.. JetSeT documentation master file .. image:: _static/logo_large.png :width: 600px :Author: `Andrea Tramacere `_ This page provides the documentation for the ``JetSeT`` package, a framework providing tools for: * reproducing radiative and accelerative process acting in relativistic jets * modeling and fitting multiwavelength SEDs * handling observed data If you use this code in any kind of scientific publication please cite the following papers: * `Tramacere A. et al. 2011 `_ * `Tramacere A. et al. 2009 `_ * `Massaro E. et. al 2006 `_ .. _user-docs: ****************** User Documentation ****************** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 user guide .. code documentation (API) .. introduction .. tutorial ***** Index ***** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`