.. _glw_deblending_task_user_guide: DoGLWDeblending =============== .. currentmodule:: asterism.analysis_tasks.source_detection.deblending.glw_deblending .. contents:: :local: .. toctree:: Introduction ------------ The :class:`DoGLWDeblendingTask` class implements the Laplacian of Gaussian maxim plus Watershed deblending task. The Laplacian of Gaussian method is used to find the local maxima, and the Watershed method is used to segment the cluster in the basins identified by the local maxima Algorithm ---------- .. figure:: glw_debl_alg.svg :width: 100% :align: center :figclass: align-center The algorithm is implemented in the :func:`do_guass_laplace_watershed_deblending` and :func:`do_cluster_glw_segmentation` functions * The :func:`do_guass_laplace_watershed_deblending` implements the top level algorithm for the guass_laplace_watershed_deblending: * each parent cluster in the `cluster_list` is partitioned by the :func:`do_cluster_glw_segmentation` function. * the parent cluster with his children clusters are used to build :class:`DeblendedProducts` object * a list of class:`DeblendedProducts` objects is returned * The actual parent cluster deblending is implemented in the :func:`do_cluster_glw_segmentation` function: * The local maxima are obtained by the (:class:`~asterism.core.image_processing.features.BlobDetectionGaussLaplace`) class * The watershed segmentation on the corresponding local maxima is done using the :func:`~skimage.morphology.watershed.watershed` function Parameters ---------- * ``h_frac``: sets the width of the kernel as `h=h_frac*sqrt(r_max^2+r_cluster^2)` * ``h_min``: kernel width obtained by ``h_frac`` can not be lower than ``h_min`` * ``gl_th_rel``: relative threshold for the GaussLaplace local maxima detection * ``min_size``: sets the minimum size in pixels to perform a deblending conf file section ----------------- .. code-block:: none [ task: glw_deblending: start] h_frac = 0.25 h_min = 1.0 gl_th_rel = 0.1 min_size = 9 verbose = False plot = False [ task: glw_deblending: stop] User guide ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3