Module: Hu_moments

Module: Hu_moments


This modules provides the implementation of the functions for the extraction of morphometric features, related to Hu_moments

Classes relations

Classes and Inheritance Structure


eval_log_Hu_moments(yx_array[, weight])
extract_Hu_moments_img(cluster_image, x_c, y_c)
get_cluster_contour_Hu_moments_morphometric_features(cluster) Function to extract galaxy morphometric features for :....

Module API

eval_log_Hu_moments(yx_array, weight=None)[source]
extract_Hu_moments_img(cluster_image, x_c, y_c)[source]
get_attractors_Hu_moments_morphometric_features(attractors_matrix, group_name='attr', name_flag=None)[source]

Function to extract galaxy morphometric features for :.... . The try/except statement allows to return np.nan features


cluster : :class:`asterism.core.clustering.source_cluster.SourceCluster2Dim’

cluster object from whicht to extract the features

group_name : str

the group name for the features (see MorphometricFeatures)

name_flag : str

the flag name for the features (see MorphometricFeatures)


MorphometricFeatures : MorphometricFeatures

The class storing the features with their names and dtypes

get_cluster_contour_Hu_moments_morphometric_features(cluster, group_name='cnt', name_flag=None)[source]

Function to extract galaxy morphometric features for :.... . The try/except statement allows to return np.nan features


cluster : :class:`asterism.core.clustering.source_cluster.SourceCluster2Dim’

cluster object from whicht to extract the features

group_name : str

the group name for the features (see MorphometricFeatures)

name_flag : str

the flag name for the features (see MorphometricFeatures)


MorphometricFeatures : MorphometricFeatures

The class storing the features with their names and dtypes


Function to extract galaxy morphometric features for :.... . The try/except statement allows to return np.nan features


cluster : :class:`asterism.core.clustering.source_cluster.SourceCluster2Dim’

cluster object from whicht to extract the features

group_name : str

the group name for the features (see MorphometricFeatures)

name_flag : str

the flag name for the features (see MorphometricFeatures)


MorphometricFeatures : MorphometricFeatures

The class storing the features with their names and dtypes