INTEGRAL Science Data Centre

Download INTEGRAL Software

The Off-line Scientific Analysis (OSA) software package contains all tools to perform INTEGRAL data analysis of any of the four instrument aboard. To install it, download here the relevant packages and follow the instructions of the Installation Guide. Once the installation is completed and tested with the provided Test Data, go to the documentation tab, and consult first the "Getting started" document.

Third party software is useful to allow you to follow the analysis examples provided in our documentation cookbooks.

The INTEGRAL Burst Alert System (IBAS) client software is only useful to receive the real time gamma-ray burst (GRB) alerts (e.g. for quick follow-up observations by ground-based telescopes).

Package Version Download Comments
OSA Packages
OSA Software 10.0 The three binary distributions for Linux or Mac OS X are recommended. Source code compilation is possible with the "Developers" package.
Please check the Known Issues and refer to the Inst. Guide.
Instrument Characteristics 10.0 Use the rsync command To download or update the IC files use:
'rsync -Lzrtv $REP_BASE_PROD'
Reference Catalogue 35.0
24 MB Contains the general high-energy and OMC reference catalogues.
Test Data 10.0.1

2 GB Test data allow you to check the proper installation of your OSA environment. Please refer to the Inst. Guide.
New SPI Gain Coefficients 1.0
0.6 MB New SPI gain coefficients to update inaccurate original values. More info at Known Issues.
Third Party Software
HEAsoft 6.12 From HEAsoft pages Includes tools (ftools) to manipulate and display FITS files
DS9 6.2 From SAO/HEAD R&D group pages The DS9 image display for FITS files
wget 1.13.4 From GNU pages Required to download INTEGRAL data from the ISDC archive.
Already installed on most Linux systems. Not included on standard OS X.
IBAS Client Software
IBAS Client Software 2.1.0 Source: 120 kB User Manual
Known Issues
>> previous OSA release