Before you run any OSA software, you must also set your environment correctly.
The commands below apply to the csh family of shells (i.e
csh and tcsh) and should be adapted for other
families of shells.
In all cases, you have to set the REP_BASE_PROD variable to the location where you perform your analysis (e.g the directory jmx_data_rep). Thus, type:
Then, if not already set by default by your system administrator, you should set some environment variables and type:
setenv ISDC_ENV directory_of_OSA_sw_installation setenv ISDC_REF_CAT $REP_BASE_PROD/cat/hec/gnrl_refr_cat_0031.fits\[1] source $ISDC_ENV/bin/isdc_init_env.csh
The idea is to:
Besides these mandatory settings, there are two optional environment variables (COMMONLOGFILE and COMMONSCRIPT) which are useful.
setenv COMMONLOGFILE +common_log.txt
setenv COMMONSCRIPT 1When the GUI is disabled, parameters can be specified on the command line typing 'name = value' after the script name.
To revert and have the GUI again, unset the variable: