import warnings

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline

Fit User guide

data format

The SED data can be stored in ASCII file in a quite flexible way, but some requirements are needed:

  • you must provide at least two columns for frequencies and fluxes
  • frequencies are in Hz
  • fluxes are in cgs, …..

The header of the file can contain some meta-data that are sourced when the data are loaded. The meta-data available are :

  • z : redhsift
  • resframe: restframe of the data src or obs
  • data_scale: scale of the data lin-lin or log-log
  • dataType: structure of the comumns with the SED data

the meaning of these meta-data is explained in detail in jetset.data_loader.ObsData class documentation. The meta-data can be included in the header with line like:

# metadata
# md z  0.0308
# md restframe  obs
# md data_scale  lin-lin
# md col_types x,y,dy,data_set
# md obj_name     J1104+3812,Mrk421

A typical structure of SED data file, including meta-data declaration is the following:

# metadata
# md z  0.0308
# md restframe  obs
# md data_scale  lin-lin
# md col_types x,y,dy,data_set
# md obj_name     J1104+3812,Mrk421
# Frequency [Hz]  EnergyFlux [erg/cm2/s]
#  Xval           Yval       YvalError    data_set-flag
2.299540e+09 1.340900e-14 3.910000e-16    campaing-2009
2.639697e+09 1.793088e-14 3.231099e-26    campaing-2009
4.799040e+09 2.313600e-14 2.400000e-16    campaing-2009
4.805039e+09 1.773414e-14 1.773414e-15    campaing-2009
4.843552e+09 2.776140e-14 2.615339e-26    campaing-2009
7.698460e+09 3.696000e-14 4.620000e-16    campaing-2009
8.267346e+09 2.836267e-14 2.836267e-15    campaing-2009
8.331867e+09 3.989630e-14 3.627671e-26    campaing-2009
8.388659e+09 3.163450e-14 1.931495e-15    campaing-2009
8.399994e+09 4.000500e-14 5.041094e-15    campaing-2009
1.044892e+10 4.626737e-14 3.297726e-26    campaing-2009
1.109778e+10 4.617600e-14 6.660000e-16    campaing-2009
1.456571e+10 5.628417e-14 4.453463e-26    campaing-2009

Loading SEDs

The most effective way to import the SED data is to create an object instance of jetset.data_loader.ObsData class (see the documentation for the data_loader module) The package provides some test SEDs, accessible as follows:

from jetset.test_data_helper import  test_SEDs

to load the SED of Mrk 421, the first one in the list:

from jetset.data_loader import ObsData

* getting meta-data from file header
col_types None
set md z  to 0.0308
set md restframe  to obs
set md data_scale  to lin-lin
set md col_types  to x,y,dy,data_set
set md obj_name  to J1104+3812,Mrk421
ciccio x,y,dy,data_set
col_types x,y,dy,data_set

col_types a x,y,dy,data_set
col_types c x,y,dy,data_set
col_types b ['x', 'y', 'dy', 'data_set']
ciccio [('nu_data', 'f8'), ('dnu_data', 'f8'), ('nuFnu_data', 'f8'), ('dnuFnu_data', 'f8'), ('nu_data_log', 'f8'), ('dnu_data_log', 'f8'), ('nuFnu_data_log', 'f8'), ('dnuFnu_data_log', 'f8'), ('dnuFnu_facke', 'f8'), ('dnuFnu_facke_log', 'f8'), ('UL', 'bool'), ('zero_error', 'bool'), ('T_start', 'f8'), ('T_stop', 'f8'), ('data_set', 'S16')]

* loading data ***
---> loading data for file=/Users/orion/anaconda2/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jetset-1.2.0-py3.6-macosx-10.7-x86_64.egg/jetset/test_data/SEDs_data/SED_MW_Mrk421.dat
---> found these col ID=range(0, 4) and names=['x', 'y', 'dy', 'data_set']:
---> z=3.080000e-02
---> restframe=obs
---> obj_name=J1104+3812,Mrk421
---> data_scale=lin-lin
col_types ['x', 'y', 'dy', 'data_set']
['x', 'y', 'dy', 'data_set'] range(0, 4)
nu_data x
nuFnu_data y
dnuFnu_data dy
data_set data_set
---> data len=112
---> Settin  UL for val 0
---> Settin  UL for val 0.2

As you can see the all the meta-data have been properly sourced from the SED file header. You also get information on the lenght of the data, before and after elimination of duplicated entries, and upper limits These meta-data are parameters needed by the

jetset.data_loader.ObsData constructor.

Plotting data

We can now plot our SED using the BlazarSEDFit.plot_sedfit.Plot class (see the documentation for the plot_sedfit module)

from jetset.plot_sedfit import Plot

running PyLab in interactive mode
directory ./ already existing

grouping data

As you can see, due to the overlapping of different instruments and to different time snapshots, some points have multiple values. Although this is not a problem for the fit process, you might want to rebin your data. This can be obtained with the following command:


*  binning data  *
---> N bins= 89
---> bin_widht= 0.2

handling errors and systematics

Another important issues when dealing with fitting of data, is the proper handling of errors. Typically one might need to add systematics for different reasons:

  • data are not really simultaneous, and you want to add systematics to take this into account
  • data (typically IR up to UV), might have very small errors compared to those at higher energies. This might bias the minimizer to accomodate the parameters in order to fit ‘better’ the low frequencies branch.

For these reasons the package offer the possibility to add systematics

running PyLab in interactive mode
directory ./ already existing

with this command we add 20% systematics for data between \(10^{6}<\nu<10^{29}\) Hz

SEDShape: Spectral indices

from jetset.sed_shaper import  SEDShape

* evaluating spectral indices for data *
---> range for indexradio updated to [6.000000,10.000000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=80, res=0.040981, chisq=0.36841**********************************************************************
fval = 0.36841838886162864 | total call = 87 | ncalls = 87
edm = 1.8023341884611675e-07 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.5973  |  0.2061  |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -19.36   |  1.992   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.5973317132652589, -19.35835367872672)
res check 0.0380162913807775 0.3684200285851512
---> 1000000.0 10000000000.0 100
---> name = radio            range=[6.000 ,10.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.402671e+00, err=2.061105e-01

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +5.973286e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.935838e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=0.368420, chisq/red=0.368420 null hypothesis sig=0.543867

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +5.973286e-01 | +2.061105e-01 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -1.935838e+01 | +1.991979e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexradio_mm updated to [10.000000,11.000000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=120, res=-0.000271, chisq=0.01395**********************************************************************
fval = 0.013955396221108125 | total call = 124 | ncalls = 124
edm = 9.167821380589557e-06 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.7106  |  0.3008  |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -20.49   |  3.102   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.710563240761811, -20.48609688874422)
res check -0.0018041570213917016 0.013956525602712383
---> 10000000000.0 100000000000.0 100
---> name = radio_mm         range=[10.000,11.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.289439e+00, err=3.008381e-01

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +7.105609e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -2.048612e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=0.013957, chisq/red=0.013957 null hypothesis sig=0.905959

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +7.105609e-01 | +3.008381e-01 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -2.048612e+01 | +3.101753e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexmm_IR updated to [10.300000,13.700000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=100, res=0.002166, chisq=0.16989**********************************************************************
fval = 0.1698919441697112 | total call = 108 | ncalls = 108
edm = 2.4889897383547027e-06 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.8903  |  0.1269  |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -22.37   |  1.363   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.8902738412904547, -22.367394988333345)
res check 0.0012528014355625283 0.16989620992207333
---> 19952623149.68891 50118723362726.945 100
---> name = mm_IR            range=[10.300,13.700] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.109729e+00, err=1.268819e-01

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +8.902713e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -2.236742e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=0.169896, chisq/red=0.169896 null hypothesis sig=0.680204

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +8.902713e-01 | +1.268819e-01 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -2.236742e+01 | +1.363095e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexIR_Opt updated to [12.500000,14.500000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=150, res=-0.063099, chisq=0.03255**********************************************************************
fval = 0.03255413239842313 | total call = 155 | ncalls = 155
edm = 5.5388584543726864e-05 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.2179  |  0.4602  |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -13.33   |  6.362   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.21786160571751623, -13.328291691141612)
res check -0.0656184764763343 0.032552626185190045
---> 3162277660168.392 316227766016836.6 100
---> name = IR_Opt           range=[12.500,14.500] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.782141e+00, err=4.602299e-01

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +2.178594e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.332832e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=0.032553, chisq/red=0.032553 null hypothesis sig=0.856820

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +2.178594e-01 | +4.602299e-01 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -1.332832e+01 | +6.361702e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexOpt_UV updated to [14.000000,16.000000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=110, res=-0.044237, chisq=1.17052**********************************************************************
fval = 1.1705275574077267 | total call = 119 | ncalls = 119
edm = 7.233067985143407e-09 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.3788  |  0.09841 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -15.64   |  1.449   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.37882181023299566, -15.636958496747097)
minim function calls=120, res=-0.047985, chisq=1.17052res check -0.047984938876328154 1.170529382549224
---> 100000000000000.0 1e+16 100
---> name = Opt_UV           range=[14.000,16.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.621180e+00, err=9.841047e-02

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +3.788199e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.563699e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=1.170529, chisq/red=0.234106 null hypothesis sig=0.947673

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +3.788199e-01 | +9.841047e-02 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -1.563699e+01 | +1.449001e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexBBB updated to [14.800000,16.200000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=200, res=0.023204, chisq=0.16084**********************************************************************
fval = 0.16083664912879314 | total call = 200 | ncalls = 200
edm = 1.3739884290102432e-05 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.7254  |  0.3847  |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -20.86   |  5.63    |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.7253961177267225, -20.86309161951963)
res check 0.023203710060429455 0.16084095856515768
---> 630957344480194.2 1.5848931924611238e+16 100
---> name = BBB              range=[14.800,16.200] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.274606e+00, err=3.846946e-01

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +7.253943e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -2.086312e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=0.160841, chisq/red=0.160841 null hypothesis sig=0.688383

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +7.253943e-01 | +3.846946e-01 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -2.086312e+01 | +5.629936e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexUV_X updated to [15.000000,17.500000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=90, res=-0.013896, chisq=1.13058**********************************************************************
fval = 1.1305823072504297 | total call = 91 | ncalls = 91
edm = 7.65798990257511e-06 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.1541  |  0.03713 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -12.19   |  0.6164  |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.15408070210057012, -12.187409638022114)
res check -0.017728961580666613 1.1305788936641659
---> 1000000000000000.0 3.1622776601683795e+17 100
---> name = UV_X             range=[15.000,17.500] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.845921e+00, err=3.712945e-02

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +1.540792e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.218744e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=1.130579, chisq/red=0.282645 null hypothesis sig=0.889391

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +1.540792e-01 | +3.712945e-02 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -1.218744e+01 | +6.163737e-01 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexX updated to [16.000000,19.000000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=110, res=-1.103361, chisq=21.93071**********************************************************************
fval = 21.93070382034992 | total call = 117 | ncalls = 117
edm = 6.068854602007761e-05 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 = -0.4578  |  0.04767 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -1.606   |  0.8467  |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (-0.45779697386609364, -1.606322923127852)
res check -1.126465635005074 21.930709522488655
---> 1e+16 1e+19 100
---> name = X                range=[16.000,19.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-2.457801e+00, err=4.767152e-02

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | -4.578008e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.606391e+00 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=21.930710, chisq/red=2.436746 null hypothesis sig=0.009101

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | -4.578008e-01 | +4.767152e-02 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -1.606391e+00 | +8.467033e-01 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> range for indexFermi updated to [22.380000,25.380000]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//spectral-indices-best-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_1': -10.0, 'limit_par_1': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=110, res=-0.149538, chisq=1.21422**********************************************************************
fval = 1.2142224037471625 | total call = 115 | ncalls = 115
edm = 2.013143960876923e-06 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.2044  |  0.04438 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -15.27   |  1.056   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (0.20438294397813905, -15.272890189690562)
res check -0.1556421183794186 1.214224314105566
---> 2.3988329190194848e+22 2.398832919019485e+25 100
---> name = Fermi            range=[22.380,25.380] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.795618e+00, err=4.437842e-02

Fit report

Model: spectral-indices-best-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 alpha            | spectral-slope           |                  | +2.043818e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | flux-const               | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.527292e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=1.214224, chisq/red=0.202371 null hypothesis sig=0.976176

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 alpha            | +2.043818e-01 | +4.437842e-02 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 K                | -1.527292e+01 | +1.055578e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]


for model in my_shape.index_models:

running PyLab in interactive mode
directory ./ already existing
label radio
label radio_mm
label mm_IR
label IR_Opt
label Opt_UV
label BBB
label UV_X
label X
label Fermi

SEDShape: Log-Log Polynomila fit'SED_indices_rebinned.png')


* Log-Polynomial fitting of the synchrotron component *
---> first blind fit run, log-cubic fit range: [9, 19]
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 b                | curvature                |                  | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 c                | third-degree             |                  | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 Ep               | peak freq                | Hz               | +1.400000e+01 | [+0.000000e+00,+3.000000e+01]
 Sp               | peak flux                | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//sync-shape-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//sync-shape-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10, 0), 'par_1': -1.0, 'limit_par_1': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_2': 14.0, 'limit_par_2': (0.0, 30.0), 'par_3': -10.0, 'limit_par_3': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=800, res=-0.657228, chisq=13.73314**********************************************************************
fval = 13.73314818997152 | total call = 808 | ncalls = 808
edm = 5.038846082587436e-05 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 = -0.1595  |  0.009421 |          |          | -10      |  0       |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -0.0109  |  0.001313 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    2 | par_2 =  16.7    |  0.04841 |          |          |  0       |  30      |          |
|    3 | par_3 = -9.485   |  0.03388 |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (-0.15952729965761314, -0.010904800855310981, 16.695980883689245, -9.48449545453073)
res check -0.6634820658680649 13.733155030005754
---> 1000000000.0 1e+19 100
directory ./ already existing
directory .//sync-shape-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//sync-shape-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10, 0), 'par_1': -1.0, 'limit_par_1': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_2': 14.0, 'limit_par_2': (0.0, 30.0), 'par_3': -10.0, 'limit_par_3': (-30.0, 0.0), 'par_4': -9.484531267217534, 'limit_par_4': (-11.484531267217534, -7.484531267217534), 'par_5': 0, 'limit_par_5': (-0.5, 0.5)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=1480, res=-0.763216, chisq=13.28537**********************************************************************
fval = 13.285367168384496 | total call = 1488 | ncalls = 1480
edm = 0.009548166333585998 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|          False |           True |          False |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |           True |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 = -0.1604  |  2.1     |          |          | -10      |  0       |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -0.01109 |  0.1674  |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    2 | par_2 =  16.71   |  9.703   |          |          |  0       |  30      |          |
|    3 | par_3 = -9.491   |  9.277   |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |
|    4 | par_4 = -11.07   |  2.097   |          |          | -11.48   | -7.485   |          |
|    5 | par_5 = -0.01811 |  0.08444 |          |          | -0.5     |  0.5     |          |

p (-0.16036897465601996, -0.0110925794540222, 16.714910037550833, -9.490914998591467, -11.065221264625162, -0.018113910210059703)
res check -0.7632471345640286 13.285367169522232
---> 1000000000.0 1e+19 100

Fit report

Model: sync-shape-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 b                | curvature                |                  | -1.603690e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 c                | third-degree             |                  | -1.109258e-02 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 Ep               | peak freq                | Hz               | +1.671491e+01 | [+0.000000e+00,+3.000000e+01]
 Sp               | peak flux                | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -9.490915e+00 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 nuFnu_p_host     | nuFnu-scale              | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.106522e+01 | [-2.000000e+01,+2.000000e+01]
 nu_scale         | nu-scale                 | Hz               | -1.811391e-02 | [-2.000000e+00,+2.000000e+00]

chisq=13.285367, chisq/red=0.699230 null hypothesis sig=0.823647

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 b                | -1.603690e-01 | +2.100083e+00 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 c                | -1.109258e-02 | +1.674351e-01 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 Ep               | +1.671491e+01 | +9.702709e+00 | +1.400000e+01 | [+0.000000e+00,+3.000000e+01]
 Sp               | -9.490915e+00 | +9.277498e+00 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 nuFnu_p_host     | -1.106522e+01 | +2.097009e+00 | -9.484531e+00 | [-1.148453e+01,-7.484531e+00]
 nu_scale         | -1.811391e-02 | +8.443645e-02 | +0.000000e+00 | [-5.000000e-01,+5.000000e-01]

---> class:  HSP
---> sync       nu_p=+1.671491e+01 (err=+9.702709e+00)  nuFnu_p=-9.490915e+00 (err=+9.277498e+00) curv.=-1.603690e-01 (err=+2.100083e+00)

* Log-Polynomial fitting of the IC component *
---> log-cubic fit range: [22, 28]
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 b                | curvature                |                  | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 c                | third-degree             |                  | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 Ep               | peak freq                | Hz               | +2.525747e+01 | [+0.000000e+00,+3.000000e+01]
 Sp               | peak flux                | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//IC-shape-fit/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//IC-shape-fit/ has been created
dict {'par_0': -1.0, 'limit_par_0': (-10, 0), 'par_1': -1.0, 'limit_par_1': (-10.0, 10.0), 'par_2': 25.25746738962698, 'limit_par_2': (0.0, 30.0), 'par_3': -10.0, 'limit_par_3': (-30.0, 0.0)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=210, res=-0.728174, chisq=3.43994**********************************************************************
fval = 3.4399459548662534 | total call = 218 | ncalls = 218
edm = 3.283406576818471e-05 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|           True |           True |           True |           True |          False |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |          False |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 = -0.2056  |  0.04002 |          |          | -10      |  0       |          |
|    1 | par_1 = -0.04991 |  0.01563 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    2 | par_2 =  25.26   |  0.1075  |          |          |  0       |  30      |          |
|    3 | par_3 = -10.12   |  0.04768 |          |          | -30      |  0       |          |

p (-0.205604968378843, -0.04990591734117622, 25.25922273964055, -10.122349495222544)
res check -0.7341759774539718 3.439939831614986
---> 1e+22 1e+28 100

Fit report

Model: IC-shape-fit
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 b                | curvature                |                  | -2.056050e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 c                | third-degree             |                  | -4.990592e-02 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 Ep               | peak freq                | Hz               | +2.525916e+01 | [+0.000000e+00,+3.000000e+01]
 Sp               | peak flux                | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.012238e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

chisq=3.439940, chisq/red=0.286662 null hypothesis sig=0.991560

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 b                | -2.056050e-01 | +4.001839e-02 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]
 c                | -4.990592e-02 | +1.563202e-02 | -1.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 Ep               | +2.525916e+01 | +1.075364e-01 | +2.525747e+01 | [+0.000000e+00,+3.000000e+01]
 Sp               | -1.012238e+01 | +4.767663e-02 | -1.000000e+01 | [-3.000000e+01,+0.000000e+00]

---> IC         nu_p=+2.525916e+01 (err=+1.075364e-01)  nuFnu_p=-1.012238e+01 (err=+4.767663e-02) curv.=-2.056050e-01 (err=+4.001839e-02)

myPlot.add_model_plot(my_shape.sync_fit,label='sync, poly-fit')


myPlot.add_model_plot(my_shape.sync_fit_model,label='sync+host, poly-fit')
myPlot.add_model_plot(my_shape.IC_fit_model,label='IC, poly-fit')
running PyLab in interactive mode
directory ./ already existing
<bound method SEDShape.sync_fit of <jetset.sed_shaper.SEDShape object at 0x1511e81dd8>> !!! Error has no SED instance or something wrong in get_model_points()
label host-gal
label sync+host, poly-fit
label IC, poly-fit

* SEDShape values *
---> spectral inidces values
---> name = radio            range=[6.000 ,10.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.402671e+00, err=2.061105e-01
---> name = radio_mm         range=[10.000,11.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.289439e+00, err=3.008381e-01
---> name = mm_IR            range=[10.300,13.700] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.109729e+00, err=1.268819e-01
---> name = IR_Opt           range=[12.500,14.500] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.782141e+00, err=4.602299e-01
---> name = Opt_UV           range=[14.000,16.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.621180e+00, err=9.841047e-02
---> name = BBB              range=[14.800,16.200] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.274606e+00, err=3.846946e-01
---> name = UV_X             range=[15.000,17.500] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.845921e+00, err=3.712945e-02
---> name = X                range=[16.000,19.000] log(Hz)  photon.val=-2.457801e+00, err=4.767152e-02
---> name = Fermi            range=[22.380,25.380] log(Hz)  photon.val=-1.795618e+00, err=4.437842e-02
---> S/IC peak values
---> sync       nu_p=+1.671491e+01 (err=+9.702709e+00)  nuFnu_p=-9.490915e+00 (err=+9.277498e+00) curv.=-1.603690e-01 (err=+2.100083e+00)

---> IC         nu_p=+2.525916e+01 (err=+1.075364e-01)  nuFnu_p=-1.012238e+01 (err=+4.767663e-02) curv.=-2.056050e-01 (err=+4.001839e-02)


Constraining SSC/EC model

from jetset.obs_constrain import ObsConstrain

directory ./ already existing

*  constrains parameters from observable *
directory .//obs_constrain_lppl/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//obs_constrain_lppl/ has been created
directory ./ already existing
directory .//lppl_jet_prod/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//lppl_jet_prod/ has been created
directory .//obs_constrain_lppl/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//obs_constrain_lppl/ has been created
model parameters for jet model:
electron distribution type = lppl
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +1.000000e+02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +2.000000e+00 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +1.000000e+08 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.000000e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +4.000000e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +1.000000e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +3.000000e+15 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +1.000000e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +1.000000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +1.000000e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
---> *  emitting region parameters  *
---> name = beam_obj          type = beaming                   units =                   val = +2.500000e+01  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
---> setting par type redshift, corresponding to par z_cosm
--->  name = z_cosm            type = redshift                  units =                   val = +3.080000e-02  phys-bounds = [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
---> setting par type magnetic_field, corresponding to par B
--->  name = B                 type = magnetic_field            units = G                 val = +5.500000e-02  phys-bounds = [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
---> setting par type region_size, corresponding to par R
--->  name = R                 type = region_size               units = cm                val = +1.884609e+17  phys-bounds = [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
---> * electron distribution parameters *
---> distribution type:  lppl
---> r elec. spec. curvature =8.018449e-01
---> setting par type curvature, corresponding to par r
--->  name = r                 type = spectral_curvature        units =                   val = +8.018449e-01  phys-bounds = [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
---> s_radio_mm -0.28943913107755925 1.5788782621551185
---> s_X 3.9156016040466177
---> s_Fermi 1.6729891337010345
---> s_UV_X 2.691841699164094
---> s_Opt_UV -0.6211800564392291 2.2423601128784583
---> s from synch log-log fit -1.0
---> s from (s_Fermi + s_UV)/2
---> power-law index s, class obj=HSP s chosen is 2.182415
---> setting par type LE_spectral_slope, corresponding to par s
--->  name = s                 type = LE_spectral_slope         units =                   val = +2.182415e+00  phys-bounds = [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
---> gamma_3p_Sync= 1.025156e+05, assuming B=5.500000e-02
---> gamma_max=1.315786e+06 from nu_max_Sync= 8.544779e+18, using B=5.500000e-02
---> setting par type high-energy-cut-off, corresponding to par gmax
--->  name = gmax              type = high-energy-cut-off       units = Lorentz-factor    val = +1.315786e+06  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]

---> setting par type low-energy-cut-off, corresponding to par gmin
--->  name = gmin              type = low-energy-cut-off        units = Lorentz-factor    val = +1.350381e+03  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]

---> setting par type turn-over energy, corresponding to par gamma0_log_parab
---> using gamma_3p_Sync= 102515.59879590549
--->  name = gamma0_log_parab  type = turn-over-energy          units = Lorentz-factor    val = +3.169387e+04  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]

nu_p_seed_blob 2138672667284302.8
COMP FACTOR 1.7744345131491372 24949.53232710054
---> gamma_3p_SSCc= %e 161476.52800396679
---> setting par type turn-over energy, corresponding to par gamma0_log_parab
---> using gamma_3p_SSC= 161476.52800396679
--->  name = gamma0_log_parab  type = turn-over-energy          units = Lorentz-factor    val = +4.992232e+04  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]

---> setting par type electron_density, corresponding to par N
---> B from nu_p_S=2.216786e-02
---> get B from best matching of nu_p_IC
---> B=4.012546e-01, out of boundaries 1.000000e-02 1.000000e-01, rejected
     Best B not found, (temporary set to 1.000000e-01)
---> setting par type magnetic_field, corresponding to par B
--->  name = B                 type = magnetic_field            units = G                 val = +1.000000e-01  phys-bounds = [+0.000000e+00,No           ]

---> constrain failed, B set to:  name = B                 type = magnetic_field            units = G                 val = +1.000000e-01  phys-bounds = [+0.000000e+00,No           ]

---> update pars for new B
---> setting par type low-energy-cut-off, corresponding to par gmin
--->  name = gmin              type = low-energy-cut-off        units = Lorentz-factor    val = +1.001469e+03  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]

---> setting par type low-energy-cut-off, corresponding to par gamma0_log_parab
---> using gamma_3p_Sync= 76027.60286939003
--->  name = gamma0_log_parab  type = turn-over-energy          units = Lorentz-factor    val = +2.350480e+04  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
---> gamma_max=9.758134e+05 from nu_max_Sync= 8.544779e+18, using B=1.000000e-01
---> setting par type high-energy-cut-off, corresponding to par gmax
--->  name = gmax              type = high-energy-cut-off       units = Lorentz-factor    val = +9.758134e+05  phys-bounds = [+1.000000e+00,No           ]

---> setting par type electron_density, corresponding to par N
---> get R from Compoton Dominance (CD)
     Best R=1.592619e+16
---> setting par type region_size, corresponding to par R
--->  name = R                 type = region_size               units = cm                val = +1.592619e+16  phys-bounds = [+0.000000e+00,No           ]

---> setting par type electron_density, corresponding to par N
---> t_var (days) 0.253519856130165

show pars
model parameters for jet model:
electron distribution type = lppl
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +8.480725e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +1.001469e+03 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +9.758134e+05 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.182415e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +8.018449e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +2.350480e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +1.592619e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +1.000000e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
directory .//lppl_jet_prod/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//lppl_jet_prod/ has been created

directory ./ already existing
label Sum
label Sync
label SSC
res 0

SSC/EC fitting

from jetset.model_manager import FitModel
from jetset.minimizer import  fit_SED

fit_model=FitModel( jet=jet_model, name='SSC-best-fit',  template=my_shape.host_gal)






best_fit=fit_SED(fit_model,sed_data,10.0**11 ,10**28.0,fitname='SSC-best-fit-lppl',minimizer='leastsqbound')
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +8.480725e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +1.001469e+03 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +9.758134e+05 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.182415e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +8.018449e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +2.350480e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +1.592619e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +1.000000e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | nuFnu-scale              | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.106522e+01 | [-2.000000e+01,+2.000000e+01]
 nu_scale         | nu-scale                 | Hz               | -1.811391e-02 | [-2.000000e+00,+2.000000e+00]
directory ./ already existing
directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ has been created
directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ has been created
filtering data in fit range = [1.000000e+11,1.000000e+28]
data length 37

* start fit process *
initial pars:
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +8.480725e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +1.001469e+03 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +9.758134e+05 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.182415e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +8.018449e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +2.350480e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +1.592619e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +1.000000e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | nuFnu-scale              | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.106522e+01 | [-2.000000e+01,+2.000000e+01]
 nu_scale         | nu-scale                 | Hz               | -1.811391e-02 | [-2.000000e+00,+2.000000e+00]
minim function calls=200, res=5.517415, chisq=18.09676res check 5.516280233891562 18.09668593879949

Fit report

Model: SSC-best-fit-lppl
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +6.972955e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +8.417369e+02 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +8.567258e+09 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.284001e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +1.487699e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +9.390545e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +2.614888e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +4.844317e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | nuFnu-scale              | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.106522e+01 | [-2.000000e+01,+2.000000e+01]
 nu_scale         | nu-scale                 | Hz               | +1.137794e-01 | [-2.000000e+00,+2.000000e+00]

mesg=The relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most 0.000000
chisq=18.096686, chisq/red=0.646310 null hypothesis sig=0.923688

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 N                | +6.972955e-01 | +1.752621e+05 | +8.480725e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | +8.417369e+02 | +1.646526e+08 | +1.001469e+03 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | +8.567258e+09 | +2.526656e+15 | +9.758134e+05 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | +2.284001e+00 | +5.676853e-02 | +2.182415e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | +1.487699e+00 | +2.602300e-01 | +8.018449e-01 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | +9.390545e+04 | +2.386415e+04 | +2.350480e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | +2.614888e+16 | +5.084047e+15 | +1.592619e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | +4.844317e-02 | +8.533596e-03 | +1.000000e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | Frozen        | Frozen        | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | Frozen        | Frozen        | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | Frozen        | Frozen        | -1.106522e+01 | [-1.148453e+01,-7.484531e+00]
 nu_scale         | +1.137794e-01 | +4.619238e-02 | -1.811391e-02 | [-5.000000e-01,+5.000000e-01]

---> 100000000000.0 1e+28 100

for c in fit_model.components[0].spectral_components:

for c in fit_model.components:


running PyLab in interactive mode
directory ./ already existing
label SSC-best-fit
label Sum
label Sync
label SSC
label Sum
label host-galaxy
res 0
best_fit=fit_SED(fit_model,sed_data,10.0**11 ,10**28.0,fitname='SSC-best-fit-lppl',minimizer='minuit')
directory ./ already existing
directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ has been created
directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ already existing
removing existing dir
the directory .//SSC-best-fit-lppl/ has been created
filtering data in fit range = [1.000000e+11,1.000000e+28]
data length 37

* start fit process *
initial pars:
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +6.972955e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +8.417369e+02 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +8.567258e+09 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.284001e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +1.487699e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +9.390545e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +2.614888e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +4.844317e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | nuFnu-scale              | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.106522e+01 | [-2.000000e+01,+2.000000e+01]
 nu_scale         | nu-scale                 | Hz               | +1.137794e-01 | [-2.000000e+00,+2.000000e+00]
dict {'par_0': 0.6972954792580421, 'limit_par_0': (0, None), 'par_1': 841.736934087698, 'limit_par_1': (1, None), 'par_2': 8567257866.993572, 'limit_par_2': (1, None), 'par_3': 2.2840007517058893, 'limit_par_3': (-10, 10), 'par_4': 1.4876990201920481, 'limit_par_4': (-10, 10), 'par_5': 93905.44666422937, 'limit_par_5': (1, None), 'par_6': 2.6148876505417004e+16, 'limit_par_6': (0, None), 'par_7': 0.048443167122354636, 'limit_par_7': (0, None), 'par_8': 0.11377935390949812, 'limit_par_8': (-0.5, 0.5)}
*                     MIGRAD                     *

minim function calls=530, res=6.867547, chisq=17.04726**********************************************************************
fval = 16.915863106222112 | total call = 535 | ncalls = 524
edm = 297.9262258169708 (Goal: 1e-05) | up = 1.0
|          Valid |    Valid Param | Accurate Covar |         Posdef |    Made Posdef |
|          False |           True |          False |          False |           True |
|     Hesse Fail |        Has Cov |      Above EDM |                |  Reach calllim |
|          False |           True |           True |             '' |          False |

|      | Name  |  Value   | Para Err |   Err-   |   Err+   |  Limit-  |  Limit+  |          |
|    0 | par_0 =  0.7925  |  0.02105 |          |          |          |  0       |          |
|    1 | par_1 =  892.3   |  0.0005833 |          |          |          |  0       |          |
|    2 | par_2 =  8.567E+09 |  0.0005836 |          |          |          |  0       |          |
|    3 | par_3 =  2.362   |  5.775E-05 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    4 | par_4 =  1.673   |  0.0001197 |          |          | -10      |  10      |          |
|    5 | par_5 =  1.234E+05 |  0.0005833 |          |          |          |  0       |          |
|    6 | par_6 =  2.615E+16 |  0       |          |          |          |  0       |          |
|    7 | par_7 =  0.04686 |  4.556E-06 |          |          |          |  0       |          |
|    8 | par_8 =  0.113   |  0.08101 |          |          | -0.5     |  0.5     |          |

p (0.7922770044026128, 892.2646829130898, 8567257866.993572, 2.3622270126366516, 1.672913136792486, 123360.304928053, 2.6148876505417004e+16, 0.04685965458374586, 0.11297359969144571)
res check 5.251571513899901 16.917423368359263

Fit report

Model: SSC-best-fit-lppl
model parameters:
 Name             | Type                     | Units            | value         | phys. boundaries
 N                | electron_density         | cm^-3            | +7.924796e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | low-energy-cut-off       | Lorentz-factor   | +8.922647e+02 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | high-energy-cut-off      | Lorentz-factor   | +8.567258e+09 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | LE_spectral_slope        |                  | +2.362228e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | spectral_curvature       |                  | +1.672914e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | turn-over-energy         | Lorentz-factor   | +1.233603e+05 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | region_size              | cm               | +2.614888e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | magnetic_field           | G                | +4.685961e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | beaming                  |                  | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | redshift                 |                  | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | nuFnu-scale              | erg cm^-2 s^-1   | -1.106522e+01 | [-2.000000e+01,+2.000000e+01]
 nu_scale         | nu-scale                 | Hz               | +1.129707e-01 | [-2.000000e+00,+2.000000e+00]

chisq=16.917423, chisq/red=0.604194 null hypothesis sig=0.950202

best fit pars
best-fit parameters:
  Name            | best-fit value| best-fit err  | start value   | fit boundaries
 N                | +7.924796e-01 | +2.105191e-02 | +6.972955e-01 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmin             | +8.922647e+02 | +5.833143e-04 | +8.417369e+02 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 gmax             | +8.567258e+09 | +5.836487e-04 | +8.567258e+09 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 s                | +2.362228e+00 | +5.775267e-05 | +2.284001e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 r                | +1.672914e+00 | +1.197320e-04 | +1.487699e+00 | [-1.000000e+01,+1.000000e+01]
 gamma0_log_parab | +1.233603e+05 | +5.833121e-04 | +9.390545e+04 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 R                | +2.614888e+16 | +0.000000e+00 | +2.614888e+16 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 B                | +4.685961e-02 | +4.556030e-06 | +4.844317e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 beam_obj         | Frozen        | Frozen        | +2.500000e+01 | [+1.000000e+00,No           ]
 z_cosm           | Frozen        | Frozen        | +3.080000e-02 | [+0.000000e+00,No           ]
 nuFnu_p_host     | Frozen        | Frozen        | -1.106522e+01 | [-1.148453e+01,-7.484531e+00]
 nu_scale         | +1.129707e-01 | +8.101221e-02 | +1.137794e-01 | [-5.000000e-01,+5.000000e-01]

---> 100000000000.0 1e+28 100

for c in fit_model.components[0].spectral_components:

for c in fit_model.components:


running PyLab in interactive mode
directory ./ already existing
label SSC-best-fit
label Sum
label Sync
label SSC
label Sum
label host-galaxy
res 0