Setting up the environment

You are currently logged on as wksX user on one of the Solaris machines isdcsf2..isdcsf5
You can freely choose between these machines to run you science analysis tasks by making ssh to tþe machine of your
choice (check each time whether this machine is heavily loaded or not with the top command). You can also use the more fast
isdclin1..isdclin5 Linux machines. Each time you want to run OSA software in a new terminal window, you have to type the command


in the command line. This command will correctly set up the ISDC environement for OSA. (this set-up is specific for ISDC and at your home institution you'll have to set-up the environement according to instructions given in OSA intallation manual).

Normally you have to store the data and results of data analysis in the scratch subdirectory of you home directory:

cd scratch

In the scratch directory create a directory where the data analysis will be done

mkdir data_rep
cd data_rep
unsetenv AUXL_REF_DIR

and link the science window data, reference catalog and instrument characteristics from the ISDC server (at present, you do not need to download the data, but when you'll return to you home institution, you'll have to)

ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_2/cat

ln -s $ISDC_IC_TREE/ic
ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_2/scw
ln -s /isdc/arc/rev_2/aux
ln -s $ISDC_IC_TREE/idx

To have a log-file of your data analysis do


Now you can start the exercises proposed for the hands-on session.