifdef R__BYTESWAP
      UInt_t des[4];
      ok &= read(fFile, des, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      bswapcpy32(fDes, des, 4);
      ok &= read(fFile, fDes, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);

      // read and create the descriptor
      lseek(fFile, fDes[0], SEEK_SET);
      if (fDes[1] > 0)
         MyBuffer buffer(TBuffer::kRead, fDes[1]);
         ok &= read(fFile, buffer.Buffer(), fDes[1]) == fDes[1];

      // read the free mem info
      fFreeReserve = fDes[2];
      fFree = new UInt_t[fFreeReserve / sizeof(UInt_t)];
#ifdef R__BYTESWAP
      UInt_t * freeSwap = new UInt_t[fFreeReserve / sizeof(UInt_t)];
      ok &= read(fFile, freeSwap, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];
      bswapcpy32(fFree, freeSwap, fFreeReserve / sizeof(UInt_t));
      delete freeSwap;
      ok &= read(fFile, fFree, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];
      // we create a new ASRO - file
      ok &= write(fFile, "ASRO0001", 8) == 8;
      fDes[0] = 8 + 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fDes[1] = 0;
      fDes[2] = 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fDes[3] = 0;

      fFreeReserve = fDes[2];
      fFree = new UInt_t[fFreeReserve / sizeof(UInt_t)];
      fFree[0] = 8 + 6 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fFree[1] = 0xFFFFFFFFU - (8 + 6 * sizeof(UInt_t));

#ifdef R__BYTESWAP
      UInt_t desSwap[4];
      UInt_t freeSwap[2];
      bswapcpy32(desSwap, fDes, 4);
      bswapcpy32(freeSwap, fFree, 2);
      ok &= write(fFile, desSwap, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      ok &= write(fFile, freeSwap, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];
      ok &= write(fFile, fDes, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      ok &= write(fFile, fFree, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];

   if (ok)
      fFileName = fileName;
      fFile = -3;
   if (fFile >= 0)

   delete [] fFree;
TObject * TFAsroFile::Read(const char * name, const char * subName, Int_t cycle)
// Returns the requested object, read from the file. 
// If the retunr value is not NULL the calling function can assume that 
// everything is OK.

   if (fFile < 0)
      return NULL;

   // find the nameIndex in names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   if (numNames == 0)
      return NULL;

   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)
   if (nameIndex == numNames)
      return NULL;

   return Read( TFAsroKey(nameIndex, subName, cycle) );

TObject * TFAsroFile::Read(const TFAsroKey & key)
// Returns the requested object, read from the file. 
// If the retunr value is not NULL the calling function can assume that 
// everything is OK.

   if (fFile < 0)
      return NULL;

   // look for the key in this file
   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry;
   i_entry = fEntries.find(key);
   if (i_entry == fEntries.end())
      // this key does not exist in the file
      return NULL;

   // read the buffer 
   bool ok;
   lseek(fFile, i_entry->second.GetPos(), SEEK_SET);
   MyBuffer buffer(TBuffer::kRead, i_entry->second.GetDataLength());
   if (i_entry->second.GetDataLength() == i_entry->second.GetFileLength())
      ok = read(fFile, buffer.Buffer(), i_entry->second.GetDataLength()) ==
      UChar_t * fileBuffer = new UChar_t[i_entry->second.GetFileLength()];
      ok = read(fFile, fileBuffer, i_entry->second.GetFileLength()) ==
      Uncompress(fileBuffer, buffer.Buffer(), i_entry->second.GetDataLength());
      delete [] fileBuffer;

   if (!ok)
      return NULL;

   // create a new object and stream it
   TClass cl(fClassNames[i_entry->second.GetClassName()].Data());
   TObject * obj = (TObject*)cl.New();

   if (obj)

   return obj;

bool TFAsroFile::InitWrite()
   if (fFile < 0)    return false;

   // free space for old description
   MakeFree(fDes[0], fDes[1] + fDes[2] + fDes[3]);
   // write 0 to first byte
   lseek(fFile, 8, SEEK_SET);
   UInt_t zero = 0;
   return write(fFile, &zero, sizeof(UInt_t)) == sizeof(UInt_t);

bool TFAsroFile::Write(TObject * obj, int compLevel, 
                       const char * name, const char * subName, Int_t cycle)
   if (fFile < 0)   return false;

   // find the nameIndex in names or add it to names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)
   if (nameIndex == numNames)

   TFAsroKey key(nameIndex, subName, cycle);

   // find obj in descriptor 
   TFAsroValue & asroValue = fEntries[key];

   // free space for object to be deleted
   if (asroValue.GetPos() > 0)
      MakeFree(asroValue.GetPos(), asroValue.GetFileLength());

   // write obj into a buffer
   MyBuffer buffer(TBuffer::kWrite);
   char * dataBuffer;
   if (compLevel <= 0 || buffer.Length() < 256)
      dataBuffer = buffer.Buffer();
      UInt_t fileLength;
      dataBuffer = new char[buffer.Length()];
      if (Compress(compLevel, buffer.Buffer(), buffer.Length(), 
                          dataBuffer, &fileLength))
         // there is a compression error: do not compress
         delete [] dataBuffer;
         dataBuffer = buffer.Buffer();

   fDes[3] = 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);

   // find the classNameIndex in ClassNames or add it to names
   UInt_t classNameIndex;
   int numClassNames = fClassNames.size();
   const char * className = obj->IsA()->GetName();

   for (classNameIndex = 0; classNameIndex < numClassNames; classNameIndex++)
      if (fClassNames[classNameIndex] == className)
   if (classNameIndex == numClassNames)

   // find position in file for obj and store the className

   // save new obj to file
   lseek(fFile, asroValue.GetPos(), SEEK_SET);
   bool ok = write(fFile, dataBuffer, asroValue.GetFileLength()) ==
   if (dataBuffer != buffer.Buffer())
      delete [] dataBuffer;

   return ok;
bool TFAsroFile::FinishWrite()
   if (fFile < 0)    return false;

   bool ok = true;

   // create and fill buffer for the descriptor
   MyBuffer desBuffer(TBuffer::kWrite);
   fDes[1] = desBuffer.Length();

   fDes[3] = 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
   // get new position for descriptor
   fDes[0] = GetFree(fDes[1] + fDes[2] + fDes[3]);

   // save descriptor to file
   lseek(fFile, fDes[0], SEEK_SET);
   ok &= write(fFile, desBuffer.Buffer(), fDes[1]) == fDes[1];
#ifdef R__BYTESWAP
   // save free space to file
   UInt_t * freeSwap = new UInt_t[fDes[2] / sizeof(UInt_t)];
   bswapcpy32(freeSwap, fFree, fDes[2] / sizeof(UInt_t));
   ok &= write(fFile, freeSwap, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];
   delete [] freeSwap;

   // save first bytes to file
   UInt_t desSwap[4];
   bswapcpy32(desSwap, fDes, 4);
   lseek(fFile, 8, SEEK_SET);
   ok &= write(fFile, desSwap, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);
   // save free space to file
   ok &= write(fFile, fFree, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];

   // save first bytes to file
   lseek(fFile, 8, SEEK_SET);
   ok &= write(fFile, fDes, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);

   return ok;
bool TFAsroFile::Delete(const char * name, const char * subName, Int_t cycle)

   if (fFile < 0)
      return false;
   // find the nameIndex in names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   if (numNames == 0)
      return false;

   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)
   if (nameIndex == numNames)
      return false;

   TFAsroKey key(nameIndex, subName, cycle);

   // find entry in descriptor
   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry;
   i_entry = fEntries.find(key);
   if (i_entry == fEntries.end())
      return false;

   // free space for old description
   MakeFree(fDes[0], fDes[1] + fDes[2] + fDes[3]);

   // free space for object to be deleted
   MakeFree(i_entry->second.GetPos(), i_entry->second.GetFileLength());

   // delete entry in descriptor

   if (subName[0] == 0)
      // delete also all columns of this table
      std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_begin = 
            fEntries.upper_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", cycle));
      std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_end =
            fEntries.lower_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", cycle + 1));
      std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_col = i_begin;

      // free space for all columns
      while (i_col != i_end)
         MakeFree(i_col->second.GetPos(), i_col->second.GetFileLength());

      // delete the columns in the descriptor
      fEntries.erase(i_begin, i_end);

   bool ok = true;

   // create and fill buffer
   MyBuffer buffer(TBuffer::kWrite);
   fDes[1] = buffer.Length();
   // get new position for descriptor
   fDes[3] = 2 * 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
   fDes[0] = GetFree(fDes[1] + fDes[2] + fDes[3]);

   // save descriptor to file
   lseek(fFile, fDes[0], SEEK_SET);
   ok &= write(fFile, buffer.Buffer(), fDes[1]) == fDes[1];
#ifdef R__BYTESWAP
   // save free space to file
   UInt_t * freeSwap = new UInt_t[fDes[2] / sizeof(UInt_t)];
   bswapcpy32(freeSwap, fFree, fDes[2] / sizeof(UInt_t));
   ok &= write(fFile, freeSwap, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];
   delete [] freeSwap;

   // save first bytes to file
   UInt_t desSwap[4];
   bswapcpy32(desSwap, fDes, 4);
   lseek(fFile, 8, SEEK_SET);
   ok &= write(fFile, desSwap, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);
   // save free space to file
   ok &= write(fFile, fFree, fDes[2]) == fDes[2];

   // save first bytes to file
   lseek(fFile, 8, SEEK_SET);
   ok &= write(fFile, fDes, 4 * sizeof(UInt_t)) == 4 * sizeof(UInt_t);

   return ok;
UInt_t TFAsroFile::GetFree(UInt_t size)
   UInt_t bestFit = 0;
   UInt_t bestSize = 0xFFFFFFFFU;

   // look for the smallest hole, but at least the size of "size"
   for (UInt_t index = 0; index < fDes[2] / (2 * sizeof(UInt_t)); index++)
      if (size <= fFree[index * 2 + 1] && bestSize > fFree[index * 2 + 1])
         bestFit = index;
         bestSize = fFree[index * 2 + 1];

   UInt_t pos = fFree[bestFit * 2];
   if (size == fFree[bestFit * 2 + 1])
      // the new fits perfect in this free space
      // remove the hole
      memmove(fFree + 2 * bestFit, fFree + 2 * (bestFit + 1),
              fDes[2] - (bestFit + 1) * 2 * sizeof(UInt_t));
      fDes[2] -= 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fDes[3] += 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      // resize the hole
      fFree[bestFit * 2] += size;       // shift the start pos
      fFree[bestFit * 2 + 1] -= size;   // decrease the hole
   return pos;
void TFAsroFile::MakeFree(UInt_t pos, UInt_t size)
   // find first free behind pos
   UInt_t   index = 0;

   while (index < fDes[2] / (2 * sizeof(UInt_t)) &&
          pos > fFree[index * 2])

   if (index == 0)
      // new free space before the first 
      if (pos + size == fFree[0])
         // we can increase the first free space
         fFree[0] = pos;
         fFree[1] += size;
         // insert a new free item at index 0
         if (fDes[2] == fFreeReserve)
            // increase allocated memory for 100 entries
            fFreeReserve += 100 * sizeof(UInt_t);
            UInt_t * tmp = new UInt_t[fFreeReserve / sizeof(UInt_t)];
            memcpy(tmp + 2, fFree, fDes[2]);

            delete [] fFree;
            fFree = tmp;
            // make space for the new entry
            memmove(fFree + 2, fFree, fDes[2]);
         fDes[2] += 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
         fDes[3] -= 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
         fFree[0] = pos;
         fFree[1] = size;

   bool before = fFree[(index - 1) * 2] + fFree[(index - 1) * 2 + 1] == pos;
   bool after  = pos + size == fFree[index * 2] ;

   if (before && !after )
      // there is a free space just before but allocated space after
      // increase the space just before
      fFree[(index - 1) * 2 + 1] += size;

   else if (!before && after)
      // there is a free space just behind but allocated space before
      // increase the space and reset the pos just behind
      fFree[index * 2] -= size;
      fFree[index * 2 + 1] += size;
   else if (before && after )
      // there is a free space just before and just behind
      // increase the space of the one before and remove the one behind
      fFree[(index - 1) * 2 + 1] += size + fFree[index * 2 + 1];
      memmove(fFree + 2 * index, fFree + 2 * (index + 1),
              fDes[2] - (index + 1) * 2 * sizeof(UInt_t));
      fDes[2] -= 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fDes[3] += 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);

   else if (!before && !after)
      // there is no free space just before an no just behind
      // create a new free space
      if (fDes[2] == fFreeReserve)
         // increase allocated memory for 100 entries
         fFreeReserve += 100 * sizeof(UInt_t);
         UInt_t * tmp = new UInt_t[fFreeReserve / sizeof(UInt_t)];
         memcpy(tmp, fFree, index * 2 * sizeof(UInt_t));
         memcpy(tmp + (index + 1) * 2, fFree + index * 2,
                fDes[2] - index * 2 * sizeof(UInt_t) );

         delete [] fFree;
         fFree = tmp;
         // make space for the new entry
         memmove(fFree + 2 * (index + 1), fFree + 2 * index ,
                 fDes[2] - index * 2 * sizeof(UInt_t));
      fDes[2] += 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fDes[3] -= 2 * sizeof(UInt_t);
      fFree[index * 2] = pos;
      fFree[index * 2 + 1] = size;

UInt_t TFAsroFile::GetFreeCycle(const char * name)

   // find the nameIndex in names or add it to names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)
   if (nameIndex == numNames)

   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry;
   i_entry = fEntries.upper_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", 0));

   UInt_t prevCycle = 0;
   while (i_entry != fEntries.end() &&
          nameIndex == i_entry->first.GetElName() )
      if (i_entry->first.GetCycle() - prevCycle > 1)
         return prevCycle + 1;
      prevCycle = i_entry->first.GetCycle();

   return prevCycle < MAX_UNIQUE_NAMES ? prevCycle + 1 : 0;
UInt_t TFAsroFile::GetNumSubs(const char * name, Int_t cycle)

   // find the nameIndex in names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   if (numNames == 0)
      return 0;

   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)
   if (nameIndex == numNames)
      return 0;

   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry;
   i_entry = fEntries.upper_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", cycle));
   UInt_t numSub = 0;
   while (i_entry != fEntries.end() &&
          i_entry->first.GetCycle() == cycle &&
          nameIndex == i_entry->first.GetElName() )

   return numSub;
UInt_t TFAsroFile::GetNextCycle(const char * name, Int_t cycle)
   // find the nameIndex in names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   if (numNames == 0)
      return 1;

   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)
   if (nameIndex == numNames)
      return 1;

   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry;
   i_entry = fEntries.lower_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", cycle + 1));
   if (i_entry == fEntries.end() ||
       nameIndex != i_entry->first.GetElName() )
      return 0;

   return i_entry->first.GetCycle();
TFAsroColIter * TFAsroFile::MakeColIter(const char * name, Int_t cycle)
   // find the nameIndex in names
   UInt_t nameIndex;
   int numNames = fNames.size();
   for (nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < numNames; nameIndex++)
      if (fNames[nameIndex] == name)

   std::map<TFAsroKey, TFAsroValue>::iterator i_entry, i_end;
   i_entry = fEntries.upper_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", cycle));
   i_end   = fEntries.lower_bound(TFAsroKey(nameIndex, "", cycle + 1));
   return new TFAsroColIter(i_entry, i_end, &fClassNames);
static Bool_t Compress(int compLevel, char * in, int inLength, char * out,  
                       UInt_t * outLength)
   *outLength = 0;   
   while (inLength > 0)
      int length;
      if (inLength <= MAX_CUT_LENGTH)
         length = inLength;
      else if (inLength < MAX_CUT_LENGTH * 2)
         length = inLength / 2;
         length = MAX_CUT_LENGTH;                  
      inLength -= length;

      int nout;
      R__zip(compLevel, &length, in, &length, out, &nout);
      if (nout == 0)
         return kFALSE;
      in += length;
      out += nout;
      *outLength += nout;
   return kTRUE;
static Bool_t Uncompress(UChar_t * in, char * out, UInt_t outLength)
   Int_t readTotal = 0;
   while (1)
      Int_t nin  = 9 + ((Int_t)in[3] | ((Int_t)in[4] << 8) | ((Int_t)in[5] << 16));
      Int_t nout = (Int_t)in[6] | ((Int_t)in[7] << 8) | ((Int_t)in[8] << 16);
      Int_t read;
      R__unzip(&nin, in, &nout, out, &read);
      if (read == 0)  return kFALSE;
      readTotal += read;
      if (readTotal >= outLength)  return kTRUE;
      in += nin;
      out += read;


Last update: Fri Mar 14 13:55:06 2008

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