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- IBIS effective area
- Cutaway drawing of the IBIS detector assembly, together
with the lower part of the collimator (Hopper).
- IBIS detector assembly in numbers.
- Spacecraft & Instrument Coordinate Systems.
- The IBIS coded mask pattern. (white: open elements, back:
closed elements)
- The cross section of the support panel.
- ISGRI and PICsIT division in modules and submodules
- The schematic view of PICsIT layer.
- IBIS sensitivities for the various detection techniques.
- Science Analysis Overview
- Structure of the directory created with og_create
- Main page of the IBIS GUI
- Imaging page of the IBIS GUI
- Overview of the IMA level products
- A part of the GROUPING extension table of an isgri_sky_ima.fits
- INTENSITY (left) and SIGNIFICANCE (right) mosaic images in the 20-40 keV energy band.
- ScW-per-ScW lightcurve of 4U 1700-377 in the 20-40 keV energy band
- Page of IBIS GUI for Spectral and Ligtcurve extraction
- List of sources used for the spectral analysis
- Total spectrum of 4U 1700-377 fitted with a cut-off
powerlaw model.
- Lightcurve of 4U 1700-377 in the 20-40 keV energy range with 100 sec binning.
- Crab power spectrum.
- Main page of the IBIS GUI
- PICsIT page of the IBIS GUI
- Crab significance image in the
keV energy band as seen by
- PICsIT Crab spectrum extracted from the mosaic.
- Composition of the main script ibis_science_analysis. For further descriptions of the BIN BKG steps
for the DEAD, IMA and BIN_S levels, see Figures 28, 29 and 30 respectively.
- Overview of the binning - background step for Imaging.
- Overview of the binning - background step for Spectra.
- Overview of the binning - background step for Lightcurves.
- ISGRI low threshold position as function of INTEGRAL revolution number.
- SPSF for the IBIS/ISGRI telescope.