************************************************************************* ** ISDC END OF REVOLUTION REPORT (NRT) ** REVOLUTION 1169 - Report of May 14, 2012 ************************************************************************* Perigee Passage at start : 2012-05-09T22:44:11 Perigee Passage at end : 2012-05-12T22:29:52 Radiation Belt exit : 47008 km (ijd 4513.0732) Radiation Belt entrance : 26730 km (ijd 4515.8817) Operations Coordinator : Carlo Ferrigno, Enrico Bozzo Pipeline Operator : Ph.M. Scientist on Duty : Pol Bordas 1. Planning summary =================== 1.1 General remarks a) Earth Observation followed by OMC FF Cal #9. JEM-X 1 and 2 on. b) Quote MOC: The Integral earth Observation was successfully completed, the observation timeline of events was executed as planned over the last 2 days with only 2 minor deviations: The radiation Monitor (IREM) automatism was left enabled due to the high solar activity. The Broadcast Packet On Target flag was kept under manual control for longer than planned, since the real OTF remained invalid until the Sun Steering Law was re-enabled following the first executed slew. The 2 above changes had no material effect on the execution of the EO. Timing of all events was as per detailed plan, furthermore STR guide Star was lost at 2012-05-10T03:05z, and reacquired and kept at 2012-05-10T11:07z. c) 2012-05-11T15:52: Pointings 26, 27, 28 missed from timeline. 1.2 Pointings summary Remarks: Only Science Windows (ScWs) of type 'pointing' are considered. - Exposures info from POD version 12. Pointings info from TSF version 14. - Durations in exec/planned format; data gaps and bad time intervals not excluded from total time. - Deviations: only unexpected deviations >30 secs for pointings assigned to an exposure reported; expected deviations (first & last pointings of an exposure longer than planned) not reported. *** Exposure 11690001: 'Earth Obs 2.1 (safe)', staring (1x53160s) 1 pointing: 11690001, 0s/53160s (-14h46m00s) Deviations: 11690001 0/53160s: Earth exposure manually performed, see 1.A.b) *** Exposure 11690002: 'Earth Obs 2.1', staring (1x13035s) 1 pointing: 11690003, 0s/13035s (-3h37m14s) Deviations: 11690003 0/13035s: Earth Observation, manually performed, see 1.A.b) *** Exposure 11690003: 'OMC FF #9', staring (1x10400s) 1 pointing: 11690005, 10466s/10400s (+1m06s) *** Exposure 11690004: 'OMC FF #9', staring (1x2000s) 1 pointing: 11690006, 3524s/2000s (+25m24s) *** Exposure 11690005: 'GRS 1915+105', hexagon (7x2857s) 7 pointings: 11690010 -> 11690016, 21838s/19999s (+30m38s) *** Exposure 11690006: 'l=55 deg', No preference (31x2200s) 31 pointings: 11690018 -> 11690048, 59911s/60605s (-11m33s) Deviations: 11690026 2022/1955s: see 1.A.c) 11690027 2064/1955s: see 1.A.c) 11690028 953/1955s: see 1.A.c) *** Exposure 11690007: 'GPS-Scan-13', GPS (1x2200s) 1 pointing: 11690050, 7123s/2200s (+1h22m03s) *** Exposure 11690008: 'GPS-Scan-13', GPS (8x2200s) 8 pointings: 11690051 -> 11690058, 17386s/17600s (-3m33s) *** Exposure 11690009: 'GPS-Scan-13', GPS (8x2200s) 8 pointings: 11690059 -> 11690066, 19262s/17600s (+27m42s) *** Pointings with no assigned Exposure 9 pointings: 11690002, 0004, 0007, 0008, 0009, 0017, 0049, 0067, 0068 17406s/5204s (+3h23m22s) 2. NRT Data processing ====================== 2.1 Telemetry * Start reception: 2012-05-09T23:52:56 End reception: 2012-05-12T21:04:56 * TM gaps of more than 30 seconds: 2012-05-10T01:27:02 2012-05-10T03:09:05 2012-05-10T06:51:32 2012-05-10T07:56:22 - 2012-05-10T07:59:37 2012-05-10T08:02:25 2012-05-11T01:03:13 2012-05-11T03:04:33 - 2012-05-11T03:29:30 2012-05-11T08:54:18 - 2012-05-11T09:00:03 2012-05-11T10:13:33 2012-05-11T10:18:18 - 2012-05-11T10:30:19 * Frames missed: 2012-05-09T05:35:41 895 frames missed (3584219292 to 3584220186) 2012-05-09T05:37:11 531 frames missed (3584221096 to 3584221626) 2012-05-09T05:38:11 327 frames missed (3584222107 to 3584222433) 2012-05-09T05:38:11 99 frames missed (3584222488 to 3584222586) 2012-05-09T08:31:25 621 frames missed (3584388269 to 3584388889) 2012-05-09T13:38:52 690 frames missed (3584675628 to 3584676317) 2012-05-09T18:22:25 663 frames missed (3584943463 to 3584944125) 2012-05-09T18:30:39 7752 frames missed (3584944280 to 3584952031) 2012-05-09T19:06:03 712 frames missed (3584985302 to 3584986013) 2012-05-09T20:19:04 916 frames missed (3585055209 to 3585056124) 2012-05-09T20:20:04 306 frames missed (3585056392 to 3585056697) 2012-05-09T20:20:04 381 frames missed (3585056701 to 3585057081) 2012-05-09T20:25:00 363 frames missed (3585061341 to 3585061703) 2012-05-09T20:25:01 96 frames missed (3585061725 to 3585061820) 2012-05-09T20:32:40 979 frames missed (3585068203 to 3585069181) 2012-05-09T20:44:30 309 frames missed (3585079654 to 3585079962) 2012-05-09T20:44:30 573 frames missed (3585079966 to 3585080538) 2012-05-09T21:02:49 870 frames missed (3585097245 to 3585098114) 2012-05-09T21:03:55 644 frames missed (3585098524 to 3585099167) 2012-05-09T21:05:07 896 frames missed (3585099421 to 3585100316) 2012-05-09T21:08:39 966 frames missed (3585102747 to 3585103712) 2012-05-10T01:27:03 518 frames missed (3585198472 to 3585198989) 2012-05-10T03:09:05 566 frames missed (3585296379 to 3585296944) 2012-05-10T06:51:32 656 frames missed (3585509848 to 3585510503) 2012-05-10T07:56:23 757 frames missed (3585571987 to 3585572743) 2012-05-10T08:00:45 4047 frames missed (3585572896 to 3585576942) 2012-05-10T08:02:25 239 frames missed (3585577820 to 3585578058) 2012-05-10T08:02:25 412 frames missed (3585578130 to 3585578541) 2012-05-11T01:03:13 547 frames missed (3586557522 to 3586558068) 2012-05-11T03:04:33 527 frames missed (3586674021 to 3586674547) 2012-05-11T03:30:48 25035 frames missed (3586674702 to 3586699736) 2012-05-11T08:54:18 667 frames missed (3587009630 to 3587010296) 2012-05-11T09:01:48 7113 frames missed (3587010381 to 3587017493) 2012-05-11T10:13:34 534 frames missed (3587085855 to 3587086388) 2012-05-11T10:18:18 557 frames missed (3587090378 to 3587090934) 2012-05-11T10:31:48 12805 frames missed (3587091089 to 3587103893) * ERT not in sync with UTC: - * Statistics: Mean Rate: 15.77 frames/sec (mean) Frames: 3927478 total Packets: 5854888 total : 0 missed : 52305 missed : 2918577 TM : 5837154 TM : 1008901 idle : 0 tcmd : 0 invalid : 17734 time : 0 idle : 0 invalid * Errors: NCTRSFRAME: invalid quality = 256 (should be 0 or 1): 2012-05-10T14:02:03 - 2012-05-10T14:02:04 2012-05-10T14:02:59 2012-05-10T14:11:30 2012-05-10T14:12:04 End of File on RTTM socket: 2012-05-10T07:59:45 2012-05-11T03:29:48 2012-05-11T09:00:13 2012-05-11T10:30:47 2.2 Auxiliary files summary ------------------------------------------------------------- POD OPP TSF PAF OLF ASF AHF THF ORB REVNO ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 1 1 72 68 1 70 1 1 2.3 Pre-processing * Frequent errors for days 2012-05-10, 2012-05-11, 2012-05-12, respectively: 13 24 20 "Histogram rejected" 0 1 0 "OBT found too much higher" 4 4 3 "packet(s) of the Histogram are discarded" 1 1 1 "Can not store the Histogram" 0 0 0 "SpiSpectrum, decompression failed" 0 0 0 "SpiSpectrumParser, Failure" 2.4 OPUS Pipelines processing * REV: completed | errors * INPUT/SCW: completed | errors ------------------------------- ---------------------------- IREM : 69 | 0 151 | 0 ISGRI_cal : 24 | 0 ISGRI_noise: 137 | 0 IBIS_veto : 22 | 0 * QLA completed | errors PICsIT_cal : 39 | 0 ----------------------------- JMX : 262 | 0 IBIS : 69 | 0 ilt : 1 | 0 JEMX-1 : " | 0 Archiving : 1 | 0 JEMX-2 : " | 0 2.5 ISGRI context table 2012-05-12T02:13: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20120510025715_00001.INT sent to MOC 3. Alerts ========= * Level 3: 101 Can't (re)connect to MOC (ECONNREFUSED). Line OK. TM tran 2012-05-10T07:59 2012-05-11T03:30 2012-05-11T09:00 2012-05-11T10:30 -> app failed at MOC * Level 2: 302 IBIS time wrap-around detected for APID, 1348, 1352,1356,1357,1360,1361,1376 Please verify it is foreseen and Ibis events well arestored after the wrap-around! -> e-mail to specialist 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 0 to 4 File: 1169_0002_AHF Convert attitude RRRR=1169 ROW=59. Missing pointing ? -> due to Earth observation performed in manual mode 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 26 to 9500 File: 1169_0002_AHF Convert attitude RRRR=1169 ROW=776. Missing pointing ? -> see 1.1.c) 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 25 to 9500 File: 1169_0026_ASF Convert attitude RRRR=1169 ROW=25. Missing pointing ? -> see 1.1.c) * Level 1: 509 MOC GSID: MOC sent 106 invalid GS IDs File: 201213114_OLF MOC GSID: MOC sent 106 invalid GS IDs in file 201213114.OLF -> VillaFranca as backup GS 604 Exposure time is 2027 sec. instead of 1955 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 11690026 604 Exposure time is 2064 sec. instead of 1955 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 11690027 604 Exposure time is 947 sec. instead of 1955 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 11690028 -> see 1.1.c) 3041 Check NEW context from orbit 1169 (on 2012-05-10T02:57:15) Program / version that has created this alert: ibis_isgr_low_thres 6.4 Directory of alert generation: /export/isdc/run/pipelines/nrt/nrtrev/scratch/1169_20120510025715_00_ilt Number of DEAD: 731 (limit is 730) Number NEW DEAD: 1 (limit is 9) 4. Instruments checks ===================== 4.1. IOSM daily check (standard long term displays) Nothing special 5. Science (PB) ========== 5.1 Summary a) Planned observations Last POD file: /isdc/nrt/ops/aux/adp/1169.000/pod_1169_0012.fits Received at : 26 Apr 16:04 i EXP_ID OBS_ID SRC_NAME POINT_NUM POINT_LEN 1 11690001 88602520002 Earth Obs 2.1 (safe) 1 53160 2 11690002 88602520003 Earth Obs 2.1 1 13035 3 11690003 88602530001 OMC FF #9 1 10400 4 11690004 88602530002 OMC FF #9 1 2000 5 11690005 09200080012 GRS 1915+105 7 2857 6 11690006 08200290027 l=55 deg 31 2200 7 11690007 09200050028 GPS-Scan-13 1 2200 8 11690008 09200050028 GPS-Scan-13 8 2200 9 11690009 09200050029 GPS-Scan-13 8 2200 b) Solar activity & miscellaneous Low 5.2 IBAS a) GRB in ISGRI FOV: No b) GRB in SPI-ACS: 2012-05-11T15:18:47: Confirmed GRB, also detected by Fermi/GBM. 2012-05-11T21:41:07: Undefined, sigma=14.0697 2012-05-12T02:41:45: Possible GRB120512A, also detected by Fermi/GBM. c) Other IBAS alerts: No 5.3 TOOs None