******************************************************************************** ** ISDC END OF REVOLUTION REPORT (NRT) ** REVOLUTION 1930 - Report of March 16, 2018 ******************************************************************************** Perigee Passage at start : 2018-03-13T11:22:16 Perigee Passage at end : 2018-03-16T03:10:58 Radiation Belt exit : XXXX km (ijd XXXX) Radiation Belt entrance : 71018 km (ijd 6648.8840) Operations Coordinator : Carlo Ferrigno Pipeline Operator : Ph.M. Scientist on Duty : Carlo Ferrigno 1. Planning summary =================== 1.1 General remarks a) Pointing 9 missed. b) 2018-03-13T19:00 Long telemetry gap (unknown source): 2018-03-13T19:00 - 2018-03-14T02:16 Z c) 2018-03-14T19:00 Long telemetry gaps (unknown source): 2018-03-14T19:00 - 2018-03-15T03:16 Z 2018-03-15T19:02 - 2018-03-16T19:07 2018-03-15T23:08 - 2018-03-16T06:18 d) Pointing 48, 49 missed. 1.2 Pointings summary Remarks: Only Science Windows (ScWs) of type 'pointing' are considered. - Exposures info from POD version 1. Pointings info from TSF version 1. - Durations in exec/planned format; data gaps and bad time intervals not excluded from total time. - Deviations: only unexpected deviations >30 secs for pointings assigned to an exposure reported; expected deviations (first & last pointings of an exposure longer than planned) not reported. *** Exposure 19300001: 'Gal. Bulge region', hexagon (7x1800s) 7 pointings: 19300002 -> 19300008, 27860s/12600s (+4h14m20s) Deviations: 19300003 0/1800s: see 1.1.b) 19300004 0/1800s: see 1.1.b) 19300005 0/1800s: see 1.1.b) 19300006 0/1800s: see 1.1.b) 19300007 0/1800s: see 1.1.b) 19300008 0/1800s: see 1.1.b) *** Exposure 19300002: 'Galactic Center', 5x5 (6x3556s) 6 pointings: 19300009 -> 19300014, 9003s/21336s (-3h25m33s) Deviations: 19300009 0/3556s: see 1.1.b) 19300010 0/3556s: see 1.1.b) 19300011 0/3556s: see 1.1.b) 19300012 161/3556s: see 1.1.b) *** Exposure 19300003: 'Dummy pointing', staring (1x900s) 1 pointing: 19300016, 2690s/900s (+29m49s) *** Exposure 19300004: 'Crab', 5x5 (21x1800s) 21 pointings: 19300018 -> 19300038, 39648s/37800s (+30m47s) *** Exposure 19300005: 'Crab', 5x5 (3x1800s) 3 pointings: 19300039 -> 19300041, 0s/5400s (-1h30m00s) Deviations: 19300039 0/1800s: see 1.1.c) 19300040 0/1800s: see 1.1.c) 19300041 0/1800s: see 1.1.c) *** Exposure 19300006: 'Crab', 5x5 (1x1800s) 1 pointing: 19300042, 0s/1800s (-29m59s) Deviations: 19300042 0/1800s: see 1.1.c) *** Exposure 19300007: 'Orion_1', 5x5 (24x3334s) 24 pointings: 19300044 -> 19300067, 62378s/80016s (-4h53m57s) Deviations: 19300044 0/3334s: see 1.1.c) 19300045 0/3334s: see 1.1.c) 19300046 0/3334s: see 1.1.c) 19300047 0/3334s: see 1.1.c) 19300048 0/3334s: see 1.1.c) 19300049 1548/3334s: see 1.1.c) 19300051 40/3334s: see 1.1.d) *** Pointings with no assigned Exposure 5 pointings: 19300001, 0015, 0017, 0043, 0068, 2836s/3725s (-14m48s) 2. NRT Data processing ====================== 2.1 Telemetry * Start reception: 2018-03-13T15:41:20 End reception: 2018-03-15T23:08:36 * TM gaps of more than 30 seconds: 2018-03-13T19:11:57 to 2018-03-14T02:35:54 2018-03-14T18:43:46 2018-03-14T19:00:45 2018-03-14T19:07:34 2018-03-14T19:08:21 2018-03-14T19:09:29 2018-03-14T19:18:43 2018-03-14T19:23:23 to 2018-03-15T03:19:41 (see 1.1.a) 2018-03-15T19:02:07 to 2018-03-15T19:07:14 ... * Frames missed: 2018-03-14T02:35:58 427153 frames missed (949685136 to 950112288) 2018-03-14T09:28:25 63 frames missed (950508161 to 950508223) 2018-03-14T18:43:46 684 frames missed (951039856 to 951040539) 2018-03-14T19:00:48 514 frames missed (951056380 to 951056893) 2018-03-14T19:06:40 5566 frames missed (951056958 to 951062523) 2018-03-14T19:07:34 533 frames missed (951062856 to 951063388) 2018-03-14T19:08:44 1047 frames missed (951063494 to 951064540) 2018-03-14T19:22:00 12538 frames missed (951064711 to 951077248) 2018-03-15T03:19:46 457226 frames missed (951077386 to 951534611) 2018-03-15T04:25:31 631 frames missed (951597103 to 951597733) 2018-03-15T09:25:31 535 frames missed (951885201 to 951885735) 2018-03-15T14:25:42 533 frames missed (952173298 to 952173830) 2018-03-15T19:01:07 632 frames missed (952435791 to 952436422) 2018-03-15T19:07:15 5633 frames missed (952436709 to 952442341) 2018-03-15T23:04:42 501 frames missed (952669774 to 952670274) 2018-03-15T23:05:47 528 frames missed (952670772 to 952671299) 2018-03-15T23:06:31 534 frames missed (952671469 to 952672002) * ERT not in sync with UTC: - * Statistics: Mean Rate: 11.36 frames/sec (mean) Frames: 2270075 total : 0 missed : 1769178 TM : 500897 idle : 0 invalid Packets: 3548553 total : 219295 missed : 3538356 TM : 0 tcmdqqq : 10197 time : 0 idle : 0 invalid * Errors: "End of File on RTTM socket": 2018-03-13T23:13 - 2018-03-14T02:35 2018-03-14T19:00 - 2018-03-15T03:16 2018-03-15T19:02 - 2018-03-16T19:07 2018-03-15T23:08 - 2018-03-16T06:18 2.2 Auxiliary files summary POD OPP TSF PAF OLF ASF AHF THF ORB REVNO ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 64 72 1 58 1 1 2.3 Pre-processing Nothing special 2.4 OPUS Pipelines processing * REV: completed | errors * INPUT/SCW: completed | errors ------------------------------- ---------------------------- IREM : 41 | 0 107 | 0 ISGRI_cal : 15 | 0 ISGRI_noise: 79 | 0 * QLA completed | errors IBIS_veto : 16 | 0 ----------------------------- JMX : 155 | 0 IBIS : 52 | 0 ilt : 1 | 0 JEMX-1 : " | 0 Archiving : 1 | 0 JEMX-2 : " | 0 2.5 ISGRI context table 2018-03-15T12:16: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20180313182806_00001.INT sent to MOC 2018-03-15T17:38: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20180313182806_00002.INT sent to MOC 2nd version provided by IRFU/SAp, Saclay (F) * No error 3. Alerts ========= 3.1 All alerts except OOLs and missing scientific data * Level 3: 100 Can't (re)connet to MOC (ETIMEDOUT). 2018-03-13T19:00:53 - 2018-03-13T19:36:40 2018-03-14T19:01:04 - 2018-03-14T19:41:23 2018-03-15T19:02:06 - 2018-03-15T23:08:34 -> see 1.1.a) 305 IBIS synchronization failed too many times, 3000 times! Program / version that has created this alert: Preproc 5.8 Directory of alert generation: /isdc2/run/alert/nrt_pp Preproc seems unable to resynchronize the IBIS time!!! Preproc must be restarted? -> resynchronized * Level 2: 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 9 to 9500 File: 1930_0011_ASF Convert attitude RRRR=1930 ROW=11. Missing pointing ? 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 8 to 10 Attitude file: 1930_0001_AHF Convert attitude RRRR=1930 ROW=359. Missing pointing ? -> see 1.1.a) 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 46 to 48 File: 1930_0001_AHF Convert attitude RRRR=1930 ROW=1871. Missing pointing ? 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 47 to 9501 File: 1930_0050_ASF Convert attitude RRRR=1930 ROW=50. Missing pointing ? 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 50 to 52 File: 1930_0001_AHF Convert attitude RRRR=1930 ROW=1889. Missing pointing ? -> see 1.1.d) No planning data for raw shot 8 (shot ID 29)! No planning data for raw shot 8 (shot ID 30) ScW: 193000020010 Scanning the available planning data in the Science Window, no planning information was found for raw shot 8 with its shot ID 29 * Level 1: 604 Exposure time is 156 sec. instead of 3556 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 19300012 -> see 1.1.b) 604 Exposure time is 1542 sec. instead of 3334 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 19300049 604 Exposure time is 38 sec. instead of 3334 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 19300051 -> see 1.1.d) 3.2 Parameter out of limits OMC: ---- Due to eclipse season Science Window ID: 193000000012, 193000000021, 193000680031 PCURR__1 SVOLT___M5 SVOLT___M12 SVOLT___P5 SVOLT___P12 SVOLT___P36 3.3 Missing scientific data IBIS: ----- ScW: 193000120010, 193000490010, 193000500010 These data structures are missing: PICS-SIMH-RAW (or ALL) for mode Observation standard (41) PICS-SISH-RAW (or ALL) for mode Observation standard (41) OMC: ---- scW: 193000510010 These data structures are missing: OMC.-SHOT-RAW (or ALL) for mode Science Normal (42) 4. Instruments checks (IOSM) ===================== Nothing special 5. Science (CF) ========== 5.1 Summary a) Planned observations Last POD file: /isdc/nrt2/ops/aux/adp/1930.000/pod_1930_0001.fits Received at : 1 Mar 14:46 i EXP_ID OBS_ID SRC_NAME POINT_NUM POINT_LEN 1 19300001 15200010007 Gal. Bulge region 7 1800 2 19300002 15200380001 Galactic Center 6 3556 3 19300003 88801420001 Dummy pointing 1 900 4 19300004 15200070003 Crab 21 1800 5 19300005 15200070003 Crab 3 1800 6 19300006 15200070003 Crab 1 1800 7 19300007 14200160001 Orion_1 24 3334 b) Solar activity & miscellaneous Calm 5.2 IBAS a) GRB in ISGRI FOV: No b) GRB in SPI-ACS: No c) Other IBAS alerts: No 5.3 TOOs: No