List of participants
Name | Institute, Country | Comment |
Felix Aharonian | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland & MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany | Lecturer |
Tri Laksmana Astraatmaja | Nikhef Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Participant |
Matteo Balbo | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Anna Barnacka | IRFU/CEA-Saclay, Paris, France | Participant |
Andrea Belfiore | University of Pavia, Italy | Participant |
Erika Benitez | UNAM, Mexico | Participant |
Lars Bergström | Stockholm Univ., Sweden | Lecturer |
Andrea Boller | ETH , Zürich, Switzerland | Participant |
Pol Bordas | IAA Tübingen, Germany | Participant |
Enrico Bozzo | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Thomas Bretz | EPF Lausanne, Switzerland | Participant |
Julia Brucker | ECAP, Erlangen, Germany | Participant |
François Brun | LLR/Polytechnique, France | Participant |
José Ignacio Cabrera | UNAM, Mexico | Participant |
Renzo Capelli | MPE, Garching, Germany | Participant |
Massimo Cavadini | Univ. dell'Insubria, Italy | Participant |
Elsa de Cea | IEEC-CSIC, Spain | Participant |
Matteo Cerruti | LUTh, Paris-Meudon, France | Participant |
Maria Chernyakova | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland | Participant |
Shirit Cohen | EPF Lausanne, Switzerland | Participant |
Sean Delaney | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland | Participant |
Charles Dermer | U.S. Naval Research Lab., USA | Lecturer |
Marlene Doert | TU Dortmund, Germany | Participant |
Daniela Dorner | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Amanda Dotson | Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, USA | Participant |
Samia Drappeau | Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Participant |
Dominique Eckert | INAF-IASF Milano, Italy | Participant |
Sylvia Ekström | Geneva Observatory, Switzerland | Participant |
Lisa Fallon | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland | Participant |
Christian Farnier | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Carlo Ferrigno | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Antonio Ferriz-Mas | Univ. de Vigo, Spain | Participant |
Adam Frankowski | CAC, Warsaw, Poland & ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Arno Gadola | Univ. Zürich, Switzerland | Participant |
Cyril Georgy | Geneva Observatory, Switzerland | Participant |
Satenik Ghazaryan | Byurakan Observatory, Armenia | Participant |
Gianluca Giavitto | IFAE, Spain | Participant |
Laetitia Gibaud | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Janusz Gil | Univ. of Zielona Gora, Poland | Participant |
Nectaria Gizani | Hellenic Open Univ., Greece | Participant |
Daniel Goering | ECAP, Erlangen, Germany | Participant |
Maria Magdalena Gonzalez | UNAM, Mexico | Participant |
Oliver Grimm | ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Participant |
David Gruber | MPE, Garching, Germany | Participant |
Daniela Hadasch | IEEC-CSIC, Spain | Participant |
Petter Hofverberg | MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany | Participant |
Ben Huber | Univ. of Zürich, Switzerland | Participant |
Rene Hudec | Astr. Inst. Ondrejov, Czech Republic | Participant |
Gareth Hughes | DESY, Zeuthen, Germany | Participant |
Wako Ishibashi | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Constanze Jahn | ECAP, Erlangen, Germany | Participant |
Vladimir Kulikovskiy | INFN di Genova, Italy & Moscow State University, Russia | Participant |
Helene Laffon | LLR/Polytechnique, France | Participant |
Dario Lattuada | Lab. Nat. del Sud Catania, Italy | Participant |
Eva Lefa | MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany | Participant |
Jean-Philippe Lenain | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Jean-Christophe Leyder | IAG, Liège, Belgique | Participant |
Martine Logossou | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Organizer |
Francesco Lombardi | INFN Gran Sasso, Italy | Participant |
Chia-Chun Lu | MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany | Participant |
Denys Malyshev | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland | Participant |
Antonios Manousakis | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Martino Marelli | IASF-INAF Milano, Italy | Participant |
Walter Max-Moerbeck | Caltech, USA | Participant |
Daniel Mazin | IFAE, Spain | Participant |
Jérémie Méhault | LPTA, Montpellier, France | Participant |
George Melikidze | Univ. of Zielona Gora, Poland | Participant |
Michal Michno | Ruhr-Univ., Bochum, Germany | Participant |
Andrii Neronov | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Nakisa Nooraee | DIAS, Dublin, Ireland | Participant |
Tanja Nymark | Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden | Participant |
Alessandro Paggi | Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy | Participant |
Norman Palma | Astro. Inst., USA | Participant |
Lucia Pavan | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Oleh Petruk | Inst. for Applied Problems, Ukraine | Participant |
Maura Pilia | Univ. dell'Insubria, Italy | Participant |
Elisa Prandini | INFN & Univ. of Padova, Italy | Participant |
Nicolas Produit | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Ignasi Reichardt | Inst. de Fisica d'Altes Energies, Spain | Participant |
Jenny Reimchen | Ruhr-Univ., Bochum, Germany | Participant |
Riho Reinthal | Tuorla Obs., Univ. of Turku, Finland | Participant |
Mathieu Ribordy | LPHE - IPEP - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland | Participant |
Claudio Ricci | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Narek Sahakyan | Inst. for Physical Research, Armenia | Participant |
Pierre Erwan Saouter | Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Volodymyr Savchenko | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Agnieszka Slowikowska | Univ. of Zielona Gora, Poland | Participant |
Iva Snidaric | Institut Ruder Boskovic, Croatia | Participant |
Burkhard Steinke | MPI für Physik, Munich, Germany | Participant |
Kornelia Stycz | ECAP, Erlangen, Germany | Participant |
Andrew Taylor | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Gordana Tesic | McGill Univ., Canada | Participant |
Andrea Tramacere | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Marc Türler | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Organizer |
Aion Viana | IRFU/CEA-Saclay, Paris, France | Participant |
Gabriela Soledad Vila | Inst. of Radioastronomy, Argentina | Participant |
Patrick Vogler | ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Participant |
Ievgen Vovk | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Participant |
Roland Walter | ISDC, Geneva, Switzerland | Organizer |
Quirin Weitzel | ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Participant |
Michael Zacharias | Ruhr-Univ., Bochum, Germany | Participant |
Olga Zacharopoulou | MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany | Participant |
Anna Zajczyk | CAMK, Warsaw, Poland | Participant |
Juan Zurita | IRFU/CEA-Saclay, Paris, France | Participant |