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ii_skyimage deconvolves shadowgrams in the given energy bands. The index of deconvolved and cleaned images is written to ISGR-SKY.-IMA-IDX Data Structure. For each output energy band defined four images are created and attached to this index.The content of this Data Structure is given in the Table [*].

Table: Content of ISGR-SKY.-IMA-IDX Data Structure.
Column Name Description
IMATYPE Type of image. Possible values are:

``IMAGE'' - deconvolved and cleaned sky image

``VARIANCE'' - variance image

``SIGNIFICANCE'' - significance map

``RESIDUAL'' - difference between raw (deconvolved only) and cleaned image. ``EXPOSURE'' - true exposure map can be created.

CHANMIN Lowest channel of the energy range
CHANMAX Highest channel of the energy range
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range
E_MEAN Mean energy of the energy range
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range
TFIRST Time of the first data element
TLAST Time of the last data element
TELAPSE Total elapsed time of the data
EXPOSURE Effective exposure time
CRVAL1 LONG at the reference value
CRVAL2 LAT at the reference value

For each deconvolved image the list of found sources is created (Data Structure ISGR-SKY.-RES) and attached to the ISGR-SKY.-RES-IDX Data Structure. See content of these Data Structures in Tables [*], [*].

Table: Content of ISGR-SKY.-RES Data Structure.
Column Name Description
NEW_SOURCE New source flag (0 if old, 1 if new)
SOURCE_ID ISDC unique source identifier
RA_OBJ Source right ascension in degrees
DEC_OBJ Source declination in degrees
Y_FIN Y axis fine position of the source in pixels
Z_FIN Z axis fine position of the source in pixels
FIN_YZ_ERR Error of the fine position along the Y and Z axis in pixels
RA_FIN Right Ascension of the fine position of the source
DEC_FIN Declination of the fine position of the source
FIN_RD_ERR Error of the fine position of the source in RA and DEC, derived from source S/N (
FLUX Flux values for a given energy band
FLUX_ERR Flux errors for a given energy band
DETSIG Source detection significance in ISGRI
Table: Content of ISGR-SKY.-RES-IDX Data Structure.
Column Name Description
TFIRST Time of the first data element
TLAST Time of the last data element
TELAPSE Total elapsed time of the data
E_MIN Lower bound of the energy range
E_MAX Upper bound of the energy range

Search for the sources in the FOV is then performed and a list of sources found is created (Data Structure ISGR-MOSA-RES has the same structure as the ISGR-SKY.-RES, Table[*]). The index of lists of sources found in each map can be found in Data Structure ISGR-MOSA-RES-IDX (structure analogous to the one described in the Table [*]).

The output catalog containing the sources description is written to the data structure ISGR-SRCL-RES. This Data Structure has structure similar to input catalog ISGR-SRCL-CAT. Each row of this Data Structure contains the description of a source in the OG FOV. If it was present in the input catalog all the input info is copied. For each source found during the analysis the new info is added, see Table [*]

The DETSIG in ISGR-SRCL-RES is calculated from the results of the mosaic image and the results of the analysis at Science Window level as a quadratic summation of individual :

detsig = sqrt(sum detsig_i^2),

where i is for all energy bands and all Science Windows and mosaic image

For the flux and flux_err of ISGR-SRCL-RES you have:

flux = sum(flux_i) / N

flux_err = sum(flux_err_i) / N

where i is for all Science Windows and the mosaic image of a given energy band.

Table: New information added to the ISGR-SRCL-RES Data Structure.
Column Name Description
RA_FIN Right Ascension of the fine position of the source
DEC_FIN Declination of the fine position of the source
FIN_RD_ERR Error of the fine position of the source in RA and DEC
SCW_NUM_C number of times that the source was in ScW FOV

If SCW_NUM_C = 0 then it is a new source

SCW_NUM_F number of times that the source was found in ScW image
OG_NUM number of times that the source was found in OG image

With the help of stand alone program src_collect it si possible to collect results from different science windows. Results are written to the ISGR-OBS.-RES Data Structure, see Table [*].
Table: Content of the ISGR-OBS.-RES Data Structure.
Column Name Description
SWID Science Window identifier
SOURCE_ID ISDC unique source identifier
NAME One commonly used name for the source
RA_FIN Source right ascension in degrees
DEC_FIN Source declination in degrees
FIN_RD_ERR Error of the fine position of the source in RA and DEC
Y_FIN Y axis fine position of the source in pixels
Z_FIN Z axis fine position of the source in pixels
FIN_YZ_ERR Error of the fine position along Y and Z axis in pixels
DETSIG Source detection significance in ISGRI
E_MIN Lower energy boundaries
E_MAX Upper energy boundaries
FLUX Flux values
FLUX_ERR Flux errors
DEADC Mean deadtime (and greyfilter) correction factor
EXPOSURE Mean exposure time over the detector plane
TSTART Start time of the observation (IJD)
TSTOP End time of the observation (IJD)

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