Module: morphometric_feature_extraction


This modules provides the implementation of the DoMorphometricFeaturesExtraction class used to handle the process for the morphometric features extraction. The tasks in the process are orchestrated by the do_morphometric_features_extraction_process_func()

Classes relations

Classes and Inheritance Structure

Inheritance diagram of asterism.analysis_processes.morphometric_feature_extraction.DoMorphometricFeaturesExtraction


do_morphometric_features_extraction_process_func(...) Function for the morphometric feature extraction Process.
DoMorphometricFeaturesExtraction([name, ...]) Derived class orchestrating the tasks

Module API

class DoMorphometricFeaturesExtraction(name='do_gal_shape_extraction', func=<function do_morphometric_features_extraction_process_func>, plot_func=<function analysis_plot>, parser=None, add_plot_task=True)[source]

Bases: asterism.pipeline_manager.analysis_processes.AnalysisProcess

Derived class orchestrating the tasks


name : str

the name for the Process

func : :function:

The function that handles tha tasks

image_id : int

id of the image

plot_func : :function:

plotting function for this process

parser :

add_plot_task : bool


add_analysis_task(task_class, name)
run(image[, image_id, extra_message]) Method that calls the .func to combine AnalysisTask and produce the output
run_plotting(plot_func, \*args, \*\*kwargs)
set_par(task_name, par_name, \*\*kwargs)
set_pars_from_parser(conf_file_lines, args, ...)
do_morphometric_features_extraction_process_func(process, image, image_id=None, cl_id=None, x_c=None, y_c=None, morphometry_input_data_original=None, morphometry_input_data_gabor=None, morphometry_input_data_deproj=None, morphometry_input_data_unsharp=None, no_plot=False, bkg_image=None, bkg_lvl=None)[source]

Function for the morphometric feature extraction Process. The following AnalysisTask derived tasks are used

Features are from each task are returned as list of asterism.core.morphometry.features.MorphometricFeatures objects Each task function is calling feature extraction function from asterism.core.morphometry. These functions have an internal try/execpt structure organinze in a such way that if a feture extraction fails, np.nan array is returned, with the corresponding columns names


process : AnalysisProcess

instance of the analysis process

image : Image instance

The input image

image_id : int

id of the image

no_plo :t bool, optional (defaule=False):

morphometry_input_data_original :class:`asterism.analysis_processes.morphometric_features_input_products.MorphometryInputData`

class instance storing the input data for the morphometric feature extraction

morphometry_input_data_deproj :class:`asterism.analysis_processes.morphometric_features_input_products.MorphometryInputData`

class instance storing the input data for the morphometric feature extraction

bkg_image : 2D np.array, optional

numpy array of the image of the bkg image

bkg_lvl : float,optional

value of the background image, estimated for the current image


products : AnalysisProcessProducts

instance of the AnalysisProcessProducts storing into the member prod_list FeaturesArray instance with all the features and features names extracted