

The DoDeblendingValidationTask class implements the validation of the children clusters, i.e. the clusters produced by the partitioning of the parent cluster.


The algorithm is implemented in the do_deblending_validation() and deblend_parent() validate_children_clusters() functions.



  • validate_children: if True, then the resulting children sub-clusters are processed to be validated by the validate_children_clusters() that validates the sub-clusters, and returns the final list of accepted subclusters.
  • children_compact_frac_size: children to parent fractional size in pixels, below which the children is considered compact
  • children_ext_frac_size: children to parent fractional size in pixels, above which the children is considered extended
  • children_bright_frac_peak_flux: fractional peak flux of the children above which the children is considered bright.(Bright sources will be validated)
  • children_min_frac_integ_flux: min. val of the ratio of children to parent integ. flux, to validate an extended source children
  • children_min_frac_peak_flux: the minimum fractional peak flux to validate a compact source

conf file section

The configuration file section will read:

[ task: deblending_validation: start]
    validate_children = False
    children_compact_frac_size = 0.1
    children_ext_frac_size = 0.1
    children_bright_frac_peak_flux = 0.1
    children_min_frac_integ_flux = 0.1
    children_min_frac_peak_flux = 0.1
    verbose = False
    plot = False
[ task: deblending_validation: stop]