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Instrument Background

Table [*] lists Data Structures with the instrument background models.
Table: Instrument Background Model Data Structures.
Data Structure Description
ISGR-BACK-BKG ISGRI instrument background array.
ISGR-UNIF-BKG ISGRI instrument background uniformity array.
PICS-SBAC-BKG PICsIT instrument background array for single events.
PICS-SUNI-BKG PICsIT instrument background uniformity array for single events.
PICS-MBAC-BKG PICsIT instrument background array for multiple events.
PICS-MUNI-BKG PICsIT instrument background uniformity array for multiple events.
COMP-SBAC-BKG COMPTON instrument background array for single events.
COMP-SUNI-BKG COMPTON instrument background uniformity array for single events.
COMP-MBAC-BKG COMPTON instrument background array for multiple events.
COMP-MUNI-BKG COMPTON instrument background uniformity array for multiple events.

For each type of Data Structures in Table [*] there is an Index. Its content is given in Table [*]. Two last columns (RISE_MIN and RISE_MAX) are present only in ISGR-BACK-BKG-IDX and ISGR-UNIF-BKG-IDX Indexes.

Table: Content of Indexes for Table [*] Data Structures.
Column Name Description
VERSION Version of the instrument characteristic file
VSTART Start of validity time in IJD
VSTOP End of validity time in IJD
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range
EXPOSURE Effective exposure time
VETO_THR Veto threshold
METH_BKG Method used to produce this background image
RISE_MIN Minimum event rise time channel 0-127
RISE_MAX Maximum event rise time channel 0-127

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