The usage of the spi_science_analysis GUI is strongly recommended.
It allows to enter all important analysis parameters (see
Sect. to know how to modify the list of important
parameters) and then to run the script. However, command-line run are
required in some cases, because either (1) spi_science_analysis is
called from another, higher-level script, or (2)
spi_science_analysis is run through a distant, slow connection, or
(3) ROOT has not been installed and thus the GUI is not available.
An easy way to produce a command-line script for spi_science_analysis is to use the GUI to enter the parameters, and then to use the ``Save As'' button. This produces a few-line shell scripts that you can execute directly or copy into another more sophisticated one.
Below, you will find an example of a command-line run corresponding to the
cookbook example of Sect. . It includes all
spi_science_analysis parameters. The example can be ``copied'' and
``pasted'' into a terminal or a shell script. Note that this example
includes all possible parameters, and that many of them are actually
not used in this particular case, but they are still listed such that
you can modify them easily.
spi_science_analysis obs_group="og_spi.fits" \ IC_Group="../../idx/ic/ic_master_file.fits[1]" \ IC_Alias="OSA" \ coeff_DOL="" \ IRF_DOL="" \ RMF_DOL="" \ catalog="" \ clobber=yes log_File="spi_sa.log" \ run_cat_extract=no \ run_pointing=yes \ run_binning=yes \ run_background=yes \ run_simulation=no \ run_spiros=yes \ run_phase_analysis=no \ run_gaincorrection=no \ run_fullcheck=no \ detectors="0-18" \ spiros_source-cat-dol="" \ coordinates="RADEC" \ cat_extract_fluxMin="0.001" \ cat_extract_fluxMax="1000" \ use_pointing_filter=yes \ spibounds_nregions=1 spibounds_regions="20,400" \ spibounds_nbins="1" \ spi_phase_hist_ephemDOL="ephemeris.fits" \ spi_phase_hist_phaseBinNum=20 \ spi_phase_hist_phaseSameWidthBin=yes spi_phase_hist_phaseBounds="" \ spi_phase_hist_phaseSubtractOff=no spi_phase_hist_phaseOffNum=0 \ spi_phase_hist_orbit=no \ spi_phase_hist_asini=0 \ spi_phase_hist_porb=0 \ spi_phase_hist_T90epoch=0 \ spi_phase_hist_ecc=0 \ spi_phase_hist_omega_d=0 \ spi_phase_hist_pporb=0 \ spi_add_sim_SrcLong=80 \ spi_add_sim_SrcLat=19 \ spi_add_sim_FluxScale=0.01 \ use_background_flatfields=yes \ use_background_templates=no \ use_background_models=no \ spi_flatfield_ptsNbConstBack=5 \ spi_flatfield_single=no \ spi_templates_type="GEDSAT" \ spi_templates_scaling=1 \ spi_obs_back_nmodel=1 \ spi_obs_back_model01="GEDSAT" \ spi_obs_back_mpar01="" \ spi_obs_back_norm01="NO" \ spi_obs_back_npar01="" \ spi_obs_back_scale01=1 \ spi_obs_back_model02="GEDSAT" \ spi_obs_back_mpar02="" \ spi_obs_back_norm02="NO" \ spi_obs_back_npar02="" \ spi_obs_back_scale02=1 \ spi_obs_back_model03="GEDSAT" \ spi_obs_back_mpar03="" \ spi_obs_back_norm03="NO" \ spi_obs_back_npar03="" \ spi_obs_back_scale03=1 \ spi_obs_back_model04="GEDSAT" \ spi_obs_back_mpar04="" \ spi_obs_back_norm04="NO" \ spi_obs_back_npar04="" \ spi_obs_back_scale04=1 \ spi_obs_hist_useSE=yes \ spiros_mode="IMAGING" \ spiros_energy-subset="" \ spiros_pointing-subset="" \ spiros_detector-subset="" \ spiros_background-method=3 spiros_srclocbins="FIRST" \ spiros_image-proj="CAR" \ spiros_image-fov="POINTING+ZCFOV" \ spiros_nofsources=3 \ spiros_sigmathres=6 \ spiros_iteration-output="NO" \ spiros_optistat="CHI2" \ spiros_source-timing-mode="QUICKLOOK" \ spiros_source-timing-scale=0.1