INTEGRAL Science Data Centre

SPI Data Analysis

Novice users should start with the one-page Overview, and carry out a simple Crab data analysis example following the Cookbook, which also provide some (limited) explanatory information.

After the cookbook example, browse the Tips and Tricks, and start your own analysis. Come back to the "Cookbook" and the "Tips and Tricks" when you are confronted with problems or difficult decisions.

Advanced users, who want to develop their own scripts or to execute individual programs independently, can find additional information from the complete version of the SPI data analysis User Manual (PDF) and from the individual program user manuals, available from the Documentation tree.

The MNRAS paper The INTEGRAL spectrometer SPI: performance of point-source data analysis, presents scientific validations for an important part of the ISDC software and a number of useful information and recommendations.
The recent paper by E. Jourdain et al. (2009) contains an absolute measurement of the Crab spectrum from 25 keV to a few MeV and well illustrates the stabiblity and reliability of the instrument over the mission time.

For analysis of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) a dedicated script "spi_grb_analysis" is available with two associated "Cookbooks", one for GRB image analysis, and a second for GRB spectral analysis.

If you have questions or comments send an email to Lorenzo Ducci, SPI contact at the ISDC