The commands below apply to the csh family of shells (i.e csh
and tcsh) and should be adapted for other families of
In order to set up a proper environment, you first have to create an analysis
directory (e.g spi_data_rep) and "cd" into it:
mkdir spi_data_rep cd spi_data_rep setenv REP_BASE_PROD $PWD
This working directory will be referred to as the ``REP_BASE_PROD'' directory in the following. All the data required in your analysis should then be available from this ``top'' directory, and they should be organized as follow
and all data resulting from your analysis will reside in an obs
branch (in that same directory), which will be created by the first
analysis step (og_create, see below). Part of the above input data
may already be available on your system. You can either
copy the data to the relevant directory or create soft
links as follows:
ln -s directory_of_ic_files_installation/ic ln -s directory_of_ic_files_installation/idx ln -s directory_of_cat_installation/cat ln -s directory_of_local_archive/scw ln -s directory_of_local_archive/aux
The different ``directory_of_...'' can be all the same location. For example, if you are logged on the ISDC network and have a direct access to the revision 3 ISDC archive, these links become
ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_3/ic ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_3/idx ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_3/cat ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_3/scw ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_3/aux
Alternatively, if you do not have any of the above data on your local system, or if you do not have a local archive with the scw/ and the aux/ branch available, follow the next section instructions to download data from the ISDC WWW site. If you do have already the data available on your system, you can skip next section (6.1.2) (you need however to build a list of ``DOLs'' for your analysis that you can either produce using the archive browser or editing it``by hand'').