jetset.obs_constrain Module

Module: obs_constrain

This module contains all the classes necessary to constrain the model parmateres starting from the SED shape

Classes and Inheritance Structure

Classes relations

ObsConstrain([B_range, distr_e, t_var_sec, …]) doc

Module API


check_boundaries(val, val_min, val_max, val_name)
check_gamma_tansp(jet, beaming_val, …) retrun tau_gamma_gamma for a given IC frequency
check_t_var(R, beaming, z)
constr_B_from_nu_peaks(jet, nu_p_S, nu_p_IC, …)
constr_R_from_CD(jet, nuFnu_p_S, nuFnu_p_IC, …)
find_B_from_nu_p_S(nu_p_S, gamma_3p, …) returns B according to Ep_S and gamma_3p
find_gamma0(r, s, gamma_3p) returns the value of gamma_0 for
find_gamma_3p_SSC(nu_p_S, nu_p_IC, …[, …]) returns the value of gamma_3p from nu_p_S/nu_p_IC
find_gamma_Synch(nu_S, rest_frame, B, beaming, z) returns the value of gamma corresponding to the Synch freq
find_HE_cut_off(distr_e, nu_S_max, …)
find_s(class_obj, nu_p_S_obs, S_LE_slope, …) Find the index of the low-energy PL branch of n(gamma), from PL fit over various instrument bands
find_s1(class_obj, indices)
find_turn_over(jet, distr_e, gamma_3p)
get_Comp_factor(gamma, nu_p_S_blob) returns the compton factor = nu_blob_seed_Synch*hplanck/(mec2)
get_R_tvar(beaming, t_var_sec, z)
get_U_Sync_from_Ph(jet[, re_eval_sync]) returns U_synch by integrating Synch photon spectrum
rescale_Ne(jet, Lp_S, rest_frame) Rescales N.blob to get the wanted Lp_S_blob
set_gmin_from_nu_cut_IR(nu_cut_IR, …)


ObsConstrain([B_range, distr_e, t_var_sec, …]) doc

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of jetset.obs_constrain.ObsConstrain