SPIBOUNDS (v1.2 Apr 2003) ftools.Integral SPIBOUNDS (v1.2 Apr 2003) NAME spibounds constructs a FITS output file directory (or updates an EBOUNDS FITS extension in a SPI Observation Group) containing user-specifed detector-energy bin boundaries. USAGE spibounds outfile in-og-dol energy-boundaries-dol out-og-dol swg-index-dol gti-dol deadtime-dol ebounds-dol clobber binfile nregions regions nbins telescope instrume filter bintype chatter clobber DESCRIPTION SPIBOUNDS is used to construct energy (or raw pulse height) boundaries to be used for the binning of SPI event data. It can also be used to define the detector channel boundaries, to be used in forward folding analyses with XSPEC. Inputs are provided interactively or obtained from a parameter file. Options include uniform linear or logarithmic binning over a specified energy range within the nominal 20 keV - 10 MeV interval covered by INTEGRAL/SPI. In addition, regions of coarse and fine binning may be concatenated, for example to characterize a broad-band continuum, with superposed emission lines anticipated in specific regions. PARAMETERS outfile [character] The name of the output file to be created (in a DAL compliant FITS table) containing the bin boundaaries. in-og-dol [character string] Input fits file which identifies the observation group to be processed. energy-boundaries-dol [character string] Output FITS table (written to the output observation group) containing the energy bin boundaries specified by the user. out-og-dol [character string] Output observation group. swg-index-dol [character string] Input FITS file containing the index of science windows to be analyzed. gti-dol [character string] Input FITS file containing the list of good-time intervals per detector per pointing ID. deadtime-dol [character string] Input FITS file containing the list of deadtime correction factors and livetimes per detector per pointing ID. ebounds-dol [character string] FITS table containing the energy bin boundaries clobber [boolean] Option to overwrite existing files or not. binfile [character string] Optional input file containing energy-bin boundary definitions. nregions [integer] Number of regions (in energy space) for which distinct binning algorithms are to be defined regions [character string] The boundaries of the energy regions, separated by commas. (These may be entered as ints or floats beginning with v1.2.) nbins [character string] The number of bins per region, separated by commas. Negative numbers indicate logarithmically space bins, bintype [character string] The type of bin boundaries to construct; photon (PI), detector, pulse_height (PHA). Default is photon. EXAMPLES 1) Create an EBOUND file for a uniformly spaced logarithmic binning of the full detector bandpass: spibounds outfile.fits nregions=1 regions=20,10000 nbins=-50 2) Create an EBOUNDS file with finely spaced bins covering the 511-keV region, and coarser bins over the general 20 keV - 10 MeV detector band: spibounds outfile.fits nregions=3 regions=20,450,550,10000 nbins=20,80,20 BUGS None known PRIMARY AUTHOR Sandhia Bansal