***************************************************************************** ** ISDC END OF REVOLUTION REPORT (NRT) ** REVOLUTION 1142 - Report of Feb 22, 2012 ***************************************************************************** Perigee Passage at start : 2012-02-19T04:25:44 Perigee Passage at end : 2012-02-22T04:11:18 Radiation Belt exit : 53056 km (ijd 4432.3345) Radiation Belt entrance : 23177 km (ijd 4435.1292) Operations Coordinator : Enrico Bozzo Pipeline Operator : Ph.M. Scientist on Duty : Adam Frankowsky, Antonis Manousakis 1. Planning summary =================== 1.1 General remarks a) JEM-X 1 and 2 on. 1.2 Pointings summary Remarks: Only Science Windows (ScWs) of type 'pointing' are considered. - Exposures info from POD version 3. Pointings info from TSF version 2. - Durations given in executed/planned format; data gaps and bad time intervals not excluded from total durations. - Deviations: only unexpected deviations >30 secs for pointings assigned to an exposure are reported; expected deviations (first & last pointings of an exposure longer than planned) not reported. *** Exposure 11420001: 'Gal. Bulge region', hexagon (7x1800s) 7 pointings: 11420002 -> 11420008, 12664s/12600s (+1m04s) *** Exposure 11420002: 'Galaxy scan, l=-22.5', No preference (31x1955s) 31 pointings: 11420010 -> 11420040, 60640s/60605s (+34s) *** Exposure 11420003: 'Galaxy scan, l=-22.5', No preference (15x1955s) 16 pointings: 11420041 -> 11420056, 30255s/30154s (+1m40s) *** Exposure 11420004: 'Galaxy scan, l=-22.5', No preference (16x1955s) 16 pointings: 11420057 -> 11420072, 31301s/31280s (+20s) *** Exposure 11420005: 'Galaxy scan, l=-22.5', No preference (6x1955s) 6 pointings: 11420073 -> 11420078, 13042s/11730s (+21m52s) *** Exposure 11420006: 'Galaxy scan, l=-22.5', No preference (20x1955s) 20 pointings: 11420079 -> 11420098, 40677s/39100s (+26m17s) *** Exposure 11420007: 'Galaxy scan, l=-22.5', No preference (5x1955s) 6 pointings: 11420099 -> 11420104, 12333s/10604s (+28m48s) *** Exposure 11420008: 'LMC/SN 1987A', 5x5 (2x3530s) 2 pointings: 11420106 -> 11420107, 9624s/7060s (+42m43s) *** Pointings with no assigned Exposure 5 pointings: 11420001, 0009, 0105, 0108, 0109, 15813s/3316s (+3h28m17s) 2. NRT Data processing ====================== 2.1 Telemetry * Start reception: 2012-02-19T05:36:54 End reception: 2012-02-22T02:46:52 * TM gaps of more than 30 seconds: - * Frames missed: - * ERT not in sync with UTC: ERT (2012-02-19T05:42:11.384) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 143090.5 second ERT (2012-02-19T06:33:28.917) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 140013.3 second ERT (2012-02-19T09:03:13.377) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 131029.6 second ERT (2012-02-20T02:05:10.525) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 69717.2 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T02:17:20.965) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 68986.9 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T02:17:21.027) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 68986.8 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T02:38:02.343) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 67745.6 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T06:03:43.805) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 55405.1 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T06:23:12.245) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 54236.8 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T06:24:25.308) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 54163.7 seconds ERT (2012-02-20T06:24:25.370) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 54163.7 seconds * Statistics: Mean Rate: 16.00 frames/sec (mean) Frames: 3982253 total Packets: 5875297 total : 0 missed : 2756520 missed : 2928635 TM : 5857270 TM : 1053618 idle : 0 tcmd : 0 invalid : 18027 time : 0 idle : 0 invalid * Errors: NCTRSFRAME: invalid quality = 256 (should be 0 or 1): 2012-02-19T05:37:21 - 2012-02-19T05:37:25 2012-02-19T05:42:51 - 2012-02-19T05:43:05 2012-02-20T21:27:01 - 2012-02-20T21:27:13 2012-02-21T05:56:20 - 2012-02-21T05:57:07 2012-02-21T18:02:19 - 2012-02-21T18:02:44 2.2 Auxiliary files summary ------------------------------------------------------------- POD OPP TSF PAF OLF ASF AHF THF ORB REVNO ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 72 111 1 84 1 1 2.3. Pre-processing * Frequent errors for days 2012-02-19, 2012-02-20, 2012-02-21, respectively: 16 24 23 "Histogram rejected" 1 0 0 "OBT found too much higher" 4 4 8 "packet(s) of the Histogram are discarded" 2 2 5 "Can not store the Histogram" 0 0 0 "SpiSpectrum, decompression failed" 0 0 0 "SpiSpectrumParser, Failure" 2.4 OPUS Pipelines processing * REV: completed | errors * INPUT/SCW: completed | errors ------------------------------- ---------------------------- IREM : 69 | 0 224 | 0 ISGRI_cal : 24 | 0 ISGRI_noise: 137 | 0 IBIS_veto : 22 | 0 * QLA completed | errors PICsIT_cal : 23 | 0 ----------------------------- JMX : 256 | 0 IBIS : 111 | 0 ilt : 1 | 0 JEMX-1 : " | 0 Archiving : 1 | 0 JEMX-2 : " | 0 2.5 ISGRI context table 2012-02-21T08:08: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20120219090024_00001.INT sent to MOC 3. Alerts ========= * Level 2: 213 ERT (2012-02-19T06:33:28.917) not in sync with UTC: UTC-ERT = 140013.3 second * Level 1: 3041 Check NEW context from orbit 1142 (on 2012-02-19T09:00:24) Program / version that has created this alert: ibis_isgr_low_thres 6.4 Directory of alert generation: /export/isdc/run/pipelines/nrt/nrtrev/scratch/1142_20120219090024_00_ilt Number of DEAD: 742 (limit is 730) Number NEW DEAD: 2 (limit is 9) -> e-mail to AS 4. Instruments checks ===================== 4.1. IOSM daily check (standard long term displays) IBIS OEMs: 2012-02-20T01:13:04: 2012-02-20T11:01:12: DPE-IASW LSL transfer failed, low level. Overrun error. 2012-02-20T01:13:12: 2012-02-20T11:01:20: ISGRI MCE 7: Time out. CID 254; APID 1; PSC 9882. Class 3. 5. Science (AF) ========== 5.1 Summary a) Planned observations Last POD file: /isdc/nrt/ops/aux/adp/1142.000/pod_1142_0003.fits Received at : 10 Feb 15:47 i EXP_ID OBS_ID SRC_NAME POINT_NUM POINT_LEN 1 11420001 09200010003 Gal. Bulge region 7 1800 2 11420002 08200370013 Galaxy scan, l=-22.5 31 1955 3 11420003 08200370014 Galaxy scan, l=-22.5 15 1955 4 11420004 08200370014 Galaxy scan, l=-22.5 16 1955 5 11420005 08200370015 Galaxy scan, l=-22.5 6 1955 6 11420006 08200370015 Galaxy scan, l=-22.5 20 1955 7 11420007 08200370015 Galaxy scan, l=-22.5 5 1955 8 11420008 09200220001 LMC/SN 1987A 2 3530 b) Solar activity & miscellaneous Low 5.2 IBAS a) GRB in ISGRI FOV: No b) GRB in SPI-ACS: 2012-02-20T14:36:35: Very bright short spike. 1% likelihood. c) Other IBAS alerts: No 5.3 TOOs None