******************************************************************************** ** ISDC END OF REVOLUTION REPORT (NRT) ** REVOLUTION 2593 - Report of January 12, 2023 ******************************************************************************** Perigee Passage at start : 2023-01-09T20:27:33 Perigee Passage at end : 2023-01-12T12:18:45 Radiation Belt exit : XXXX km (ijd XXXX) Radiation Belt entrance : 47208 km (ijd 8412.3870) 1. Planning summary =================== 1.1 General remarks a) All instruments recoveries following the PPDU in 2592. Science data from pointing 05 for IBIS, 21 for JMX, 12 for SPI. b) Numerous alerts 605 related to instruments: IBIS, JEM-X 1, JEM-X 2, OMC. c) 2023-01-10T20:28: IREM crash. d) 2023-01-10T20:36: IREM crash. e) 2023-01-11T18:24: Pointing 69 missed. 1.2 Pointings summary Remarks: Exposure info from POD. Pointing info from TSF. - Durations in exec/planned format; data gaps and bad time intervals not excluded from total time. - Deviations: only unexpected deviations >30 secs for pointings assigned to an exposure reported; expected deviations (first & last pointings of an exposure longer than planned) not reported. *** Exposure 25930001: 'M81 field', 5x5 (9x3572s) 9 pointings: 25930004 -> 25930012, 32087s/32148s (-1m00s) *** Exposure 25930002: 'Gal. Plane, l= 272', 5x5 (25x1800s) 25 pointings: 25930016 -> 25930040, 44977s/45000s (-22s) *** Exposure 25930003: 'Gal. Plane, l= 282', 5x5 (8x1800s) 8 pointings: 25930042 -> 25930049, 16015s/14400s (+26m55s) *** Exposure 25930004: 'Gal. Plane, l= 282', 5x5 (1x1800s) 1 pointing: 25930050, 1800s/1800s (+0s) *** Exposure 25930005: 'Gal. Plane, l= 282', 5x5 (14x1800s) 14 pointings: 25930051 -> 25930064, 27482s/25200s (+38m01s) *** Exposure 25930006: 'Gal. Plane, l= 282', 5x5 (2x1800s) 2 pointings: 25930065 -> 25930066, 5839s/3600s (+37m19s) *** Exposure 25930007: 'M31', 5x5 (14x3334s) 14 pointings: 25930068 -> 25930081, 57708s/46676s (+3h03m52s) Deviations: 25930069 1079/3334s: see 1.1.e) *** Pointings with no assigned Exposure 10 pointings: 25930001, 0002, 0003, 0013, 0014, 0015, 0041, 0067, 69992096, 0083 15411s/5598s (+2h43m33s) 2. NRT Data processing ====================== 2.1 Telemetry * TM gaps of more than 30 seconds: 2023-01-11T05:29:02 * Frames missed: - * Statistics: Mean Rate: 16.88 frames/sec (mean) Frames: 3778223 total : 0 missed : 2258122 TM : 1520101 idle : 0 invalid Packets: 4531518 total : 2147 missed : 4516244 TM : 0 tcmd : 15274 time : 0 idle : 0 invalid * No error 2.2 Auxiliary files OLF: 64 ASF: 85 THF: 62 2.3 Pre-processing / OPUS pipelines Nothing special * No error 2.4 ISGRI context table 2023-01-12T00:56: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20230110014549_00001.INT 2023-01-12T08:30: IIMG_SDCMOC_D20230110014549_00002.INT 2nd version provided by IRFU/SAp, Saclay (F) 3. Alerts ========= 3.1 All alerts except OOLs and missing scientific data * Level 2: 7000 IREM STANDARD MODE Program / version that has created this alert: Preproc 5.8 Directory of alert generation: /isdc2/run/alert/nrt_pp IREM SHOULD BE IN INTEGRAL MODE AT ANYTIME, Please verify it's expected to get this mode! -> see 1.1.c), 1.1.d) 603 The pointing hasn't increased by one. From 68 to 9500 (2593_0001_AHF) -> see 1.1.e) 510 Revolution 2593 has low number (15275) of TIME_CORRELATION records Program / version that has created this alert: Pipeline - ADP Directory of alert generation: /isdc/run2/pipelines/adp/adp/scratch/202301213_OLF * Level 1: 1001 Wrong Attitude by 0.2020 deg for 600 seconds Program / version that has created this alert: osm_timeline 1.14 Directory of alert generation: /isdc/nrt2/ops/scw/2593/259300130010.000 Science Window ID: 259300130010 Predicted Attitude: 125.1916 (RA) -34.9694 (DEC) Measured Attitude: 125.0163 (RA) -35.1115 (DEC) from 2023-01-10T10:43:14 (UTC) to 2023-01-10T10:53:14 (UTC) 605 The mode differ for n sec. from the planning Numerous alerts for ScWs: 259300050010 - 259300360010 Affected instruments: IBIS, JEM-X 1, JEM-X 2, OMC -> see 1.1.b) 604 Exposure time is 1075 sec. instead of 3334 sec. Pointing ID (BCPPID): 25930069 -> see 1.1.e) 3.2 Parameter out of limits OMC: ---- Scws: 259300000041 - 259300120021 PCURR__2 SVOLT___P5 SVOLT___M5 SVOLT___P12 SVOLT___M12 SVOLT___P36 IBIS: ----- Due to Solar minimum, the IBIS veto limits are not appropriate resulting in too many alerts ScWs: 259300040010 - 259300810010 V1S_MBOT_MCOUNT V1S_MLAT_MCOUNT ScWs: 259300040010 - 259300810010 IOE_MDOS_MMCE4,6 3.3 Missing scientific data (taken from alert 3050) IBIS: ----- ScWs: 259300280010, 259300290010, 259300320010, 259300480010 These data structures are missing: PICS-SIMH-RAW (or ALL) for mode Observation standard (41) PICS-SISH-RAW (or ALL) for mode Observation standard (41) 4. Instruments checks (IOSM) ===================== Nothing special 5. Science ========== 5.1 Summary a) Planned observations Last POD file: /isdc/nrt2/ops/aux/adp/2593.000/pod_2593_0001.fits Received at : Dez 22. 15:28 i EXP_ID OBS_ID SRC_NAME POINT_NUM POINT_LEN 1 25930001 20200200001 M81 field 9 3572 2 25930002 20200130110 Gal. Plane, l= 272 25 1800 3 25930003 20200130115 Gal. Plane, l= 282 8 1800 4 25930004 20200130115 Gal. Plane, l= 282 1 1800 5 25930005 20200130115 Gal. Plane, l= 282 14 1800 6 25930006 20200130115 Gal. Plane, l= 282 2 1800 7 25930007 20200060001 M31 14 3334 b) Solar activity & miscellaneous Calm 5.2 IBAS: no more reported here 5.3 TOOs: No