OSA is also distributed as a docker container, suitable for any operating system where docker is supported (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X, or even Windows).
Docker is a system to run programs within a predefined environment without any need for the user to make any modification to their operating system, specific to a program. However, one needs to install the docker program to start, https://docs.docker.com/see the Docker website at https://docs.docker.com/. Notice that you use your local resources and need to download data and calibration files, besides storing results.
A detailed description for using OSA inside docker is given in the https://www.isdc.unige.ch/integral/download/osa/doc/11.0/osa_inst_guide.pdfOSA installation guide. Here, we underline that a convenience script is distributed to invoke the analysis.
After installing docker on your machine, you need to pull the OSA image where the environment and the necessary programs are stored:
docker pull integralsw/osawith this recommended command, you download the latest version of OSA. We distribute with a specific tag for any frozen distribution. For instance, OSA v.11.1
docker pull integralsw/osa:11.1to download OSA v.10.2, it is
docker pull integralsw/osa:10.2In general, we suggest to use the ``latest'' tag, as it contains the most recent bug fixes.
Then, you need to download the instrument characteristics and the data you need to analyze in some arbitrary location, but different from the directory used for the analysis, see below. Suppose you have downloaded the Instrument characteristics with the command:
rsync -Lzrtv isdcarc.unige.ch::arc/FTP/arc_distr/ic_tree/prod/ \ /home/integral/ic_treeinto
Suppose that you downloaded data from revolution 1667 with the commands
rsync -lrtv isdcarc.unige.ch::arc/FTP/arc_distr/CONS/public/scw/1667/ \ /home/integral/archive/scw/1667 rsync -lrtv isdcarc.unige.ch::arc/FTP/arc_distr/CONS/public/aux/adp/ref \ /home/integral/archive/aux/adp rsync -lrtv isdcarc.unige.ch::arc/FTP/arc_distr/CONS/public/aux/adp/1667.001 \ /home/integral/archive/aux/adpso that your archive will be
Finally, you need to change directory into a writable directory, where the
script will store your analysis results and parameter files, let's assume
cd /home/integral/results
You can define now a list of science windows to analyze:
cat > scw.lis <<EOF 166700520010.001 166700530010.001 166700540010.001 166700550010.001 EOF
With an active network connection, the following command will allow you to create an observation group
REP_BASE_PROD=/home/integral/archive CURRENT_IC=/home/integral/ic_tree bash \ <(curl https://gitlab.astro.unige.ch/savchenk/osa-docker/raw/master/osa-docker.sh) \ og_create idxSwg=scw.lis ogid=my_og baseDir=./ instrument=IBIS
Notice that the variables REP_BASE_PROD indicates the
location of your data, and CURRENT_IC the IC location
(backward symbolic links are strictly forbidden in both cases). In alternative, you can also download the osa-docker.sh
script with
https://gitlab.astro.unige.ch/savchenk/osa-docker/raw/master/osa-docker.shand run it.
To run the IBIS science analysis, you can now
cd obs/my_og \ REP_BASE_PROD=/home/integral/archive CURRENT_IC=/home/integral/ic_tree bash \ <(curl https://gitlab.astro.unige.ch/savchenk/osa-docker/raw/master/osa-docker.sh) \ ibis_science_analyisa graphical window will open and you can make the analysis.
Should you prefer not having a graphical interface, you need to set the appropriate environment variable and passing the appropriate parameters. We give an example taken from the isdc_osa_ibisdocker_testscript.sh.
./osa-docker.sh export COMMONSCRIPT=1 ; \ export COMMONLOGFILE=+/home/integral/common_log.txt; \ ibis_science_analysis \ ogDOL="og_ibis.fits" \ startLevel="COR" \ endLevel="IMA" \ SWITCH_disablePICsIT="YES" SWITCH_disableIsgri="NO" \ IBIS_nregions_ima=3 \ IBIS_nbins_ima="\"1 1 1\"" \ IBIS_energy_boundaries_ima="\"25 40 100 300\""