No. 7 - September 14, 2001 Edited by Thierry Montmerle & Marc Türler 
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This newsletter was written while the USA, as well as the entire world, was shaken by the terrible news. We therefore would like to express here our sympathy and solidarity with our American colleagues.

Concerning INTEGRAL, maybe the most awaited news of this summer was the release of the open time program after the first announcement of opportunity (AO-1). Since August, the whole list of accepted proposals is available on the INTEGRAL site at ESTEC together with the 3rd ISOC Newsletter, which gives some statistics on the accepted program.

This summer, in July, the INTEGRAL spacecraft was moved from Alenia, Italy to ESTEC, the Netherlands and you will find the complete story of this journey on ESA's science WWW site. Since then, the ISGRI detector layer of the IBIS imager was also delivered and its ``first light'' is shown below.

This newsletter presents you also an important part of the INTEGRAL mission, which is not well known: The INTEGRAL Mass Model. The idea, here, is to understand and model all possible background contaminations due to the physical mass, the shape and the composition of the INTEGRAL spacecraft.

Finally, in the ISDC News section we start a series of articles describing different aspects of the data processing system we are developing at the ISDC. This time, we concentrate on the data format and the archive organization.

The official launch date of INTEGRAL is now fixed to October 17, 2002, just less than 400 days from now...

With our best wishes,
Marc Türler & Thierry Montmerle

This section includes the following articles:
Data & Archive Organization
Marc Türler & Roland Walter (ISDC Geneva)

Data structures

The ISDC adobted the FITS format, widely used in astronomy, to handle and store the INTEGRAL data at each level of the data processing. A FITS file can have several extensions, which can each contain a series of scalar valued keywords (e.g. a time tag), vector columns (e.g. a spectrum) or multi-dimensional arrays (e.g. one or several images).

Different types of FITS file extensions are called ``data structures''. In total, for all INTEGRAL instruments and all levels of the data processing, the ISDC defined about thousand different data structures each identified by a specific EXTNAME (``extension name'') keyword.

The grouping concept

Because of the dithering of the INTEGRAL satellite, an observation is made of many pointings of ~30 minutes separated by slews. Each pointing is called a ``Science Window'' and is uniquely identified by the value of the SWID keyword.

For each science window, a few hundred data structures are grouped together in a compound object called a ``science window group'' containing all the data belonging to this science window. It consists typically of about 30 MByte of raw data, 50 MByte of prepared data, 20 MByte of corrected data and 20 MByte of high-level products. All these data are easily accessible, although, physically, they are located in different extensions of many different FITS files.

Since an observation consists of many pointings, an ``observation group'' is defined as being a collection of many science window groups. An observation group is also identified by a distinct keyword and contains all the data belonging to a given observation. This amounts to about 20 GByte for a typical observation of 300 ksec.

The archive structure

The data repository structure consists of a complex directory tree in which the various FITS files are distributed. The six main branches of the directory tree are: This directory structure is both used in the INTEGRAL archive and for data distribution. However, the ISDC system is build in such a way that the user will access the data in an object oriented way without having to care about the exact location of the files in the directory tree.

The INTEGRAL archive will be on-line and directly accessible through FTP or through a WWW browse interface. The archive browsing tool, based on HEASARC's Browse facility, will be described in a forthcoming issue of this newsletter.

This section includes the following article: Please note that ESA communicates information about the INTEGRAL mission including status of spacecraft, instruments, and science operations through its own channels, including ESA's science WWW site and the INTEGRAL WWW site at ESTEC.
The aim of this ``INTEGRAL News'' section is to convey informal news about the activities of the INTEGRAL Instrument Teams. For further information, please visit the WWW pages of these teams, which can be reached through the above mentioned ESA sites or through the list of ISDC WWW links.

Delivery of the ISGRI camera
François Lebrun (CEA Saclay)

The ISGRI gamma camera Delivery Review took place on the CEA premises in Saclay on July 6, 2001. This device will be mounted on the IBIS gamma-ray space telescope. With its 2600 cm2 sensitive area, ISGRI is the first gamma-ray camera in the world to be equipped with semiconductor detectors operating at ambient temperature. The camera comprizes more than 16 000 independent cadmium telluride (CdTe) detectors. ISGRI was delivered to the IBIS consortium on July 12 to be integrated on the IBIS telescope, itself to be delivered to ESA in November 2001.

The ``first light''

Discobol statuette The Delivery Review provided the opportunity to demonstrate the device imaging capabilities. For this test, the eight modules forming the detection array of the camera were assembled on a test platform. To ease the mounting, large spaces were left between modules. In the final configuration on the IBIS telescope, the modules will be mounted side by side so that these dead zones will be ten times smaller. The bronze statuette depicted on the right was inserted between the ISGRI detector and a cobalt ( 57Co) radioactive source emitting photons at 122 keV. Bronze is a strong absorber at this energy and photons can hardly pass through, so that the statuette shadow is cast on the ISGRI module layer as shown on the left image below.

The image on the right is an optical picture of the 20 cm-high discobol statuette, which is a copy of the famous Discobol (disc thrower) sculpted by Myron (Greece, around  460-450 B.C.).

Click for full-sized image

The figure on the left shows the gamma-ray shadow of the discobol statuette. In a very emphatic way, the discobol symbolizes the intense effort before launch and the light announces the dawn of a prolific era for gamma-ray astronomers. One may also see an allusion to the accretion discs powering compact sources.

Because it is thinner, the disc is less absorbing than the athlete's arm. The source is located 60 cm above the camera centre, causing the count rate to decrease significantly (from light orange to dark orange) from the centre to the edges farthest from the source. The dark points in the image correspond to about 100 faulty pixels, i.e., less than 0.6 % of the total number. This small fraction illustrates the quality of the manufacturing and justifies, a posteriori, the confidence in these new detectors (the specification was less than 5 % faulty pixels).

The INTEGRAL Mass Model (TIMM)
Colin Ferguson (Southampton University)

In previous gamma-ray missions the background expected in orbit has been estimated by scaling the results from earlier missions using mainly empirical techniques. There has always been a will to try to calculate the expected background scientifically using known physics. In the past this could not be realised, however recently with the advent of far more powerful computers and advanced particle physics software this has become a realistic possibility. The INTEGRAL Mass Model (TIMM) represents the first major attempt at this. Click for full-sized image

The figure on the left shows an exploded view of the SPI instrument. The complexity of TIMM arises due to the large number of different elements.

TIMM is effectively composed of three essential parts: the spacecraft geometry and materials, the input particle spectra and the physics simulator. This produces raw event by event output data which can then be analysed (filtered, blurred, etc.) to produce truly representational spacecraft data. The spacecraft geometry and material composition is supplied to the mass modelling team by the INTEGRAL instrument teams. The input particle spectra are taken from the literature. The physics simulator used, based on GEANT 3.2.1, and known as GGOD has been extended to allow for realistic simulation of the induced radioactive decays. GGOD allows all the energy depositions within the instruments and the spacecraft structure to be recorded accurately, and this information can then be used to produce data which will be a facsimile of the real spacecraft data. Click for full-sized image

The figure on the right shows the GGOD software flow diagram. GGOD uses the input radiation environment and the detailed geometry model to create a "virtual instrument".

Mass models have many uses, from instrument design and optimisation, to estimation of the in-orbit background (and of course whether this has features within it) and finally through to optimisation of the analysis software and the production of artefact free survey data. In the immediate future TIMM will be used to support the calibration of INTEGRAL. The mass model has also been used to investigate many interesting issues as they have arisen during the project, for example the effect of putting the cold pipe through the SPI side shield, Solar flare effects and the effect of off-axis sources to name but a few.

Two Examples

The following two pictures illustrate spectral and spatial features recorded by TIMM. Click for full-sized image

The figure on the left shows a 1 keV binned spectrum of the SPI background. The emission-line contamination due to the radioactive decays is clearly visible. The exact identification of the lines is in progress, based on TGRS data. Click for full-sized image

The figure on the right shows a projection of the background across the PICsIT detector plane. The axes shown are in the Mass Model Co-ordinate system, where SPI is at negative X. There is evidence of a gradual increase in background towards SPI, but there is also clear evidence of an increase in background at the detector module boundaries, caused by internal structural elements.

Ultimately the mass model also has a major use in data analysis. The mass model allows us to "Flat Field" the data, this in effect reduces the systematic errors and allows us to approach the statistical limits of the instrument sensitivity. The ability to closely reproduce the background structure (temporally, spectrally and spatially) improves the subtraction of artefacts from the real data and therefore improves the sensitivity obtainable. At Southampton we are currently involved in producing an all-sky survey using archival BATSE data and the mass modelling technique. Within GEANT we have constructed a reasonably detailed model of the entire CGRO spacecraft. The BATSE detectors themselves have been modelled in much higher detail than the rest of CGRO because they have a larger effect on the results. The impact of the temporal and spectral Flat Fielding processes are illustrated in the following two figures. Click for full-sized image

The figure on the left clearly demonstrates the ability to flat field the BATSE data. The large temporal variations in the raw data are greatly reduced (by ~90 %) once the model has been applied. Click for full-sized image

The figure on the right shows a BATSE all sky survey image, limited to >0.5 Crab sources, derived from 50 days of data. The flat fielding technique has improved the sensitivity (to approaching the statistical limits) and the image quality, and exciting new results are expected soon.

Unlike BATSE, INTEGRAL has a long period orbit and temporal variations should therefore be less dramatic, however spatial variances will dominate in this imaging system and more classic detection plane flat fielding will be necessary to improve sensitivity and image quality. In the post-launch future we can expect TIMM to actively be used to subtract background from observations, thus reducing systematics, allowing us to reach the statistical sensitivity of the instruments. TIMM also allows for the change in instrument performance to be evaluated over time, which will be important for archiving INTEGRAL data.

Additional information can be found at TIMM's home page.

Abstracts of recently accepted papers

Other papers picked up for you

Below are links to a list of selected papers from the e-print archive accepted in refereed journals and related in a way or another to the science relevant to the INTEGRAL mission.
A GRB Detection System using the BGO-Shield of the INTEGRAL-Spectrometer SPI
A. von Kienlin, N. Arend, G.G. Lichti
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 2nd Rome Workshop on GRBs (Springer) on August 8, 2001
Abstract. The anticoincidence shield (ACS) of the INTEGRAL-spectrometer SPI consists of 512 kg of BGO crystals. This massive scintillator allows the measurement of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with a very high sensitivity. Estimations have shown that with the ACS some hundred gamma-ray bursts per year on the 5σ level can be detected, having an equivalent sensitivity to BATSE. The GRB detection will be part of the real-time INTEGRAL burst-alert system (IBAS). The ACS branch of IBAS will produce burst alerts and light curves with 50 ms resolution. It is planned to use ACS burst alerts in the 4th interplanetary network (IPN).
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The GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM)
G.G. Lichti, M.S. Briggs, R. Diehl, et al.
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 2nd Rome Workshop on GRBs on August 8, 2001
Abstract. The selection of the GLAST burst monitor (GBM) by NASA will allow the investigation of the relation between the keV and the MeV-GeV emission from gamma-ray bursts. The GBM consists of 12 NaI and 2 BGO crystals allowing a continuous measurement of the energy spectra of gamma-ray bursts from ~5 keV to ~30 MeV. One feature of the GBM is its high time resolution for time-resolved gamma-ray spectroscopy. Moreover the arrangement of the NaI crystals allows a rapid on-board location (<15 degrees) of a gamma-ray burst within a FoV of ~8.6 sr. This position will be communicated to the main instrument of GLAST making follow-up observations at high energies possible.
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This section includes:

Upcoming conferences around the astrophysics of INTEGRAL

This issue of the Newsletter has been visited times since released on September 14, 2001.