INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
                   INTEGRAL Science Data Center (ISDC)

                             Release Note

     Package:      osa_sw
     Version:      10.0
     Rel. Date:    18-Sep-2012



   1. Introduction
   2. Portability
   3. System Requirements
   4. Acknowledgements
   5. Changes since last Release

1. Introduction
   This is the release note for the official ISDC 'Off-line
   Scientific Analysis' software version 10.0

   This release contains instrument specific analysis software for the
   four INTEGRAL instruments (IBIS, SPI, JEM-X and OMC), and some
   generic tools. 

   It runs on Linux and Mac OS X Intel platforms. This Release Note
   gives some portability information and describes system

   The software is available to the scientific community as
   downloadable binary tar files from the ISDC public release page at

   If needed OSA can be compiled and installed from the source code as
   well. The source code tar file is available via the above URL.

   Information for user support is available at

2. Portability

   Binary Packages
   The software was checked to correctly run on the following
   - Linux
     -  CentOS release 5.8             32 and 64 bit
     -  Scientific Linux release 6.1   32 and 64 bit

   - Mac OS X

     -  10.6 Snow Leopard  (Darwin 10.8.0) 
     -  10.7 Lion          (Darwin 11.4.0) 

   The binary OSA software packages were built on the above Mac OS X 
   platforms and on the CentOS 32 and 64 systems.
   They are ready to use and contain everything you need to run the
   OSA software. If needed you may compile and link your own software
   with the libraries included in the binary OSA packages.

   In general, the OSA software will also run on a variety of other
   Linux platforms. As we at the ISDC do not necessarily have access
   to those platforms, we only provide full support for the platforms
   mentioned above.
   Depending on the particular choice of your Linux distribution you
   may miss specific system libraries when running OSA from a binary
   package. Please let us know in case you require additional
   Source Code Package

   Before you consider building OSA from source, please consider
   using the supplied binary packages.

   If you need to build the OSA software from the source code, the
   following platforms have been tested:

   - Linux

     CentOS 32 and 64 bit :
     GNU C/C++ compiler version 4.4.6
     gfortran compiler  version 4.4.6

   - Mac OS X

     Mac OS 10.6 (snow leopard)  and 10.7 (lion):
     GNU C/C++ compiler   version 4.2.1
     G95 Fortran compiler version 4.2.4

3. System Requirements
   Binary Packages
   - Linux
     The OSA software requires as run-time library the and the libraries. Please
     refer to the Installation Guide for more details.

   - Mac OS X
     X11 -- if not yet available on your system, you will have to
     install X11 from e.g. the Mac OS X installation disks.

   Source Code Package
   Before compiling and installing the osa_sw version 10 from the
   source code, you need to make sure that the following packages are

   - GNU make version 3.79.1 (or higher)

   - ROOT version 5.32.00
     Since OSA version 3.0 you can choose between an
     installation with and without ROOT.
     If you choose to install without ROOT, you will NOT  benefit from
     all OSA functionalities, i.e. GUI support is not available. To
     learn more about how to install OSA without ROOT please see
     Appendix B section 'Setting up the Environment' of the 
     'Installation Guide for the INTEGRAL Offline Scientific Analysis'

     ROOT is available via the ISDC WWW-site at URL:

     Warning !: For Mac OS X users it is required to install
		ROOT from the source code. For other operating
		systems, this is also recommended. If you want to
		download ROOT as a binary package, you must make sure
		that the compiler used to compile ROOT is identical
		to the one you are using for the installation of the
		OSA SW. Otherwise, please download the ROOT source
		code package and compile and install it yourself.
		Using different compilers may result in serious
		problems with your system.

   - X11
     On Mac OS X you have to have X11 available. You may install it
     from the Mac OS X installation disks.

   - Disk space for installation
     The unpacked osa_sw binary package requires approximately
     2 GB depending on the operating system.
     The unpacked osa_sw source code package requires some 300 MB of
     disk space.

     Once the software is built and installed a total of some 2 GB
     of disk space is needed dependending on the operating system and
     compiler used.

     Note: After the successful installation from the source code,
           you may reduce the disk space needed by osa_sw by
           executing 'make distclean' in the same directory where
           you executed 'make global_install'. This will reduce the
           amount of disk space needed to some 890 MB. You may
           additionally remove the source code directories
           (support-sw, analysis-sw, contrib-sw). This will reduce
           the disk space needed to some 790 MB.

4. Acknowledgements
   The OSA math library (isdcmath) includes code from the following
   - CDFLIB90

   - PORT from Bell Labs

   - PDA from Starlink

5. Changes since last Release


   OSA 9.0 -> OSA 10.0



   OSA 10 contains important improvements in the reconstruction of the photon
   energy for the detector ISGRI of IBIS. The conversion factor from
   electronic pulse-height to incoming photon energy has been observed to
   change with time. In OSA 9, the description of such gain drift was based
   on IREM counters integrated over time, to take into account the solar
   flares, but the measurement of the background lines at 59 and 511 keV
   showed that this correction was not valid along the whole mission.

   OSA 10 improves very significantly the reconstruction of the real photon
   energy, in particular the secular drift of gains, which was not correctly
   accounted for in OSA 9. The main improvements are the following:

   1. The dependency of gains and offsets on the temperature of the eight
      modules in which the ISGRI detector is subdivided has been calibrated
      on ground and in-flight, and accounted for in OSA versions later than
      7. In OSA 10, this correction has been improved by using the measured
      module temperatures of the thermal probes instead of assuming a
      constant temperature gradient between the different modules all along
      the mission.

   2. A temporal dependency of the gain and offset through which the pulse
      heights are converted into energy has been determined by using the
      calibration lines on the existing data. A low-order polynomial fit
      ensures that this correction can be used on new data and will be
      monitored throughout the INTEGRAL lifetime. It has been observed that
      the gain and offset evolution depend also on the event rise-time and
      therefore a calibration table has been produced which accounts for
      these complex dependency and provides an optimal stability of the
      energy reconstruction over time. The energy resolution degraded over
      the mission by a factor of ~2, while the non-optimal correction
      performed in OSA9 introduced a spurious worsening by a factor of ~3.

   3. The lower threshold at which the ISGRI pixels are sensitive to photons
      is continuously adjusted over the mission to ensure the optimal
      detector performance. As a consequence of the the new energy
      reconstruction and the degradation of the spectral resolution, also the
      function which accounts for this effect to reconstruct the source flux
      below ~30 keV needed an update.

   4. New spectral calibration files. A set of ancillary response files
      (ARFs) for different epochs has been produced using Crab observations,
      this is necessary to account for the detector evolution. A weighted
      mean of the response files based on temporal proximity is provided by
      OSA when extracting a source spectrum for an arbitrary data-set. This
      ensures that the best available knowledge of the detector response is
      used in each spectral fitting.


   The software has been significantly improved in several aspects. 

   The improvements to the standard spectral extraction algorithm increase
   noticeably the stability of almost-constant source spectra throughout the
   mission and refine the determination of source detection significance at
   the imaging level. The introduction of an experimental algorithm for the
   image reconstruction, based on the Pixel Illumination Fraction, leads to
   substantial improvements on the sensitivity for weak source detection, in
   particular in crowded fields or in proximity of strong sources.

   In the production of JEM-X mosaic maps, the user has now the possibility
   to choose Aitoff-Hammer projection, which makes possible the mosaicking of
   large parts of the sky without introducing distortions of the maps. This
   projection can be therefore applied to reproduce e.g. in a single map a
   Galactic Plane Scan observation. An example of the output image can be
   seen in the figure below.


   The reconstruction of energy is based on continuously updated calibration
   files which are ingested in the instrument characteristic repository
   maintained by ISDC.

   Other changes introduced in OSA 10 include:

   - the introduction of an improved algorithm to compute the gain
   correction; with time and age the JEM-X units (in particular JEM-X 1) have
   become sensitive not only to temperature,  but also to the total trigger
   rate of the detector. This last  effect is now taken into account in the
   software, in cases where the correction is not performed through an IC
   gain history table.

   - the correction of a bug in updating the spectrum header keywords when
   the analysis is performed within a user-defined time interval; the header
   keywords "TSTART" and "TSTOP" of the spectrum file are now updated taking
   into account the time interval required by the user (as defined through
   "timeStart" and "timeStop" parameters of jemx_science_analysis). Also the
   column "EXPOSURE" reports now the correct integration time for the

   In addition, the JEM-X User Manual has been thoroughly updated.


   OSA 10 improvements on SPI are mainly related to the introduction of
   updated calibration files. The new Instrumental Response File take now
   into account the failure of detector 1 occurred in May 2010. New
   flat-fields have been produced, which may cover more finely the mission
   and provide a better modeling of the background evolution. An updated bad
   pointing list is given to the observer, including also the latest
   annealing phases that the SPI detector has undergone.

   Minor changes have been applied to the pipeline scripts, correcting for
   small bugs in the parameter handling. The format of the final spectral
   products resulting from both "spiros" and "spimodfit" analysis have been
   slightly modified to allow a smooth analysis with the latest XSPEC
   versions (version 12.7 for the time being).

   Finally, a short overview of the SPI products in the HEAVENS database
   maintained at ISDC has been included in the SPI User Manual. A first-look
   data analysis of SPI observations will be available through this new web
   interface, including both imaging, spectra and SPI lightcurves.

   Compilers, ROOT

   OSA 10 compiles now with more recent compilers, i.e. version 4.2 and 4.4.
   A few warnings and bugs, shown up with these compilers were fixed. 
   A new ROOT version (5.32) is used with OSA 10. There were no changes 
   required to build OSA with this ROOT version.


   OSA 8.0 -> OSA 9.0



   OSA 9 improves very significantly the quality of the results of the ISGRI
   image, lightcurve and spectral analysis by taking into account the effect
   of bright  sources when subtracting the background and cleaning the ghost
   images. These improvements are particularly important for the analysis of
   faint sources when many Ms of data need to be combined together. The
   effective exposure time at which systematics are becoming a problem has
   more than doubled (e.g. from 2Ms to > 4Ms in the galactic centre regions).

   1. Ghost cleaning

   ISGRI images around bright sources are affected by systematics at the
   level of a few percent. These systematics come from an imperfect modeling
   of the instrument.  These imperfections limit our capability to clean
   ghosts images and result in an effective loss of sensitivity (or usable
   exposure time) in the areas of the sky  within10 degrees of bright

   The main problem is likely coming from the glue applied between the coded
   mask  elements and the NOMEX supporting structure. A small amount of that
   glue leaked  in some open elements of the mask during the manufacturing
   process and is  absorbing hard X-rays efficiently at low energy. This
   additional absorption is not yet included in the mask model.

   Fortunately most of the effects concentrate on some specific areas of the
   mask. When a bright source illuminates the detector through the mask, only
   a small fraction of the detector pixels will be affected by the glue. A
   new executable filters out these pixels before performing the analysis.
   This is enough to  decrease the systematics from a few % to less than

   This filtering executable uses a catalogue of bright sources. This
   catalogue  should not be unnecessarily large to avoid decreasing the
   achievable sensitivity. The bright source catalogue provided with OSA,
   used by default, produces good  results in most cases.

   2. Background normalization

   During the analysis background images are subtracted from ISGRI detector
   images. These images are normalized using the observed data to take the
   background  variability into account. As the derived background
   normalization could be  affected by the presence a strong source is in the
   FOV, the background subtraction software now uses a bright source
   catalogue to exclude pixels  illuminated by these sources from the
   background normalization determination.  A default catalogue is provided. 

   The bright source catalogues mentioned above are derived from the ISDC
   reference  catalogue using specific selection flags. The meaning of these
   flags is  explained on
   and can be  modified manually e.g. if a bright transient appears in the
   field of view during  an observation.

   OSA9 has also been modified to use uniformity gain maps for the ISGRI
   pixels.  These maps are being calibrated and should be provided as
   calibration files in the future. Finally three new ISGRI ancillary
   response files are provided to  cover the latest observations.

   Finally a small number of software problems have been corrected, without
   impact  on the results.


   On the JEM-X side, this release is mostly a maintenance release. No new
   functionality has been added. Stability of the software has been improved
   in several places. This is visible in particular in the imaging step when
   performing analyses with very narrow energy bins and/or very short time
   intervals, leading to shadowgrams with few or even zero counts.
   Documentation has also been consolidated.

   The source detection algorithm in the imaging step has been improved, so
   that it does not stop anymore after the first rejected detection (which
   usually occurs in the edges of the image, which are the noisiest parts).
   As a result, the imaging step is now able to recover all significant
   sources in the field of view.

   The most important change in OSA 9 is the correction of a bug that made
   the gain correction only partially used in some recent revolutions. This
   could generate spurious effects in the flux determination in some cases.
   It is advised to check any unexpected OSA 8 result that makes uses of data
   in revolution beyond ~700 by performing an identical OSA 9 analysis.


   The main improvements come with the introduction of updated 
   calibration files.
   - A new Instrumental Response File accounts for the failure of 
     the third detector occurred in February 2009.
   - New flat-field templates cover more finely the mission to 
     model more properly the background evolution.
   - An updated bad pointing list is given to the observer.

   The pipeline scripts have been corrected for marginal bugs in 
   the parameter handling and the user is given the opportunity 
   to choose the flat-field template automatically, based on 
   temporal proximity, or manually.


   OSA 7.0 -> OSA 8.0


   A bug was fixed in the attitude determination code in the case
   where small tolerances were specified.  Previously most of the
   good time from a science window could be excluded in certain 
   cases.  Now, with small tolerances, some science windows will
   have much more stable attitude good time.


   OSA 8 introduces many improvements in the modeling of the JEM-X
   instruments. A major improvement is the calibration of the
   electronic efficiency of the two units, which has been introduced
   in the analysis software. The geometrical effects introduced in
   particular by the collimators are also much better
   characterized. Energy calibration has also been improved by the
   introduction of the detector temperature in the gain
   determination. Finally, long-term trends in the detectors'
   performance have been analyzed and taken into account in the
   calibration. As a results, JEM-X analysis software in OSA 8 shows a
   much reduced level of systematics, and a single response (RMF and
   ARF) is valid for the whole mission.

   Currently, these improvements (except the temperature-dependent
   gain correction) have been included in the imaging software
   only. Therefore the most reliable JEM-X fluxes are obtained in the
   source result file. Previous spectral extraction has been removed
   and replaced by a tool that simply reformats the fluxes from the
   imaging step into a standard spectrum. In a future release, flux
   extraction (either for spectra or light curves) will be performed
   in separate using the same code as that used in the imaging
   step. An additional huge advantage is that spectral extraction now
   takes correctly into account the effect of multiple sources, which
   was only possible with the spectral extraction from images in the
   previous release. The new spectral extraction is the recommended
   way to extract spectra.

   As bins used for the imaging step are also used for spectral
   extraction, we have devised a new, flexible way to generate spectra
   with fine binning with the introduction of standard binning with
   from 1 to 64 bins. The user can very simply request the use of
   these standard binnings, or introduce new, arbitrary binnings. A
   very convenient tool has also been added to allow the user to rebin
   the response according to the user's specifications.

   As in OSA 6 and OSA 7, sky images and mosaics can be used to
   extract spectra of any source, whether detected or not. Images
   benefit from the same improvements as flux determination, but, the
   implementations being different, fluxes and uncertainties extracted
   with both tools can differ slightly. The user need to be aware that
   the ARFs are different for both spectral extraction methods. There
   is also a single ARF for the spectral extraction from image for the
   entire mission.


   Besides the corrections of a number of software problems without 
   much impact on the results the main improvement of OSA 8 concerns
   thermal misalignment. The alignment of the IBIS optical axis vs 
   the startracker changes with the temperature of the instrument mask,
   that is related to the solar aspect angle. The amplitude of the
   effect is of the order of 1 arcmin for a variation of 30 degrees 
   in temperature. This wobble is important when cleaning ghosts and 
   determining the position centroid of bright sources. The correction 
   for this effect allows to use tighter attitude constraints than 
   in the past which is useful for fields containing very bright 
   sources (at the cost of some percents of data that will be 
   rejected on average).


   With the release of OSA 8, another script is available for the
   spectral extraction and the contemporary fit of diffuse emission:
   spimodfit_analysis. This script performs all the steps of
   spi_science_analysis except running spiros. Instead of this
   program, the script calls spimodfit which has different approach in
   the simultaneous fit of background, point sources, and diffuse
   emission using the SPI data.

   With respect to spiros, the main advantages are the inclusion of
   diffuse emission, and a less interactive procedure, the main
   drawback is the inability to produce images to detect sources in
   the field of view.


   OSA 6.0 -> OSA 7.0



   This is the first release that is built and tested on 64 bit 
   linux and solaris systems.  Please note though that the 64 bit 
   code is less well tested than the 32 bit code.  One should have
   no problem running the 32 bit versions on a 64 bit system.


   This new release introduces important modifications to add robustness
   in the source-detection process of the imaging step. Source detection
   in j_ima_iros is now made in three optimized energy bands,
   irrespectively of the choice of the energy bands made by the user.
   This has the advantage of reducing the possibility of fake sources
   being detected because of statistical fluctuations in the different

   The detection of hot pixels in the data correction step has been

   The mosaic program, j_ima_mosaic, is now able to combine any mosaic
   created by itself, irrespective of the instrument. This allows in
   particular to combine JEM-X 1 and JEM-X 2 mosaics of the same field in
   order to benefit from the total exposure time on a particular region
   to increase the depth of JEM-X observations.

   A new tool has also been added to OSA in order to perform source
   detection on any JEM-X image (Science-Window images or mosaics). This
   tool, called j_ima_src_locator, has to be called outside of the JEM-X
   scripts, since the imaging step already includes source detection.
   Matching with a source catalogue can be made very easily with the same
   tool as that used in the JEM-X script, q_identify_srcs. 

   The energy correction has changed drastically:

   Event rise time and pulse height are corrected by 2 calibration
   laws above and below 50 keV. The resulting positions of the
   calibration lines are constant over the mission. The drift of the
   energy calibration gain and offset with activation and time are now
   much better calibrated at intermediate energies.
   This results in more constant Crab light curve.

   The dependence on switch on time is no more used. The correction
   gains and offsets are corrected for the effect of total accumulated
   dose. This correction is also applied on the low energy cutoff
   value (low threshold per pixel). 

   A 3 dimensional look up table is used to compute energy from rise
   time and pulse height as well as a random value that take into
   account the non univocal nature of the pulse height/rise time to
   energy conversion. 

   A default parameter concerning the detection of noisy pixels based
   on timing characteristics was modified.

   The default constrain on the attitude stability has been

   The dead-time correction has been improved to handle rare Telemetry

   By default the background map normalisation is calculated using all
   ISGRI modules. This gives better results if the list of bright
   sources used in the background normalisation determination is not
   accurate, i.e. the background subtraction is more robust.

   A better modeling of the spider was achieved by a new attenuation
   ic file. 

   Coordinates for the center of the mosaic are now by default
   computed automatically. 

   The sumhist program can now be used to create background maps for

   A number of minor bugs have been corrected to improve robustness
   and portability on 64 bit operating systems.

   There are new calibration (ic) files for: Veto calibration
   (calibrated over a longer time scale); Attenuation coefficient; 3D
   look-up-table; Background maps, RMF, ARFs (updated for the new
   energy calibration). 

   The main novelty of this release is the possibility to perform a
   scientifically sound analysis of GRB detected in spectral timing
   mode. As known, to save telemetry, PICsIT is set to work by
   integrating onboard data into histograms. Data are simultaneously
   stored in the spectral imaging data set (64x64 pixels, 256 energy
   channels, 1 histogram per ScW) and in the spectral timing data set
   (no spatial information, only 8 energy bands, but high time
   resolution, from 1 to 500 ms). In every standard ScW, the user can
   find data in both modes.

   Spectral timing data have already given good results by detecting
   dozens of GRB ([1]; see also Fig. 1), but only with the OSA7
   release will be possible to have available the response matrices
   (RMF/ARF) for this mode, prepared by P. Laurent (CEA/Saclay). We
   refer the reader to the discussion in [2] for more details.

   In addition, the executable for the lightcurve extraction from
   spectral timing data has been improved to include an automatic
   alert message in output when the rate is greater than a certain
   value, which in turn can be set by the user.

   Other improvements in OSA7 for IBIS/PICsIT concerns an update of
   the mosaic tool (correction of source positioning) and of the
   calculation of energy bands from HEPI-LUT for spectral imaging
   data. Although OSA for PICsIT has a predefined set of energy band
   (8 for single events and 8 for multiple events), it is possible
   for the user to select his/her own set of energy bands. However,
   the main problem is the preparation of a proper set of background
   maps. OSA for PICsIT includes in IC files a set of maps for the 8
   standard energy bands. If the user wants to change the energy
   bands, he/she should also prepare a corresponding new set of
   background maps.

[1] IBIS/PICsIT Source Catalog,
[2] G. Di Cocco et al., Proceedings of the VI INTEGRAL Workshop, to
be published (arxiv:0707.0573).


   A third background modeling method has been introduced: background
   templates. These templates which are part of the IC tree, are
   based, e.g., on the GEDSAT rate. The templates can be selected from
   the spi_science_analysis GUI (or the command-line) instead of the
   flatfield or the background tracers. The templates are provided by
   the SPI instrument team in Toulouse. The flatfield method, however,
   remains the default method.

   The second major change is the availability of a timing imaging
   mode in spiros.  This mode allows to construct images even when
   strongly variable sources are in the field of view. Previous
   versions of spiros could only construct light curves or spectra
   when variable sources were present. With OSA7, also images can be

   The spi_science_analysis pipeline script has been updated and the
   GUI adapted to accommodate the new features described above.

   The third important addition is the inclusion of spimodfit.
   Spimodfit is an alternative to spiros. It allows to derive
   spectra for sources in the field of view and most importantly to
   study the diffuse emission. Spectra obtained by spiros and
   spimodfit are found to agree generally very well. Spimodift is not
   yet included in the spi_science_analysis script, but is a stand
   alone tool.

   Apart from these major changes, all software has been updated and
   improved. The IC files have also been updated, the bad pointing
   filter now covers all revolutions up to Rev. 539.
   The documentation has been updated and improved.  The online user
   manual can be found by clicking "Support" and "SPI analysis" from
   the main ISDC page, or directly at


   The new method introduced in OSA 6.0 to calculate the fluxes by
   re-centering on the catalogued positions is now the default
   (IMA_wcsFlag=yes). As a consequence, the OMC analysis uses by 
   default the OMC Input Catalogue. The location of the catalogue
   must be passed to the scripts using the "ISDC_OMC_CAT" environment


   OSA 5.1 -> OSA 6.0



   You can trade disk space from memory in the case where running OSA
   is taking too much memory. Recommendation: e.g. uncompress the
   events files will help.

   After OSA 6, there will be no future support for old Linux and
   MacOS Panther.


   * This new release introduces a much more robust gain calibration.
   Improvements in the software reduced considerably the (already
   small) number of revolutions which produced incorrect gain
   corrections. The automatic calibration performed inside OSA still
   fails for a few revolutions affected by numerous instrumental
   problems. Those revolutions have been identified by Jem-X team, and
   the gain calibration has been redetermined manually. These
   calibration files are now included in OSA's Instrument
   Characteristics tree. The analysis script determines by itself the
   best gain correction to be applied. For future revolutions affected
   by this problem which are not yet distributed in the IC files,
   separate gain correction files can be obtained from the following
   web page:

   * A table of bad time intervals is now included in OSA. For Jem-X,
   it includes all the periods that should not be used for standard
   scientific works, either because of hardware problems or because of
   intentional modifications of the instrument configurations for the
   purpose of testing and calibrations. 
   By default, these periods are automatically excluded from any
   analysis with OSA.

   * Several bug fixes and improvements have been performed in the
   imaging tool. In particular, a significance map can now be produced
   for individual Science Windows. In addition, the images are now
   corrected in order to allow the extraction of fluxes, either from
   the Science Window images or from the mosaics. A generic tool to
   extract fluxes and spectra from INTEGRAL images is available in
   OSA. The mosaic tool implements now a correct projection, which
   removes the limitation on the angular size of the mosaic.

   The main improvements of OSA 6 concerning ISGRI are as follow:

   * The calculation of good time intervals takes better into account
   pointings with several periods of stable attitude. More stringent
   limits on the attitude stability are used by default in OSA 6.0,
   which improves the cleaning of sources. In some rare cases of
   telemetry gaps, the calculated GTI were not fully correct, this is
   now fixed.

   * A "bad time interval" table has been added in the IC tree and is
   used by default by the analysis to disregard the corresponding
   data. It points to periods of time during the mission affected by
   peculiar instrument setting used during calibration, solar flares,
   bad settings of rise time thresholds, problem with the IBIS VETO
   configuration or passage through the radiation belts.

   * A non accurate calculation of the dead time in case of very
   strong background has been corrected.

   * Selection of events based on rise time is now performed on
   corrected values.

   * Background subtraction involves the normalization of background
   maps. This normalisation now disregards pixels illuminated by very
   bright sources, which improves significantly the results especially
   when bright sources are on the border of the FOV. The normalisation
   of the background maps is also performed independently for each
   module. All this improves the quality of the science products. In
   particular lightcurves of Crab are now much more stable. 

   * The mask supporting structure (including the NOMEX honeycomb
   structure) is absorbing the photons before they hit the detector.
   This absorption depends on the incident angle of the photon and of
   its energy. A numerical model of this structure has been created
   and adjusted to flight and ground calibration data. The
   images/spectra/count rates are now corrected for the effect of this
   structure. The resulting corrected count rates are increased by a
   factor up to 3 at low energy. The instrument response
   included a correction for the average absorption of the mask
   supporting structure that has now been removed. This correction
   improves the accuracy of the count rate determination (at various
   off-axis angles), in particular the stability of the Crab


   * The main difference in OSA 6.0 with respect to OSA 5.1 is the
   presence of an "off-axis" correction in ip_skyimage. This
   correction is calculated according to the off-axis PSF studies and
   therefore it takes into account several effects that can generate
   distortions in the PSF. This correction is something temporary,
   while detailed studies are on going in order to disentangle the
   different contributions and to correct them separately. 

   * Another news is the release of new RMF/ARF for single and
   multiple events with a proper channel width, in agreement with
   onboard HEPI-LUT.


   * A new background modelling method has been introduced: instead of
   using background tracers, SPI flatfields are now part of the SPI
   IC-tree which are used to model the background. In depth analysis
   by the SPI team showed that this method is superior to other
   background estimation methods and is therefore the new default

   * The input data are now screened and bad pointings are
   automatically removed from the analysis. This is done by an IC file
   that contains all bad pointings. This IC file is provided and
   maintained by the SPI team.

   * It is now possible to perform phase resolved spectroscopy with SPI,
   even down to milli seconds (i.e. the Crab) and including double
   star correction for binary systems. The number of bins and binsize
   can be defined by the user. The ephemeris is taken from a file the
   user has to provide that contain valid pulse periods (and
   derivatives) valid for the observation. 

   * The SPI response binner has been improved and the slope of SPI
   spectra no longer depends on the number of bins or the binsize. It
   is now also possible to use very narrow and very broad bins
   together without problem. 

   * The spi_science_analysis pipeline script has been updated to
   accommodate the new features described above and the GUI has been
   slightly redesigned to improve the usability.

   * Several small bugs in the image reconstruction program spiros
   (version 9.2.1) have been corrected. Otherwise, the functionality
   remains the same as in OSA 5.1.

   * The documentation has been updated and improved. The UM has been
   re-worked heavily, and the SPI data analysis WWW site includes a
   full user oriented documentation tree.  This page can be found by
   clicking "Support" and "SPI analysis" from the main ISDC page, or
   directly at

   Scientific validation of the SPI data analysis system is going on
   at the ISDC and in different instrument team sites. 


   * A new method to calculate the fluxes by re-centring on WCS
   positions has been implemented. The new method reads the
   coordinates from the OMC Input Catalogue, and is able to calculate
   the fluxes by re-centring on the catalogued position, after
   deriving the WCS solution. One advantage of this method is that it
   can process the mosaics of sub-windows successfully if the source
   coordinates are accurate enough. It also allows to re-process old
   data when more accurate positions are available for re-centring. 

   * The WCS solution has been improved in those shots without
   reference stars. In such cases, the solution obtained for the last
   shot with reference stars available is used.

   * Now the user can specify the OMC_ID/s of the source/s he/she is
   interested in, to extract the fluxes only for the given source/s.
   In OSA 5.1, this was only possible in the imaging tool

   * The IC files have been substantially improved. Using data from
   the Earth observation, a new calibration method was developed, and
   it allowed to derive new flatfield matrices covering almost all the
   mission. The photometric calibration was updated as well.


   OSA 5.0 -> OSA 5.1



   The main windows of the Graphical User Interfaces have been
   improved for all the instruments to easily handle the parameter
   files of the analysis scripts. They now contain:
   - a "Save As" button to create a file containing a command-line
     with the parameters currently set in the GUI.
   - a "Load" button to read and load parameters from a file
   previously saved from the GUI
   - a "Reset" button to reset all the parameters to their default
     values (as defined in the $ISDC_ENV/pfiles)


   The main changes concerned the ii_shadow_build module which creates
   shadowgrams of ISGRI events.
   * A problem in the spectral detection of noisy pixels performed in
   ii_shadow_build has been corrected. These problems had the effect
   of rejecting, from the  analysis, good pixels in special conditions
   where very bright sources were present in the partially coded 
   field of view.

   * ii_shadow_build has been also improved to handle the case  of
   missing contexts, to correctly use the GTI per module and to employ
   the HK3 data when needed.

   * A problem in the handling of module switches has also been fixed.
   This problem was noticed in OSA 5.0 in the sense that module
   switches were not taken into account properly. This impacts
   approximately 30% of the Science Windows.

   Besides these ii_shadow_build changes, it is now possible to
   combine ISGRI spectra with spe_pick even if the spectra require
   different ARFs. For the moment, there is still only one ARF, but we
   expect to release soon three ISGRI ARFs, valid for different
   periods of time. The new version of spe_pick handles transparently
   any number of ISGRI ARFs, and produces spectra that can be read
   immediately with both xspec11 and xspec12.

   Other minor or cosmetic changes were made in several other s/w


   The OSA 5.1 release for PICsIT includes the fix of a bug in the WCS
   settings for skyimages, that caused a problem in source positions 
   in mosaics (although there was not this problem in doing mosaics 
   with ScW images from OSA 5 and HEASARC varmosaic tool).

   A new version of the PIF for spectra extraction has been
   implemented, although the algorithm is still unstable (see PICsIT
   known issues). 


   The gain fitting and correction module j_cor_gain has been upgraded
   to version 6.4 and marks a giant leap forward for gain
   determination in those few revolutions where gain smoothing has
   previously failed. These have mostly been confined to Crab
   calibration revolutions, but a handful of revolutions where there
   were multiple unscheduled switch-offs of the unit were also
   previously difficult to analyse.
   Along with the gain aging factors introduced in OSA 5.0, we can now
   be certain of gain corrections being correct to better than 3%. To
   see how well gain  smoothing and correction has been applied to a
   particular revolution see the new JEM-X gain results:

   Currently this page is under construction, but within a few weeks
   you should be able to see how gain smoothing of the calibration
   spectra has proceeded and where the resultant Xenon, Molybdenum and
   Copper lines from the instrument background are found in the
   processed science data. These results are made with the software
   contained in OSA 5.1, and represent the current state-of-the-art in
   JEM-X energy determination.

   Anyone with questions or problems pertaining to JEM-X energy
   corrections and spectra should contact Carol Anne Oxborrow at

   No change in j_ima_iros.

   No change in source extraction (for spectra and lightcurves) except
   a bug fix.

   j_ima_mosaic-5.1.0 has been included.
   The previous version of j_ima_mosaic (5.0.4) needed that at least
   intensity maps of type RAW_RECT were always produced by j_ima_iros,
   even if the user actually wished to only combine intensity maps of
   type RES+SRC.
   It is now possible with the new version to only (though it is
   obvious that VARIANCE maps are a requisite to produce weighted
   mosaic maps) produce at the IMA level RES+SRC maps if one wants to
   make mosaics of RES+SRC maps.

   Because of a patch of gti_data_gaps, it is now possible to analyse
   Scws containing restricted imaging data. Nevertheless, the events
   gap GTI might be overestimated. 


   OSA 4.2 -> OSA 5.0


Please make sure that the ftools Package (
release you use is 5.3 or newer. At ISDC, we have used ftools 5.3.1
for our testing.  Inital tests with HEADAS 6.0 show that all works
except that Xspec 12 does not read beyond the first spectral extension.
The Xspec team at Goddard will issue a patch soon to fix this.

   The ISGRI analysis software has been improved in almost all areas.
   Besides bug fixes, the main improvements are:

   1) ISGRI pixels regularly become noisy. Noisy pixels are detected 
      on board and the transmission of affected events is stopped 
      automatically until the pixel comes back to a normal state.
      A small fraction of affected events are however transmitted
      and they could have a dramatic effect on the image quality if
      not properly flagged. Two new algorithms have been implemented. 

      The first and most powerful one flags event as soon as the statistic 
      of the time difference between event time of an individual pixel is 
      not as expected. On average few hundred pixels are killed every
      pointings which improve dramatically the image and count rate

      The second algorithm flags event that come from pixel with abnormal
      event spectral distribution. This kills few hundred pixels in addition
      and mainly improves the source spectra.

      Only few percent of the detector pixels are affected, which does
      not change significantly the instrument sensitivity. As a result,
      the count rate of a bright source is now stable within 3% (deviations 
      up to 20% were not unusual with OSA 4.2).

   2) The OSA 4.2 dead time correction was affected by a possible on-board 
      counter overflow in case of very bright source or background
      conditions.  This is now correctly taken into account.

   3) The off-axis correction and background maps were not properly
      interpolated with energy, which could generate artificial spectral 
      features. These interpolations are now performed by a new executable
      weighting and interpolating the maps taking the ARF and average 
      source spectral shape into account.

   4) The ISGRI energy calibration is a convolution of the rise-time
      correction (LUT1), of the electronic calibration (LUT2) and of
      the gain calibration.

      The gain calibration takes now into account temperature effects
      and the degradation of the detector with time and after solar 
      flares. This has been calibrated within 1%.

   5) The on-board pixel low energy thresholds have been decreased by about 
      2 keV. The analysis software has been modified to take the values of 
      those low energy threshold better into account. The on-board
      modification and the improvement of the software together increases the
      low energy count rate of the instrument by a factor of 5 between 13 and
      22 keV.

   6) A new and better LUT2 has been derived using ground calibration data. 
      A validated RMF taking the new LUT2 into account is however not yet 
      available so the new LUT2 was not included in OSA5. However, the ARF
      was  modified to provide a reasonable response down to 17 keV and to
      take  into account all the OSA5 software improvements affecting the
      source  count spectra. 1% systematic errors should be taken into
      account  when fitting spectra.

   7) In rare cases the pointing attitude determination was not properly
      taking  into account the good time interval. This is fixed.

   8) The image cleaning has been improved very significantly and several 
      options have been added to fix known source positions to improve ghost
      cleaning, to force cleaning of faint sources even if found negative.

   9) Spectral and lightcurve extraction benefits now from a new fitting 
      procedure that works much better for faint sources and removes the
      significant hard tails that were found with previous versions of 
      the software.

   10)New background maps have been built from empty fields. As these are
      defined in narrow energy bands, they could be used for spectral

   Besides this, the analysis script parameters and graphical user
   interface were improved. Several improvements important for bright
   sources are still being worked out and could not be included in the
   current OSA release. Those should be made available later this
   summer in the form of new calibration files:

   a) The new LUT2 and associated RMF and time dependent ARF.

   b) An off-axis correction depending on azimutal angle derived
      from a ray tracing model.

   Preliminary version of those files are available at the ISDC.


   PICsIT has been almost completely revised for the release of OSA 5.0. Some
   bugs have been fixed in order to have a more robust pipeline (e.g.
   overflow error in lightcurves), while some user requests have been met,
   like the use of a variance shadowgram not corrected for background.
   Indeed, in the previous releases of OSA, the shadowgram of the variance
   was updated for the background subtraction after its creation. This meant
   that the significance in output from OSA was already corrected for
   systematic effects (or, at least, for most of them) of background. With
   OSA 5.0, it is possible to select the corrected variance or the raw
   variance: in the latter case, the significance map is not corrected and
   therefore it is necessary to analyse the S/N distribution in the pixels in
   order to evaluate the background level.

   OSA 5.0 also provides 5 new sets of background maps prepared by Piotr
   Lubinski (ISDC) based on public data of different epochs. The default set
   of maps used in OSA 5.0 remains the set with 1.7 Ms of exposure built
   using revolutions 49 to 67, but the user will have more maps amongst the
   IC files with which to try different background subtractions.

   A prototype of the point sources spectra extraction module, based on PIF
   (Pixel Illumination Factor), is also available. It should be used with
   extreme care since PICsIT does not always have sufficient counts in a
   single Scw when compared to the background (we remind you that the Crab
   rate is about 10c/s in comparison with a background rate of ~2500 c/s over
   all the detector). It is worth mentioning that it is possible to extract
   the spectrum from the imaging results (a script by M. Chernyakova is
   available in the contributed scripts page).

   Last, but not least, the spectral timing mode settings have been updated
   with the change of the energy boundaries of the channels. The number of
   channels is still 4, with time resolution of 4 ms, but the boundaries have
   been changed to: 260-364, 364-676, 676-1196, 1196-2600 keV. These new
   settings are useful in high energy GRB studies since PICsIT is presently
   the only in-orbit instrument able to explore the MeV range. 


   A new version of the image reconstruction program spiros (version 9.2)
   has been developed. This key element of the ISDC SPI analysis system
   offers additional functionalities in "timing" mode, while the
   "imaging" and "spectral" modes are basically unchanged.

   The spi_science_analysis pipeline script has been fully
   redesigned. The "alternative" part was removed and the interface
   simplified. It is now much easier to launch the script without Graphic
   User Interface, either from command-line analyses, or from scripts.

   A new script spi_grb_analysis, including two new executables, has
   been developed to ease analyses of Gamma-ray bursts. This script calls
   many times the spi_science_analysis script. The main parameters are
   the start and the stop of the GRB, either in UT or in IJD, and they
   are entered as command-line arguments.

   A new set of Instrument Response Functions (IRFs) is part of the
   package. It include three independent responses for before, between,
   and after the detector 2 and 17 failures. The responses have been
   fully recomputed after the discovery that a part of the JEMX mask was
   not properly modeled in the GEANT simulations. This problem was
   affecting however only analysis of sources with very large offset
   angles towards the JEMX instruments.

   A large effort has been made to improve the documentation. The UM has
   been re-worked heavily, and the SPI data analysis WWW site has been
   redesigned. It now includes a full user oriented documentation tree.
   This page can be found by clicking "Support" and "SPI analysis" from
   the main ISDC page, or directly at

   Scientific validation of the SPI data analysis system is going on at
   the ISDC and in different instrument team sites. A paper dedicated to
   the evaluation of the performance of point-source data analysis has
   been published in MNRAS and is available from our documentation tree. 


   The imaging software has been completely reworked. The set of three
   components for image making, source finding and intensity
   correction has been replaced by a single component:
   j_ima_iros. This produces better images and makes much better
   estimates of the source fluxes. As the name suggests,
   an IROS mechanism is used for better fluxes and improved
   sensitivity.  Also a much more detailed description of the detector
   behavior, mask support structure and collimator geometry has been

   A completely new component is the mosaicking tool, j_ima_mosaic,
   especially adapted to the JEM-X images from j_ima_iros. It replaces the
   ISDC tool, image_mosaic, that did not make the best of the JEM-X images.

   The spectrum and light-curve extraction have also been updated with
   a more precise detector modelling and collimator description. It is
   now also possible to get a PIF (Pixel Illumination Function) by
   setting a parameter.

   The gain correction algorithm has been updated to cope with
   the higher frequency of the so-called 'glitches' - sudden drops in
   gain under the calibration sources that take up to half an hour
   to restabilize.

   It has been noticed that, due to the heavy irradiation of the small
   parts of the detector under the calibration source, the gain development
   is a little different from the rest of the detector which leads to an
   apparent 'drift' of the Xe fluorescence line in energy with time.
   This has been included in the corrections to a first order.

   A side-effect of the introduction of j_ima_iros is the requirement for two
   large (400 MB) IC files. The backprojection lists (BPL, one for
   each instrument:
   jmx1_bpl_grp_0001.fits and jmx2_bpl_grp_0001.fits) represent the
   "Aperture Response Function" i.e. the description of the transparency
   between each pair of detector pixel and sky pixel.

   Celestial coordinates (RA_FIN and DEC_FIN) of all observed sources
   are now calculated in o_src_get_fluxes, by fitting the best astrometric
   solution to the faint photometric reference stars. A new solution is
   computed for each effective integration. This allows to correct the
   inaccuracy due to the thermoelastic deformations, which affect the
   alignment of the OMC optical axis with the S/C attitude reference.

   The imaging tool (o_ima_build) has been substantially updated to 
   improve the WCS support as well as to make it more user friendly
   by adding new parameters. Now the user can specify the minimum and
   maximum values for the shot integration time, as well as the OMC_ID
   of the source he/she is interested in. If a given source is selected,
   small images are built containing only the OMC sub-window/s corresponding
   to the selected source.

   Thanks to the improvement achieved in the astrometric solution, a
   new OMC misalignment matrix has been calculated. By using it, the
   accuracy of the computed celestial coordinates and the WCS support
   is better than 2 arcsec in most cases.

   The scripts have been also updated to include new parameters and make
   them more user friendly. Optionally, now the user can run the scripts
   to build only the images.


   OSA 4.1 -> OSA 4.2



   *  In ii_shadow_ubc 2.9.2, there is a change in the way the
      efficiency and background corrections are performed.

   * ii_skyimage 3.9

     As the efficiency correction is done now in ii_shadow_ubc, it is
     not redone in ii_skyimage. Consequently, it is important not to
     mix versions of ii_skyimage and ii_shadow_ubc from old releases
     (before OSA 4.2) and this new one. 
     You cannot use old binned shadowgrams with the new ii_skyimage.
     It is now possible to fix all source positions in the individual
     Scw fit.
     The covariance matrix is corrected by off-axis effect.
     The mean is no more subtracted in the SNR images.

    * ibis_science_analysis was improved as regards user-friendliness.
      It can use more than 10 energy bands for imaging (see the
      updated cookbook in the ISGRI User Manual) 


   * The main change in the PICsIT s/w is that the count rates were
     changed and are now higher (~30%) with respect to the OSA 4.1 or
     older versions.
     This was required to match the MC model used to build the

   * Mosaic should work now for long integration and there is the
     possibility to make mosaics for polar regions with two more
     projections (zenithal equidistant ARC and stereographic STG) in
     addition to the gnomonic (TAN) already present in older versions.


    New versions for several components were produced:
    - a bug  was removed in spi_clean, 
    - spi_gain_corr and spi_scripts were modified to cope with new
      ISDC directory structure and data format.

    No new functionality is available in OSA 4.2.  

   * The Instrument Model data now contains calibration information
     to support regularized pixel positions.

   * New background models have been delivered, but their use is still

   * Deadtime calculations now also handle the non-nominal case of
     both 16MHz and 8MHz CPU speed settings mixed in the same science

   * By default, shadowgrams are now produced in normal coordinates
     with regularized pixel positions.

   * For spectra and lightcurve extraction, the modelling of the
     of flux distribution on the detector has been improved and
     the idealization of a flat background given up.

   * Because of the limitations of the mosaic tool, image mosaics
     are currently not produced by the analysis scripts. It is still
     possible to do this manually.

   * The analysis scripts handle both old and new style of the
     directory structure.


   * Templates and executables have been updated to record more
     information in the source results tables. As specific examples,
     the derived magnitude is now given for the different possible
     extraction sizes (1 pixel, 3*3 or 5*5 pixels).

   * In case of (GRB) Trigger Mode data present in a Science Window,
     the scripts will automatically create images. The scripts now
     also include an optional step (IMA2) to create a summary results


   OSA 4.0 -> OSA 4.1


   * An important bug in the GTI calculation is fixed. The cookbook
     example of the crab light curve now shows a constant curve.
     The big dip in the crab light curve generated with previous
     software was due to this bug.
   * A bug is fixed in the script that was preventing to run the CAT_S

   * A bug is fixed in the energy band choice of ii_pif_build when
     attempting NOMEX correction with ii_light. The example in the
     cookbook now works correctly. 

   * lc_pick now works for ISGRI.

   * lc_pick now understands standard source name besides SOURCEID.


   A major bug in spi_science_analysis was fixed. Now the SPI analysis
   works properly on Linux platforms.


   * A new algorithm to compute the background based on the 11x11 exterior
     rim has been included.

   * The fluxes are now computed by a sub-sampling method and aperture
     corrections are applied by integrating the PSF.

   * A method to compute the centroid and the PSF width has been developed.

   * Several of the "un-detected" saturations can be now detected by
     comparing with the expected PSF.

   * New flags indicate the presence of source contamination.


   OSA 3.0 -> OSA 4.0

   Starting with OSA 4, you may choose between two different
   mathematical libraries:
   - NAG, the mathematical library from the Numerical Algrithms
   - isdcmath, a compilation of public domain routines


   * The energy correction has been improved, taking into account the
     effect of the bias voltage and the effect of a global temperature.
     Temperature gradient correction will be implemented later.
     The shift in gain is now taken into account. The gain-corrected value of
     risetime is written in the column ISGRI_PI.

   * Binning and background correction have been improved. The
     problem linked to uniformity image is corrected. The time keywords
     have now the OGIP standard meaning: ONTIME is the sum of the GTI,
     EXPOSURE = ONTIME*Average(Effi). Note that the images and spectra
     are computed in counts/sec and ONTIME value is the reference value
     for flux and spectrum evaluation.

   * Several bugs and problems of image reconstruction and spectral
     extraction modules are now corrected.

   * The "NOMEX effect" is now described in a new instrument
     characteristic file and corrected for in ii_skyimage and
     ii_spectra_extract. The NOMEX is a honeycomb support structure behind
     the mask absorbing low energy photons. Its geometry makes the absorption
     very dependent on the source position in the FOV and on energy.

   * Spectral extraction can now be performed using least square fit,
     which is now the default method. Background correction maps for spectral
     extraction are now available and they are the default input.

   * A new executable to extract light curves has been added, but the
     NOMEX effect removal is not fully implemented, yet.

   * Spectra can also be extracted based on a PIF (Pixel Illumination
     Factor) method but without NOMEX effect correction. In general, the
     ability to have event lists with stand-alone PIF building now allows
     different kinds of analysis using just standards FTOOLS.

   * A new ARF file corrects for the "snake effect" seen in reconstructed
     spectra with the present RMF (i.e. the fact that powerlaw spectra appear
     as having wiggles instead of being straight).


   * An early version of an improved set of background maps is now 
     available. This gives cleaner images with higher signal-to-noise ratio.

   * A PICsIT specific mosaic executable is now available directly in 
     the pipeline.

   * It is possible to obtain PICsIT lightcurves of the whole detector 
     by means of the spectral timing data. This submode generates lightcurves 
     in four energy bands with time resolution of 2 s and could be useful in 
     the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB). "


   * A completely new spi_science_analysis script has been developed
     including a new GUI. The user can select one of two "pipelines", a
     "default" and an "alternative" one. The "default" pipeline makes use
     of software developed by Jurgen Knodelseder (see the proceedings of
     the 5th INTEGRAL conference in Munich) for event binning and
     background modeling. These programmes run much faster than their
     counterparts from OSA3, which are still available in the "alternative"

     This new script is more user friendly. It does a number of tasks
     automatically, such as saving the exact list of used parameters and
     the logging information in dedicated files. The number of input
     parameters has been reduced and they are well documented through the
     GUI. The given default values can always be easily overwritten when

   * A new program (spi_add_sim) has been added, allowing to add a
     simulated source to the actual observation. This tool is useful to
     evaluate the possible effects of crowding in relatively realistic
     conditions (see Dubath et al. 2004, A&A submitted for more details).

   * A new system of gain coefficient files handling is also available
     as part of the new script. The gain coefficient files derived now for
     each revolution in the standard ISDC processing are used by default.
     If they are not available the IC files are used instead. And as
     before, users can impose their own calibration index file through a
     normally hidden parameter.

   * A new response provided by the Goddard group is included,
     describing SPI after the failure of detector #2. The analysis system
     will select automatically the appropriate response (with or without
     detector 2), although the system cannot currently handle two different
     responses at the same time (neither a time variable response). When
     mixing data prior to and after detector 2 failure, users have to
     select one of the two responses. The differences in the derived
     results with the two responses are very small (and negligible) in most
     cases.  Users can check their results by repeating their analysis
     twice, once with each of the responses, or analyze their data before
     and after the failure independently with the appropriate response.  


   * Gain corrections have been significantly improved.
     They now handle non-standard cases better, like, e.g.,
     a shut-off and restart of the instrument during an
     Integral revolution.

   * More realistic background models have been generated but their 
     use is still non-standard and only meant for evaluation purposes.

   * The imaging tools now also provide variance maps together with the 
     sky images.

   * The source spectrum and lightcurve software has been significantly 

   * Binned detector lightucurves and spectra are now also normalized
     to a default detector area of 100 cm2.


   * The flux extraction algorithm has been slightly refined and
     some more critical cases for the automatic extraction are now recognized
     and flagged in the results table. This includes the detection of
     extended sources generating several OMC sub-windows.

   * Two new parameters allow the user to include only shots falling
     within a given integration time range in order to avoid data without
     relevant signal or with saturated pixels.

   * The images produced by the offline tool o_ima_build are now
     tagged with WCS information and use the pixel coordinate system of the

   * The table of results produced by o_src_collect includes now the
     barycentric time. 

   Generic tools

   * The barycentric correction tool "barycent" was corrected and largely
     improved in functionality.

   * evts_pick can now merge SPI events.


   OSA 2.0 -> OSA 3.0

   We recommend that you have HEAsoft 5.3 (ftools) installed.
   Earlier versions are also fine, except that the tool rbnrmf
   only works for ISGRI as of 5.3

   Generic tools

   Barycentrization now gives sensible results.

   evts_extract was improved and now also creates the GTI extension
   required by several FTOOLs.

   The handling of missing data was improved in spe_pick and a bug
   in handling larger datasets removed. Note that spe_pick does not
   handle IBIS data yet.

   The performance of idx_find was largely improved.

   og_create now checks if the given input exists before undertaking
   any action.


   Many components (ii_spectra_extract, ii_skyimage...) and the ibis_script
   were updated.

   You can now stop and resume before the mosaic.
   Dead time calculation was improved for ISGRI.
   Energy correction is now temperature dependent.

   Changes in dal3ibis now allow to find small telemetry gaps inside a
   packet and they are used all over the software. 

   The new executable ii_pif_build enables to create a PIF from a
   spacecraft position and a source position.

   New IC files were delivered since OSA 2.0 and energy correction was
   significantly improved in OSA3.0. 

   IC-category      OSA2  OSA3 
   ISGR_ARF_RSP      3     4  ARF is now much better, correspond also
                              to change in the energy correction 
   ISGR_RMF_GRP      5   9,10 9 is the new original full resolution matrix, 
                              10 is our suggestion for smart rebinning
			      and is the default in the script
   ISGR_ATTN_MOD     1     2  A bug was fixed
   ISGR_BACK_BKG     2     3  This is the first non dummy one
   ISGR_COVR_MOD     1     2  changed because ii_skyimage has changed
   ISGR_OFFS_MOD     1     3  new energy correction strategy
   ISGR_RISE_MOD     1     3  new energy correction strategy
   ISGR_TEMP_MOD     -     1  Energy correction now is temperature dependent


   An automatic source location is now performed.

   ip_st_lc_extract was updated to take into account some compatibility
   problems with XRONOS package of HEASARC.


   The spi_science_analysis pipeline script, and the different
   programs called by the script, offer the same functionalities as in
   the last release 2.0 (although a number of software bugs have been
   corrected for). A new alternative script is in development and will
   be announced soon.

   The new Instrument Response Function (IRF) is part of the package,
   as well as the latest RMFs required to fit with XSPEC the spectra 
   extracted with spiros in the spi_science_analysis processing.


   Consistency of results across operating systems has been improved, 
   mainly by using and OS (Operating System) independent randomizer in
   the gain correction step, when events are assigned to PI bins.

   Realistic background model data have been included in the IC files 
   and background model information pertinent to the individual
   Science Windows is now routinely extracted. The use of these data
   in the further steps, though, is still in an exploratory stage and
   further fine tuning will be needed.

   Shadowgrams can now also be background subtracted, but at this
   stage this is not recommended for routine analysis and disabled as

   Source searching can be limited to a user defined angle to avoid
   spurious source detections in the noisy outer rim of the field.
   In addition, for forced source detections via a User Catalog, the
   software can be instructed to always use the catalog coordinates
   even if the source is independently found.

   A new, more refined algorithm is used by default in source spectrum
   and lightcurve extraction. Also, events flagged as problematic due
   to their position in the detector, e.g. from a dead anode zone, or
   their gain corrections are now by default excluded.

   The flux values for source lightcurves and spectra are now
   normalized by default to counts/second/100cm2 in each band. This
   nominal detector area  corresponds approximately to the geometrical
   detector area of 490 cm2 multiplied by the mask open fraction
   (0.24) and the collimator open fraction (0.89). Other
   normalizations can be selected via parameters. 

   The effective area response (ARF) is now corrected for radius
   selection and for dead detector zones.

   Compatibility with the OGIP FITS time standards has been improved
   for source lightcurves. 

   Binned detector spectra and lightcurves now also allow for radius 
   and event quality selection, where possible.

   The analysis scripts can now be installed and run without ROOT,
   foregoing the GUI support.

   If users define a start time and time step for the analysis, the
   start time will be set individually for each science window but
   always aligned with the original start time by multiples of the
   time step.


   New, improved calibration files for flatfielding and flux to
   magnitude conversion have been derived and included in the IC
   data set. With these new files photometric accuracy is about
   2-3% in the central 4x4 degrees of the OMC FOV, opposed to
   variations of up to 15% before, caused by contamination problems
   during the calibration.

   A redundant dependency on planning data in the analysis 
   executables which gave rise to occasional problems has been


   OSA 1.1 -> OSA 2.0

   Besides various bugfixes for all the instruments, the OSA 2.0 release
   mainly intends to allow users to run ISGRI spectral extraction.
   While it has been technically tested, some scientific evaluation
   is still on-going and spectral extraction results have to be
   cautiously analyzed.


   Some bugs were fixed in ii_shadow_build, ii_shadow_ubc, ii_skyimage
   and in the overall script. 
   Consequently, ii_shadow_build should not crash anymore,
   and bright source pixels should not be mistaken as noisy
   pixels anymore.
   Improvements were also performed in ii_skyimage.

   The Graphical User Interface now works.

   A new executable (ii_light) has been integrated in ibis_scripts.
   It allows to produce lightcurves.

   There are a new RMF and a new ARF for ISGRI.

   While spectral extraction can be run, it has not been scie