The Geneva Planck Team at the ISDC is composed of:
- Marc Türler (145)
- Scientist. Planck LFI CoI and Team leader.
- Reiner Rohlfs (117)
- Software engineer. Developed general libraries and the Telemetry Quick Look (TQL) software for the Planck LFI.
- Nicolas Morisset (116)
- Software engineer. Developed the main parts of the TeleMetry Handler (TMH) software for the Planck LFI.
- Mohamed T. Meharga (192)
- Software engineer. Developed the Instrument Characteristics DataBase
(IC-DB), ingestion tools (conversion into FITS files), limit checking and the
pipelines of the LFI Level 1 data processing.
- Pavel Binko (152)
- Software engineer. Developed the data receipt system for the Instrument Workstation at MOC (IW@MOC).
Note: The number in parenthesis are the 3 last digits of the phone number: +41 22 37 92 XXX
The Planck development at the ISDC is followed and reviewed by:
The Geneva Planck Team is benefitting from the ISDC infrastructure and staff.
We are particularly grateful to: