jetset.sed_shaper Module

Moudule: sed_shaper

This module contains all the classes necessary to estimate the phenomenlogical characterization of the SED, such as spectral indices, peack frequenicies and fluxes

Classes and Inheritance Structure

Classes relations


Module API


filter_interval(x, x_range)
find_E0(b, a, Ep) returns the value of E0 for
param name:
sync_fit_range(name, indices)


index([name, data_type, val, err, idx_range]) Class for the spectral indices
index_array() Class to handle an array of index objects
index_typecasting(data_type, val[, error]) Class to handle different types of spectral indices
peak_values(name[, nu_p_val, nu_p_err, …]) This Class is designed to store the SED peak values
SEDShape(SEDdata) This handle the SED shaping process

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of jetset.sed_shaper.index, jetset.sed_shaper.index_array, jetset.sed_shaper.index_typecasting, jetset.sed_shaper.peak_values, jetset.sed_shaper.SEDShape