Pipeline subpackage

overview of the pipeline implementations

this subpackage offers all the facilities to embed algorithms into tasks, to facilitate the developing of pipelines. The basic idea is that task provides a bridge between the core algorithms and the pipeline manager package. Tasks can be combined into processes and processes into pipelines (as shown in the blue-dashed box) and the pipeline manager will orchestrate all the data/work flow, together with the I/O and the configuration

  • analysis_tasks subpackage contains implemented tasks
  • analysis_processes subpackage contains implemented procesess
  • analysis_piepelines subpackage contains implemented pipelines

The following diagram gives a schematic view of the packages relations.


deeper view of pipeline implementations

The following diagram shows a more detailed view of the combination of the functional decomposition of pipeline in processes and tasks. The analysis tasks package contains the implemented analysis tasks, a process can be composed from any combination of tasks, and a pipeline can incorporate any combination of processes. The functional relation between tasks in a process, and process in pipeline is implemented by a specific method.


users custom pipelines

Users can:

  • develop their own tasks, processes, and pipelines
  • combine provided tasks in user defined processes
  • combine provided processes in user defined pipelines
  • develop their own core functionalities