******************************************************************************** ** ISDC END OF REVOLUTION REPORT (NRT) ** REVOLUTION 1971 - Report of July 3, 2018 ******************************************************************************** Perigee Passage at start : 2018-06-30T11:50:53 Perigee Passage at end : 2018-07-03T03:39:02 Radiation Belt exit : 46636 km (ijd 6755.6254) Radiation Belt entrance : 45758 km (ijd 6758.0256) 1. Planning summary =================== 1.1 General remarks a) OMC FF Cal #36 b) 2018-06-30T20:25: Pointing 6 missed. c) 2018-07-01T04:37: Pointing 16 interrupted, only 6 minutes. d) 2018-07-01T17:18: Pointing 30 interrupted. e) 2018-07-02T05:46: SPI PSD Channel Rates anomaly. MOC proceeded to a SPI recovery. Due to this on-board anomaly, SPI SE and PE events cannot be separated in pointings from 19710040 to 19710045. Thus, we discourage the scientific use of the observations mentioned above in the energy range 400-2200 keV, while one should carefully check results from pointings #0039 and #0046, which are at the boundary of the reported anomaly, and which do not show any apparent issue. 1.2 Pointings summary Remarks: Only Science Windows (ScWs) of type 'pointing' are considered. - Exposures info from POD version 6. Pointings info from TSF version 1. - Durations in exec/planned format; data gaps and bad time intervals not excluded from total time. - Deviations: only unexpected deviations >30 secs for pointings assigned to an exposure reported; expected deviations (first & last pointings of an exposure longer than planned) not reported. *** Exposure 19710001: 'Dummy pointing', staring (1x900s) 1 pointing: 19710002, 965s/900s (+1m04s) *** Exposure 19710002: 'AT2018cow', 5x5 (29x3000s) 29 pointings: 19710004 -> 19710032, 83971s/87000s (-50m29s) Deviations: 19710006 2099/3000s: see 1.1.b) 19710016 370/3000s: see 1.1.c) 19710030 2174/3000s: see 1.1.d) *** Exposure 19710003: 'AT2018cow', 5x5 (1x3000s) 1 pointing: 19710033, 2998s/3000s (-2s) *** Exposure 19710004: 'AT2018cow', 5x5 (4x3000s) 4 pointings: 19710034 -> 19710037, 15604s/12000s (+1h00m03s) *** Exposure 19710005: 'AT2018cow', 5x5 (7x3000s) 7 pointings: 19710038 -> 19710044, 22406s/21000s (+23m26s) *** Exposure 19710006: 'AT2018cow', 5x5 (10x3000s) 10 pointings: 19710045 -> 19710054, 35045s/30000s (+1h24m04s) *** Exposure 19710007: 'OMC FF #36', staring (1x3500s) 1 pointing: 19710056, 3565s/3500s (+1m04s) *** Exposure 19710008: 'OMC FF #36', (5x1800s) 5 pointings: 19710057 -> 19710061, 9008s/9000s (+8s) *** Exposure 19710009: 'OMC FF #36', staring (1x2000s) 1 pointing: 19710062, 2030s/2000s (+30s) *** Pointings with no assigned Exposure 5 pointings: 19710001, 0003, 0055, 0063, 0064, 3505s/2488s (+16m56s) 2. NRT Data processing ====================== 2.1 Telemetry * Start reception: 2018-06-30T14:30:32 End reception: 2018-07-02T23:44:39 * TM gaps of more than 30 seconds: 2018-07-01T21:22:14 - 2018-07-01T21:22:45 2018-07-01T21:51:06 * Frames missed: 2018-07-01T21:51:06 854 frames missed (1084668270 to 1084669123) * Statistics: Mean Rate: 15.97 frames/sec (mean) Frames: 3290422 total : 0 missed : 2574141 TM : 716281 idle : 0 invalid Packets: 5163137 total : 45214 missed : 5148282 TM : 0 tcmd : 14855 time : 0 idle : 0 invalid * Errors: - 2.2 Auxiliary files POD OPP TSF PAF OLF ASF AHF THF ORB REVNO ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 1 1 64 67 1 59 1 1 2.3 Pre-processing Nothing special 2.4 OPUS Pipelines processing * REV: completed | errors * INPUT/SCW: completed | errors ------------------------------- ---------------------------- IREM : 58 | 0 137 | 0 ISGRI_cal : 21 | 0 ISGRI_noise: 115 | 0 * QLA completed | errors IBIS_veto : 20 | 0 ----------------------------- JMX : 210 | 0 IBIS : 68 | 0 ilt : 1 | 0 JEMX-1 : " | 0 Archiving : 1 | 0 JEMX-2 : " | 0 2.5 ISGRI context table 2018-07-02T16:16: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20180630170124_00001.INT sent to MOC * No error 3. Alerts ========= 3.1 All alerts except OOLs and missing scientific data * Level 2: 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 5 to 7 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 16 to 9500 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 15 to 17 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 29 to 31 -> missed pointings, see general remarks * Level 1: 604 Exposure time is 2098 sec. instead of 3000 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 19710006 604 Exposure time is 370 sec. instead of 3000 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 19710016 604 Exposure time is 2175 sec. instead of 3000 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 19710030 -> missed pointings, see general remarks 3.2 Parameter out of limits - SPI: ---- PSD channel reset in SCW 197100420021- 197100460010: P__DF__NPDTT__L P__PD__CHL_MRTE__L[1-32] P__PD__LW_MRTE__L[1-32] P__PD__NB_MME__L[1-32] P__PD__NB_MSE__L[1-32] P__PD__UP_MRTE__L5 PSDE_NUM PSDE_WORD 3.3 Missing scientific data IBIS: ----- ScW: 197100150010 These data structures are missing: PICS-SIMH-RAW (or ALL) for mode Observation standard (41) PICS-SISH-RAW (or ALL) for mode Observation standard (41) 4. Instruments checks (IOSM) ===================== Nothing special 5. Science ========== 5.1 Summary a) Planned observations Last POD file: /isdc/nrt2/ops/aux/adp/1971.000/pod_1971_0006.fits Received at : 28 Jun 13:44 i EXP_ID OBS_ID SRC_NAME POINT_NUM POINT_LEN 1 19710001 88801610001 Dummy pointing 1 900 2 19710002 15700100002 AT2018cow 29 3000 3 19710003 15700100002 AT2018cow 1 3000 4 19710004 15700100002 AT2018cow 4 3000 5 19710005 15700100002 AT2018cow 7 3000 6 19710006 15700100002 AT2018cow 10 3000 7 19710007 88603610001 OMC FF #36 1 3500 8 19710008 88603610002 OMC FF #36 5 1800 9 19710009 88603610003 OMC FF #36 1 2000 b) Solar activity & miscellaneous Calm 5.2 IBAS a) GRB in ISGRI FOV: No b) GRB in SPI-ACS: No more reported 5.3 TOOs: No