INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
                    INTEGRAL Science Data Center (ISDC)


                             Release Note

      Package:      new_spi_coeff
      Version:      1.0
      Rel. Date:    3-Jul-2013


   1. Introduction
   2. Instructions
   3. Portability
   4. System Requirements
   5. Changes since last Release

1. Introduction
   The INTEGRAL/SPI instrument and ISDC teams noticed inaccurate gain
   coefficients affecting a few SPI detectors in some revolutions after 1150.
   The "new_spi_coeff" package allows to use updated gain coefficients by the SPI
   data analysis programs "spi_science_analysis" and "spimodfit_analysis".
   This package contains two Shell scripts and a directory "new_scw" including
   updated "spi_gain_coeff.fits.gz" stored per spacecraft revolution number
   following the usual directory structure of INTEGRAL data.
   The two scripts allow the user to either:
     1. substitute the original "spi_gain_coeff.fits.gz" files by updated ones
     2. create an index file pointing to the updated files.
	The first method should be preferred for local copies of the INTEGRAL data
	archive. The analysis of data from a given revolution will make use of the
	new coefficients in a straightforward way. Read and write permission on the
	files is required. 

    The second method is intended for protected INTEGRAL archives for which the
    user does not have modification rights. An index file has to be created for
    the analysis of a given Observation Group which includes revolutions
    containing incorrect gain coefficients.

2. Instructions

   Method 1 (replacement of the original "spi_gain_coeff.fits.gz" files)
    1) Unpack the provided tar file:
       gzip -dc new_spi_coeff.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    2) Go to the new directory "new_spi_coeff":
       cd new_spi_coeff/
    3) Make the script "" executable with:
       chmod +x
    4) Identify the location of the existing ScW archive ( local_scw_path )
       in the local system (e.g. /isdc/arc/rev_3/scw )
    5) Run the script as:  local_scw_path  new_scw

   Method 2 (creation of an index file pointing to the updated files)
    1) Unpack the provided tar file:
       gzip -dc new_spi_coeff.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    2) Go to the new directory "new_spi_coeff":
       cd new_spi_coeff/
    3) Make the script "" executable with:
       chmod +x
    4) Identify the location of the existing ScW archive ( local_scw_path )
       in the local system (e.g. /isdc/arc/rev_3/scw )
    5) Identify the directory path where to store the new index file that will
       be created ( path_to_new_index_file ).
    6) Run the script as:  local_scw_path  new_scw  path_to_new_index_file
    7) Specify the newly created file "new_spi_gain_coeff.fits" with its full
       directory path ( path_to_new_index_file ) as the parameter "coeff_DOL"
       in your SPI analysis. In the Graphical User Interface (GUI) this
       parameter is referred to as "Gain Coefficient file name".

3. Portability

   Not applicable

4. System Requirements
   Not applicable

5. Changes since last Release

   version 1.0

   Version 1.0 (3-Jul-2013) contains updated SPI gain coefficients for
   spacecraft revolutions 1150 to 1280