The SPECTRAL mode of spiros is even easier to use as it does not search for sources but gets their locations and width from an input catalog, which is located under spi/source_cat.fits (in case the default names from the spi_science_analysis.par file have been applied). Sources, which have a SEL_FLAG=1 in this input catalog, will be taken into account. A different input catalog than the one attached to the Observation Group can also be given via source-cat-dol parameter. spiros finds the flux values of all of the flagged sources simultaneously but independently in each energy bin of the input observation count spectrum.
This method of calculating source flux values independently in each
energy bin
is required as a base line mode of spiros to output "raw" or photo peak
spectra which are then to be used by the XSPEC spectral modeling
software to extract their true spectra (see Sec. ).