40th Saas-Fee Course
Astrophysics at Very-High Energies

Travel information

Additional information is available on the official site of Les Diablerets.

Getting to Les Diablerets

By air:
The closest airport is the Geneva airport, located about 120 km away (about 2-2.5 hours away by train from Les Diablerets), serving many European destinations. The main international airport in Switzerland is Zurich airport, situated about 250 km away (4-5h by train from Les Diablerets). A third possibility is Basel-Mulhouse airport, located at a similar distance from Les Diablerets as Zurich airport.
By rail:
The village of Les Diablerets can be easily reached by train. From all trains, you will have to change in Aigle to take a small mountain train up to Les Diablerets. There are trains leaving directly both from the Geneva and Zurich airports. You can find the time table and check the connections from European cities at
By road:

Visa regulations

Switzerland does not require a visa for visits shorter than 90 days for most countries. However, please, check the Visa regulations for the entry to Switzerland for specific countries.


Switzerland has its own currency, the Swiss Franc (CHF). While credit cards are widely accepted, it is advisable to carry at least some amount of cash, e.g. in order to pay for a snack or for public transportation in cities. Money can be changed at airports and at the larger train stations, at banks, and in hotels (where the rates may be less advantageous).