No. 5 - March 27, 2001 Edited by Thierry Montmerle & Marc Türler 
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As can be seen in the second issue of the ISOC Newsletter, the response to the INTEGRAL open time AO-1 has been overwhelming. If calculated by the ratio between the total requested time and the available open time, the pressure factor is close to 20. The ``amalgamation'' procedure, by which several observations requesting comparable exposure times along neighbouring lines-of-sight can be grouped together into a single exposure, should significantly relieve this factor; still, it is clear that INTEGRAL will hold the record pressure in all the history of space astronomy. A nightmare for members of the Time Allocation Committee...

The ISDC itself contributed to this high pressure, with its staff being involved in many proposals in all main fields of gamma-ray astronomy amounting to about 10% of the total requested time for AO-1. This means that the ISDC shares fully the scientific interests of the whole community, and is thus equally eager to be as efficient as possible and to obtain the best results.

It is no surprise, then, that ISDC scientists are heavily involved during the INTEGRAL operations, as described below by Nami Mowlavi. The necessity of responding to gamma-ray bursts or to transient sources translates into a sophisticated round-the-clock organization, in parallel with the more routine tasks of monitoring the continuous data processing and archiving.

On the other hand, time continues to fly, and while we're getting close to one year before launch, SPI is on its way to be calibrated as a whole. The ISDC will be part of the process, taking this opportunity to fully test its software on what can be considered as the first ``real-time'' data coming from INTEGRAL.

That's big news !
Thierry Montmerle & Marc Türler

This section includes the following articles:
The ISDC during routine operations
Nami Mowlavi (ISDC Geneva)

The ISDC has the role, within the INTEGRAL ground segment, to analyse, archive and distribute the data received from the satellite. The aim of this article is to give a basic overview of the organization of the ISDC during routine operations. I first present the different teams which will be working at the ISDC during operations, and then focus on the data processing performed at the ISDC as monitored by the so-called ``shift team''.

Operational organization

Eight different teams will be working at the ISDC to ensure the smooth running of data reception, analysis and distribution, and to provide support to the community. These teams are described below. Each of the teams reports to the Operations Manager as shown in the figure below.

Click for full-sized image

The shift team
is responsible for the operational activities during each revolution (see details below).
The software team
is responsible both for the maintenance and further development of the ISDC software, and for the software distribution to outside users. It will be regularly on call to provide trouble shooting support to the shift team on duty.
The hardware team
is responsible for developing and maintaining the ISDC hardware, both on the operational and the office network. It will also perform regular backups of all the ISDC machines.
The archive team
is responsible for the population of the archive and maintenance of its content. It is also responsible to maintain the archive software for data ingest, browse and distribution.
The instrument team representatives
are experts sent to the ISDC by each Instrument Team (SPI, IBIS, JEM-X and OMC). They perform instrument specific activities in collaboration with their Instrument Team and the ISDC instrument specialists. Those activities mainly consist of calibrating the instruments, ensuring their good performance and analysing the background emission.
The team of ISDC instrument specialists
is composed of ISDC staff specialized in the instruments and acting as interfaces with the Instrument Teams. The members of this team act in turn as the scientist on duty in the shift team and are responsible for the quality of the science data products.
The quality assurance team
is responsible for project control, software testing and ISDC documentation.
The community support team
is responsible for user support activities including the Helpdesk, the maintenance of user manuals and the distribution of information to the community.

It must be noted that scientists at the ISDC are integrated in one or another of the teams mentioned above, most of them being in the team of instrument specialists. As a result, no science team is explicitely defined, though scientific research is actively conducted at the ISDC.

Data processing at the ISDC

Basically, two types of data are processed at the ISDC, near real time and consolidated data.

Near real time data from the INTEGRAL satellite are directly forwarded to the ISDC by the Mission Operations Center (MOC) in Darmstadt, Germany. These data are continuously received and monitored in the operations room by the pipeline operator, and automatically checked within a few seconds by the INTEGRAL Burst Alert System (IBAS) to search for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs).

In case of a GRB detection, an automatic alert is sent by the IBAS to a predefined list of people around the world in order to follow the event in other wavelengths as soon as possible. The scientist on duty would then analyse the data and confirm (or invalidate) the alert. Any interested person can register to the list (information will be provided in a coming issue of this Newsletter). It is expected that INTEGRAL should observe about one GRB per month. If its position is in the field of view of the Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) on board INTEGRAL, an alert is sent to the MOC in order to command the satellite to track the GRB in the optical.

When a transient source is detected by the near real time data pipeline, the data are analysed by the scientist on duty. If the transient candidate is confirmed, a message is sent to the Project Scientist, who decides whether the transient object can be declared to be a target of opportunity (ToO). Further automatic and manual checks are performed on the near real time data in order to check the good performance of the instruments and analyse background data.

Consolidated data, on the other hand, are sent by the MOC to the ISDC on CD-roms about two weeks after reception of the near real time data. The consolidated data are also processed in the operations room at the ISDC. Standard data products are derived and archived. The quality of the standard data products is controlled by the scientist on duty. Sets of standard data products are declared ready for distribution after consultation with the INTEGRAL Science Operations Center (ISOC) in the Netherlands. They are then distributed to the observers on the requested medium.

The shift team

In order to ensure the smooth running of both the near real time and the consolidated data processing pipelines, a shift team will be available 24 hours a day, either directly on site or on call. It is composed of one coordinator, one scientist and two operators. A hardware manager and a software engineer from the respective teams are always on call ready to provide trouble shooting support. The figure below shows the organisation of the shift team.

Click for full-sized image

The basic duration of a shift is of one revolution (i.e. 3 days). The shift team will be on duty from one perigee to the next. It is working at the ISDC eight hours a day from 9h00 to 18h00 from Monday to Sunday, and is on call for the rest of the time. The operations coordinator, on the other hand, stays on shift during two consecutive revolutions.

Feedback about the Observation Simulator
Ada Paizis (ISDC Geneva)

The INTEGRAL Observation Simulator (OSim) developed at the ISDC was made available in the last issue of this newsletter. If you tried to use it, we would be very interested in having your opinion about the OSim distribution. It will allow us to have an idea on how many of you tried to install and run the simulator. Your comments on the difficulties you encountered will be precious for us to improve future software deliveries.

  1. On which operating system have you tried to run the Observation Simulator ?
    Linux Solaris Another system
  2. Was it easy to install the OSim package on your operating system ?
    Yes, it was quite easy No, it was rather difficult I could not install it
  3. Was it easy to run the simulator with the instructions given in the User Manual ?
    Yes, it was quite easy No, it was rather difficult I could not run it
  4. Was the simulator useful for preparing your INTEGRAL proposals ?
    Yes, it was very useful Yes, it was quite useful No, it was useless
  5. Please, use the box below to explicit your answers, make comments, suggestions, etc.

  6. Leave us your e-mail address to receive automatically a copy of the feedback message you are sending.

    Thank you very much for your help!


This section includes the following article: Please note that ESA communicates information about the INTEGRAL mission including status of spacecraft, instruments, and science operations through its own channels, including ESA's science WWW site and the INTEGRAL WWW site at ESTEC.
The aim of this ``INTEGRAL News'' section is to convey informal news about the activities of the INTEGRAL Instrument Teams. For further information, please visit the WWW pages of these teams, which can be reached through the above mentioned ESA sites or through the list of ISDC WWW links.

The Status of the Spectrometer SPI
Gilbert Vedrenne (CESR Toulouse) and Volker Schönfelder (MPE Garching)

Click for full-sized image The SPI instrument has been fully integrated with the SPICO cryocoolers from the MMS Astrium company by the end of January. This was the last subsystem delivery.
In February, SPI was transported to INTESPACE in Toulouse where it successfully withstood the tests of electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC). The image on the right shows the SPI instrument during these EMC tests (image courtesy J.-P. Roques).
Now, since the beginning of March, SPI goes through thermal vacuum tests, still at INTESPACE. This is the first time the instrument is complete, especially with the Ge detector plane and the whole four-cryocooler system with its electronic command. The two stages of the preamplifiers are also at their nominal temperature. Up to now the detector performances are nominal. The tests will go on until end of March.
From April 10, SPI will be in Bruyères-le-Châtel (a nuclear research facility near Paris, France) for a full month devoted to calibrations, using sources and gamma-rays produced on proton accelerator targets.
Finally, at the beginning of May, the instrument will be delivered to Alenia for integration on the satellite.

Abstracts of recently accepted papers

Other papers picked up for you

Below are links to a list of selected papers from the e-print archive accepted in refereed journals and related in a way or another to the science relevant to the INTEGRAL mission.
The X-ray view of the quasar MR2251-178 and its host cluster: variability, absorption, and intracluster gas emission
Stefanie Komossa
Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstrasse, 85748 Garching, Germany
Accepted for publication in A&A on December 13, 2000
Abstract. MR2251-178 was the first quasar initially discovered in X-rays, and the first one found to host a warm absorber. The quasar turned out to be an outstanding object in many respects. It has a high ratio of X-ray/optical luminosity, is surrounded by the largest quasar emission-line nebula known, and is located in the outskirts of a cluster of galaxies. Here, we present results from an analysis of the X-ray spectral, temporal, and spatial properties of this source and its environment based on deep ROSAT observations.
Remarkably, we do not detect any excess X-ray cold absorption expected to originate from the giant gas nebula surrounding MR2251-178. This excludes the presence of a huge HI envelope around the quasar. The X-ray spectrum of MR2251-178 is best fit by a warm-absorbed powerlaw with an ionization parameter log U = 0.5 and a column density log Nw = 22.6 which, however, cannot be the same material as the giant optical emission line nebula. The mean (0.1-2.4)keV X-ray luminosity amounts to 1045 erg/s.
A spatial analysis shows that the bulk of the X-ray emission from the quasar is consistent with a point source, as expected in view of the powerlaw-shaped X-ray spectrum and the rapid X-ray variability we detect. In addition, extended emission appears at weak emission levels, including a bridge between the quasar and the cD galaxy of the cluster.
The X-ray emission from the intra-cluster medium is weak or absent. None of the other member galaxies of the cluster to which MR2251-178 belongs, are detected in X-rays. However, east of the quasar there is a significant excess of X-ray sources, several of them without optical counterparts on the UK Schmidt plates.
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X-ray states and radio emission in the black hole candidate XTE J1550-564
S. Corbel et al.
Univ. Paris VII & CEA Saclay & Harvard-CfA
Accepted for publication in ApJ on February 2, 2001
Abstract. We report on radio and X-ray observations of the black hole candidate (BHC) XTE J1550-564 performed during its 2000 X-ray outburst. Observations have been conducted with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and have allowed us to sample the radio behavior of XTE J1550-564 in the X-ray Low Hard and Intermediate/Very High states. We observed optically thin radio emission from XTE J1550-564 five days after a transition to an Intermediate/Very High state, but we observed no radio emission six days later, while XTE J1550-564 was still in the Intermediate/Very High state. In the Low Hard state, XTE J1550-564 is detected with an inverted radio spectrum. The radio emission in the Low Hard state most likely originates from a compact jet; optical observations suggest that the synchrotron emission from this jet may extend up to the optical range. The total power of the compact jet might therefore be a significant fraction of the total luminosity of the system. We suggest that the optically thin synchrotron radio emission detected five days after the transition to the Intermediate/Very High state is due to a discrete ejection of relativistic plasma during the state transition. Subsequent to the decay of the optically thin radio emission associated with the state transition, it seems that in the Intermediate/Very High state the radio emission is quenched by a factor greater than 50, implying a suppression of the outflow. We discuss the properties of radio emission in the X-ray states of BHCs.
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Observational evidence for mass ejection during soft X-ray dips in GRS 1915+105
S. V. Vadawale1, A. R. Rao1, A. Nandi2 and S. K. Chakrabarti2
1. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai-400 005, India.
2. S.N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Calcutta-700 091,India
Accepted for publication in A&A Letters on March 1, 2001
Abstract. We investigate the connection between the X-ray and radio properties of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105, by analyzing the X-ray data observed with RXTE, during the presence of a huge radio flare (~450 mJy). The X-ray lightcurve shows two dips of ~100 second duration. Detailed time resolved spectral analysis shows the existence of three spectral components: a multicolor disk-blackbody, a Comptonized component due to hot plasma and a power-law. We find that the Comptonized component is very weak during the dip. This is further confirmed by the PHA ratio of the raw data and ratio of the lightcurves in different energy bands. These results, combined with the fact that the 0.5-10 Hz QPO disappears during the dip and that the Comptonized component is responsible for the QPO lead to the conclusion that during the dips the matter emitting Comptonized spectrum is ejected away. This establishes a direct connection between the X-ray and radio properties of the source.
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A Chandra Observation of M51: Active Nucleus and Nuclear Outflows
Yuichi Terashima and Andrew S. Wilson
1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20771 and Astronomy Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
2. Astronomy Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Accepted for publication in ApJ on March 2 2001
Abstract. We present a Chandra ACIS-S observation of the nuclear region of the nearby spiral galaxy M51 (NGC 5194), which has a low-luminosity Seyfert 2 nucleus. The X-ray image shows the nucleus, southern extranuclear cloud, and northern loop, the morphology of the extended emission being very similar to those seen in radio continuum and optical emission line images. The X-ray spectrum of the nucleus is well represented by a model consisting of soft thermal plasma with kT ~ 0.5 keV, a very hard continuum, and an Fe Kα emission line at 6.45 keV with an equivalent width of > 2 keV. The very strong Fe line and the flat continuum indicate that the nucleus is obscured by a column density in excess of 1024 cm-2 and the spectrum is dominated by reflected emission from cold matter near the nucleus. The X-ray spectra of the extranuclear clouds are well fitted by a thermal plasma model with kT ~ 0.5 keV. This spectral shape and morphology strongly suggest that the clouds are shock heated by the bi-polar outflow from the nucleus. The shock velocities of the extranuclear cloud and northern loop inferred from the temperatures of the X-ray gas are 690 km/s and 660 km/s, respectively. By assuming a steady-state situation in which the emission of the extranuclear clouds is powered by the jets, the mechanical energy in the jets is found to be comparable to the bolometric luminosity of the nucleus.
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This section includes:

Upcoming conferences around the astrophysics of INTEGRAL

Job Offers

This issue of the Newsletter has been visited times since released on March 27, 2001.