// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  File:      TFFitsIO.cxx
//  Version:   1.1.1
//  Author:    Reiner Rohlfs (GADC)
//  History:   1.0   18.08.03  first released version
//             1.1.1 01.07.04  The ROOT file can be opened in read 
//                             only mode.
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TClass.h"

#include "TFRootIO.h"
#include "TFIOElement.h"
#include "TFTable.h"
#include "TFColumn.h"
#include "TFError.h"

#define MAX_UNIQUE_NAMES    0x7fffffff


std::map<Long_t, TFRootFileItem> TFRootFiles::fFiles;   

static const char * errMsg[] = {
"Cannot create / open the file %s.",
"There are already %d elements with the same name (%s) in the file %s."
   "Cannot write next element in same file.",
"The File %s does not exist (Open error).",
"The IOElement %s does not exist in file %s.",
"Cannot open file %s",
"Tried to close file %s more often than to open it"

// An internal class not designed to be used directly by an application or 
// in an interactive session.

TFile * TFRootFiles::OpenFile(const char * fileName, FMode mode)
   Long_t id;

   if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(fileName, &id, (Long_t*)NULL, NULL, NULL) == 1)
      // file properly does not exist yet
      TFile * file = new TFile(fileName, "NEW");
      gSystem->GetPathInfo(fileName, &id, (Long_t*)NULL, NULL, NULL);
      fFiles[id] = TFRootFileItem(file);
      return file;
      TFRootFileItem & fItem = fFiles[id];
      if (!fItem.fFile)
         fItem.fFile = new TFile(fileName, mode == kFRead ? "READ" : "UPDATE");
      return fItem.fFile;

   return NULL;

void TFRootFiles::CloseFile(TFile * file)
   if (file == NULL)

   for (std::map<Long_t, TFRootFileItem>::iterator i_f = fFiles.begin();
        i_f != fFiles.end(); i_f++)
      if (i_f->second.fFile == file)
         i_f->second.fNumOpen -= 1;
         if (i_f->second.fNumOpen == 0)
            delete i_f->second.fFile;

   // this line should never be reached
   TFError::SetError("TFRootFiles::CloseFile", errMsg[5], file->GetName()); 


static TDirectory * GetFreeDir(TFile * file, const char * name, 
                               Int_t & cycle)
// Creates a new directory in file with name name_cycle
// NULL is returned if already MAX_UNIQUE_NAMES subdirectories for 
// the same name exist in the file 
   char subDir[100];

   TList * keys = file->GetListOfKeys();
   for (cycle = 1; cycle < MAX_UNIQUE_NAMES; cycle++)
      sprintf(subDir, "%s_%d", name, cycle);
      if (keys->FindObject(subDir) == NULL)
         return file->mkdir(subDir);

   return NULL;

static Bool_t DirExist(TFile * file, const char * name, Int_t cycle)
// Checks if the subdirectory name_cycle exist and changes to
// this directory. Returns kFALSE if this failed.
   char subDir[100];
   sprintf(subDir, "%s_%d", name, cycle);

   TList * keys = file->GetListOfKeys();

   TKey * key = (TKey*)keys->FindObject(subDir);
   if (key && strcmp(key->GetClassName(), "TDirectory") == 0  &&
       file->cd(subDir) )
      return kTRUE;

   return kFALSE;

TFIOElement * TFRootIO::TFRead(const char * name, const char * fileName, 
                               FMode mode, TClass * classType,
                               Int_t cycle)
   TFile * file;
   TFIOElement * element;
   EAccessMode accessMode;

   accessMode = mode == kFRead ? kReadPermission : 
                    static_cast<EAccessMode>(kWritePermission | kReadPermission);
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName,  accessMode) )
      TFError::SetError("TFIOElement::RWMode", errMsg[2], fileName); 
      return NULL;

   file = OpenFile(fileName, mode);

   if (file == NULL || !(file->IsOpen()) || file->IsZombie())
      // the file exist, but nevertheless there is an error
      TFError::SetError("TFIOElement::RWMode", errMsg[4], fileName); 
      return NULL;

   TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;

   if (cycle > 0)
      // check if the subdirectory for this element exist
      if (DirExist(file, name, cycle) )
         // we found this element in the file, read it
         element = (TFIOElement*)gDirectory->Get(name);
         if (element && (classType == NULL || element->IsA() == classType))
            // the element in the file is the required class
            element->SetIO(new TFRootIO(element, file, gDirectory, cycle));
            gDirectory = tmpDir;
            return element;
         delete element;
      // look for this element with any cycle number 
      TIter nextKey(file->GetListOfKeys());
      size_t nameLength = strlen(name);
      while (TKey * key = (TKey*)nextKey())
         if (strncmp(name, key->GetName(), nameLength) ||
             *(key->GetName() + nameLength) != '_'     ||
             strcmp(key->GetClassName(), "TDirectory")    )

         if (file->cd(key->GetName()) )
            element = (TFIOElement*)gDirectory->Get(name);
            if (element && (classType == NULL || element->IsA()->InheritsFrom(classType)))
               cycle = atoi(key->GetName() + nameLength + 1);
               element->SetIO(new TFRootIO(element, file, gDirectory, cycle));
               gDirectory = tmpDir;
               return element;
            delete element;

   TFError::SetError("TFIOElement::RWMode", errMsg[3], name, fileName); 

   gDirectory = tmpDir;

   return NULL;

  fFile      = NULL;
  fDir       = NULL;
  fCycle     = 0;
  fCompLevel = 1;

TFRootIO::TFRootIO(TFIOElement * element, TFile * file, TDirectory * dir, Int_t cycle)
   : TFVirtualIO(element)
   fFile      = file;
   fDir       = dir;
   fCycle     = cycle;
   fCompLevel = 1;

TFRootIO::TFRootIO( TFIOElement * element, const char * fileName)
  : TFVirtualIO(element)
   fFile      = NULL;
   fDir       = NULL;
   fCompLevel = 1;
   fCycle     = 1; 

   fFile = OpenFile(fileName, kFReadWrite);

   if (fFile == NULL || !(fFile->IsOpen()) || fFile->IsZombie())
      // cannot create / open  the file
      TFError::SetError("TFIOElement::NewFile", errMsg[0], fileName); 
      fFile = NULL;

   // look for a not used subdirectory
   fDir = GetFreeDir(fFile, fElement->GetName(), fCycle);
   if (fDir == NULL)
      // there is no not used subdirectory
      TFError::SetError("TFIOElement::NewFile", errMsg[1], 
                        MAX_UNIQUE_NAMES, fElement->GetName(), fileName); 
      fFile = NULL;

Int_t TFRootIO::DeleteElement()
   if (!fFile)
      return -1;

   char subDir[100];
   sprintf(subDir, "%s_%d;*", fElement->GetName(), fCycle);

   if (fFile->GetListOfKeys()->GetSize() == 0)
      // there are no more elements in this file. We delete it
      char fileName[512];
      strcpy(fileName, fFile->GetName());


      fFile  = NULL;
      fDir   = NULL;
      fCycle = 0;


   return 0;

Int_t TFRootIO::SaveElement(Int_t compLevel)
   if (!fFile)
      return 0;

   TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;

   if (fDir->cd())
      fFile->SetCompressionLevel(compLevel >= 0 ? compLevel : fCompLevel);
      fElement->Write(fElement->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
   gDirectory = tmpDir;

   return 0;

Int_t TFRootIO::DeleteColumn(const char * name)
   Int_t rc = -1;

   if (fFile && fFile->IsOpen())
      TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;
      if (fDir->cd("columns") &&
          gDirectory->GetListOfKeys()->FindObject(name) )
         char str[100];
         sprintf(str, "%s;*", name);
         rc = 0;
      gDirectory = tmpDir;

   return rc;

UInt_t TFRootIO::GetNumColumns()
   UInt_t num = 0;
   if (fFile)
      TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;
      if (fDir->cd("columns"))
         num = gDirectory->GetListOfKeys()->GetSize();
      gDirectory = tmpDir;

   return num;

TFBaseCol * TFRootIO::ReadCol(const char * name)
   TFBaseCol * col = NULL;

   if (fFile)
      TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;
      if (fDir->cd("columns"))
         col = (TFBaseCol *)gDirectory->Get(name);
      gDirectory = tmpDir;
   return col;

void TFRootIO::ReadAllCol(ColList & columns)
   if (fFile)
      TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;
      if (fDir->cd("columns"))
         TKey * key;
         TIter next(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
         while (key = (TKey *)next())
            if (columns.find(TFColWrapper(*key)) == columns.end())
      gDirectory = tmpDir;

Int_t TFRootIO::SaveColumns(ColList & columns, Int_t compLevel)
   if (!fFile)
      return 0;

   TDirectory * tmpDir = gDirectory;

   if (fDir->cd())
      if (!fDir->cd("columns"))

      // write all columns into the "columns" directory
      for (I_ColList i_c = columns.begin(); i_c != columns.end(); i_c++)
         i_c->GetCol().Write(i_c->GetCol().GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);

   gDirectory = tmpDir;

   return 0;

void TFRootIO::GetColNames(std::map<TString, TNamed> & columns)

TFRootFileIter::TFRootFileIter(const char * fileName, FMode mode)
   : TFVirtualFileIter(fileName)
   fFile      = NULL;
   fKeyIter   = NULL;
   fMode      = mode;

   EAccessMode accessMode;
   accessMode = mode == kFRead ? kReadPermission : 
                    static_cast<EAccessMode>(kWritePermission | kReadPermission);
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName,  accessMode) )
      TFError::SetError("TFRootFileIter::TFRootFileIter", errMsg[2], fileName); 

   fFile = OpenFile(fileName, mode);

   if (fFile == NULL || !(fFile->IsOpen()) || fFile->IsZombie())
      // the file exist, but nevertheless there is an error
      TFError::SetError("TFRootFileIter::TFRootFileIter", errMsg[4], fileName); 
      fFile = NULL;

   fKeyIter = new TIter(fFile->GetListOfKeys());

   delete fKeyIter;

Bool_t TFRootFileIter::Next()
   delete fElement;
   fElement = NULL;

   if (fKeyIter == NULL || fFile == NULL)
      return kFALSE;
   TFIOElement * element;

   while (TKey * key = (TKey*)(*fKeyIter)())
      if (strcmp(key->GetClassName(), "TDirectory"))

      if (fFile->cd(key->GetName()) )
         char name[100];
         strcpy(name, key->GetName());
         char * pos = strrchr(name, '_');
         if (pos)
            *pos = 0;
            element = (TFIOElement*)gDirectory->Get(name);
            if (element)
               // OK, we have the next element
               Int_t cycle = atoi(pos + 1);
               if (cycle > 0)
                  // open the same file again for the new element
                  TFile * fl = OpenFile(fFileName.Data(), fMode);
                  fElement = element;
                  element->SetIO(new TFRootIO(element, fl, gDirectory, cycle));
                  return kTRUE;
               delete element;

   return kFALSE;

void TFRootFileIter::Reset()
   if (fKeyIter)

Last update: Fri Mar 14 13:55:23 2008

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